They are resonating with voters emotional and socio-economic status through their presidential primary race. I hope that the unbound delegates and the super delegates will represent the people’s vote and not their personal biases based on their given party and affect the outcome of a contested convention. Both candidates agree 100% that they are not driven or affected by the rich and wealthy of this country.
Playing it safe within the boundaries of old policies and coalitions where other countries are not contributing their share and the United States has been picking up the difference in American dollars towards NATO. Mr. Trump during his campaign brought up this issue. It is imperative that the next President of the United States assign the Secretary of State to work with other officials and look into the United States contribution in dollars compared to the other countries contributions therefore meeting with leaders, prime ministers to increase their equal participation towards NATO coalition efforts. At the same time their may be specific policies and processes that may need to be redefined and updated. The leaders of other countries understand our position to equalize and include everyone’s share in NATO’s future to secure our world.
In the past and present congress continues to be stagnant and nothing is affecting or changing this. There is an impenetrable transparency wall around congress made up of old ideologies and false declarations and policies that is failing the United States as a whole country. I myself never again want to see congress shutdown the government as in 2013 where Ted Cruz was one of the main contributors and supporters shutting down the governent. The opposition that exists within congress is a real problem and something has to be done or implemented to address this issue.
Within a manager and employee relationship there are yearly evaluations that are done on the performance of an employee thus the manager and the employee communicate more effectively and the employee is held to a standard of his/her responsibilities to do their job. The GOP in congress is not being held accountable to perform their jobs and they continue to be extremely stubborn and not hold the proper hearing and vetting process for the current nominee Merrick Garland who is more than qualified and should be appointed to the supreme court. The government shutdown in 2013 was another extreme violation of this countries well being. If there was a state of emergency during this shutdown we would have not been able to address this problem immediately. With this said this kind of opposition has affected and disfranchised many of the American people deserving an equal chance to change their lives for the better.
Super PACs, large rich companies, and Wall Street are investing millions and millions of dollars going to help one republican Ted Cruz and one democrat Ms. Hillary Clinton not to mention all the other republican candidates that are no longer campaigning in the race for president. The distribution of this kind of money going to a campaign process and nothing is really being done in monetary value to help the people of Flint City. It remains paralyzed in one of the worst contamination’s of water affecting young children’s health permanently. The point being that these capable rich resources and the government is presently not addressing this issue as a priority and correcting the problem as soon as possible.
There also has to be more border control security checks and surveillance in all our countries. It is imperative that proper security checks and border patrols in the United States and European countries continue to be vigilant and effective. With the threat of a possible nuclear terrorist attack, a dirty bomb the size of an apple would potentially wipe out a large city for decades to come. Implementing a coalition effort to build and support a real time terrorist tracking database system shared between the U.S. and the European countries would help tremendously.
Implementing incentives for large companies continuing to invest, keep and bring back their job opportunities to the United States would help tremendously with job opportunities.
For many young people college tuition is non-affordable. Ivy league elite colleges need to increase these opportunities to more minorities in the United States. Presently educational opportunities in elite colleges are going to the students that come from abroad and are wealthy. Making college tuition more competitive should decrease the exorbitant amounts per semester and yearly college tuition that is non-affordable for many young people. Mr. Bernie Sanders talked about about implementing an incentive program for all large rich companies and wall street to contribute a percentage of money that would go to a fund then to the students giving them the opportunity to enroll and get their college education. After all we bailed out their mistake in the 2008. We all have to give back that’s really the law of the land and the living.
Drugs are infiltrating our states and therefore are cities and small towns across America. There is a small northern town in New Mexico that is suffering exceedingly beyond control where the young are getting addicted to Heroin and many are overdosing. This problem has been rampant and for some reason the local, city, and state police hasn’t addressed this drug problem with preventive drug sting operations to stop the bleeding of Heroin infiltrating into these small towns and killing our young adults.
Regarding our health insurance the more competitive among the health insurance companies the more affordable and accessible to help American lives get better.
Everyone of us in this country is affected by all the problems and issues we need to address and correct for the United States to prosper and lead as a nation.
Keeping you informed ~ Natalie Keshing