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Hillary’s Scandalous Reign ~ She didn’t fool most of us and that is evident by our new President of the United States Mr. Donald J. Trump. ~ Natalie
Now after President Trump’s first year in office, it is still hard for Americans to be watching all this corruption unfold while Special Counsel Robert Mueller, appointed by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, is still trying to prove there was collusion between Russia and President Trump. For those of us who support President Trump, we feel helpless but we are certainly trying to fight this corruption through social media platforms to inform ourselves with the real truth.
It took Uranium One to shed the most light on all this corruption. I called it a Criminal Enterprise after reading Peter Schweizer’s exceptional book “Clinton Cash”. Now it’s exposed, the fake Trump Dossier was funded by Hillary’s campaign and the DNC. With the help of Hillary’s co-conspirators, Cody Shearer and Johnathan Winer, including the failing FBI and the opposition research firm Fusion GPS, Christopher Steele, a former MI6 agent, was hired to write the Trump Dossier. The dossier was then used to illegally obtain a FISA warrant to wiretap and unmask the incoming President and his administration before he took office.
Initially when President Trump took office, there were leaks coming from the White House and there were several shake-ups in the administration to identify and stop these leaks which were trying to compromise President Trump and his administration.
Amidst the current political events that have transpired within the last months, most of us continue to participate in this very charged political arena. Someone asked me, “Where’s your proof Ms. Natalie.” Here is my proof; in 150 articles, I wrote covering the extremely disturbing pattern of criminal behavior from former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and President Obama and his administration. All the articles have links to reputable credible sources and journalists who explained in great detail the political events and crimes that transpired before, during and after the President took office.
Special Counsel Robert Mueller continues with this sham of an investigation even after The House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence reported there was no evidence of collusion between Trump & Russia. The committee announced the release of the report on Monday March 13, 2018, 426 days after the panel started its investigation into Russian interference in the election. Seventy-three interviews have been conducted in that time span, and more than 300,000 documents have been reviewed, according to committee Republicans.
Many have asked why doesn’t Special Counsel Robert Mueller and the Democrats ask for a Special Counsel into Obama and Hillary’s more than criminal behavior? Impaneling a federal grand jury for the prosecution to plea bargain with those who are pleading the fifth and refusing to answer questions during the House Intelligence Committee, the House Judiciary Committee and the House Oversight Committee hearings would help for those to answer the questions truthfully. But it appears that Hillary’s maniacal criminal pattern of behavior doesn’t bother the Democrats and certainly not President Obama and his administration. The House Oversight Committee was supposed to continue to investigate Hillary’s unsecured private email server where she exposed at the minimum, 22 SCI top secret classified documents and hold Mrs. Clinton accountable for her crimes. Mrs. Clinton has more than perjured herself during the questioning in the initial committee hearings that took place.
Well over a year, Attorney General Jeff Sessions will still not appoint a Special Counsel to impanel a federal grand jury to indict Obama and Hillary for their serious unconstitutional crimes. Constitutionally, Attorney General Jeff Sessions has a “duty to direct and supervise litigation” conducted by the DOJ. Ethically, professionally and legally, Sessions cannot continue to ignore his supervisory obligations like dismissing Mueller from a non-campaign investigation case.
Reading, writing and verifying credible sources like objective journalists helped the most to write this historical criminal enterprise review that has yet to indict Obama and Hillary. After all this research, I came to find out that I wasn’t going to support Hillary Clinton just because she pretends to be who she verifiably is not.
Here are the articles and then you might want to re-evaluate your opinion or not; that’s up to you as an individual US citizen to decide for yourself. With reverence and putting aside our political differences, it would be more productive to come together and get along as Americans. To openly respect each other’s opinions and have respectful conversations.
I believe one of the most important crimes to be exposed will be Hillary colluding with the Russian Veropharm pharmaceutical companies while sanctions were placed on Russia. Joseph Rago was a Wall Street Journal editor who was investigating Hillary Clinton’s link to the 2014 sale of Veropharm (one of Russia’s largest medical companies) to the American medical giant Abbott Laboratories. Rago had documents to prove how a Russian pharmaceutical firm was purchased in 2014 by an American pharmaceutical firm while there were sanctions placed on Russia. Well, we already know that Hillary Clinton doesn’t follow local state, federal or international policy laws.
- List of Corruption 2018
- Child Trafficking and Pedophile Rings in the US, a Worldwide Epidemic
- The Indictment and Prosecution of Hillary Clinton Trial of the Century
- Wall Street Financial Analyst Charles Ortel on the Clinton Foundation
- Uranium One Scandal ~ Trump Dossier
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- Is it Time To Fire Jeff Sessions?
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- ’28 Pages’ Investigation of Saudi Arabia linked to 9/11
- The President’s Successes
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- Mock Trial on Hillary Clinton by a Special Prosecutor
- Clinton’s Criminal Enterprise Tarnishes the FBI’s Investigation
- Checkmate Hillary Clinton Now Trapped In The Far Left Corner
- Hollywood’s Legacy, Before and After Harvey Weinstein #Metoo
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- An Article Reposted ~ Congressmen Dialing for Dollars January 4, 2017
- Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton’s Op-ed December 16, 2016
- The Face of Hillary Clinton ~ A Personal Story December 4, 2016
- Post Election Panic and Angst November 12, 2016
- Updated President Obama Invites President Elect Trump To The White House November 10, 2016
- Update After Election November 8, 2016 November 4, 2016
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- Exposing Secrets and Asking Those Questions September 28, 2016
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