Paul Krugman Gives The Worst Reason To Vote For Hillary Clinton:
©Natalie Keshing
About Natalie Keshing
Paul Krugman Gives The Worst Reason To Vote For Hillary Clinton: Mr. Krugman, dare I say you are wrong and here’s why. The environment and climate change takes the back burner to the tensions and catastrophic events occurring in Syria mixed with Russia, ISIS, and the UN countries, including the United States trying to negotiate right at this minute as I respond to your article and opinion.
Just today, broadcast globally was a meeting in Lausanne, Switzerland which Secretary of State John Kerry attended. In addition to Secretary of State John Kerry was the Russian Diplomat Sergei Lavrov, UN Syria envoy Staffan de Mistura, including regional powers from Iran, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar; all nations that back Syrian opposition forces. All very present at that meeting with stoic faces. No one at that table looked particularly happy or negotiable. There doesn’t seem to be an immediate answer or negotiation regarding this mountainous uprising of destruction and horror, the likes you and I have never seen before erupting in Syria.
On top of that, there is North Korea, flexing its nuclear muscle consistently; launching 21 missiles into the sea for the last ten months and the fourth nuclear test in 2016. I wrote several articles trying to bring this to the mainstream’s media attention. Here are a few of my words on this subject.
“In response to North Korea’s 21 missiles already launched in 2016 including land and submarine based launches and conducting its fourth nuclear test in January, 2016, South Korea and the United States had already put in place a site in the South to deploy the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) anti-missile system to counter threats from the North. The imminent threat is challenging and bringing old rivals like Japan and South Korea closer together. Placing more heated pressure on China as Washington pushes Beijing to do more to stop its ally as tensions over the South China Sea simultaneously complicate cooperation. Prompting a new international push for tougher sanctions like those placed on Iran to force Iran to the negotiating table.”
Worrying and trying to predict what the Senate or House might do or eventually become is not on the minds of most Americans today. Considering a good majority of the American people are not prospering equally in the United States; thanks to no help from our Congress and Senate, Wall Street, rich executive corporations building their headquarters in another country to pay less taxes; Goldman Sachs, etc. Let them bear part of the shame, blame and lack of empathy for the American people.
Then we have our own national problems to contend with including racial inequality and extreme tension and our education system lacking the monetary and inspirational value to keep our students in school. Lack of good paying jobs throughout this country and never mind the health care system that was implemented and has already imploded; while health insurance companies bail and leave those citizens without health insurance, without a doctor, without medicines, prescriptions, reasonable assurance that they can be helped in their city where they reside here in the United States.
You brought this up, the thorn on our side that has insidiously infected our government and law enforcement departments (Department of Justice, US Attorney General and the FBI) with puss spewing out constantly from Hillary Clinton going mad at the chance of never becoming the Commander-in-Chief televised daily; the Clintons and their money slush fund machine; the Clinton Foundation. Where Hillary Clinton back stabbed the American people accepting huge foreign donations from our adversaries; including stealing from African countries for their rich mineral deposits, oil, natural gas, and gold in “pay for play” corrupted schemes.
Leaving the African people and the children without prospering and realizing their dreams with the money that came from the African people’s rich mineral deposits that belongs to the people of Africa. Now all this money is sitting in Swiss offshore bank accounts or shell companies as in the Panama Papers scandal; to hide the stealing, the greed, the lack of integrity and dignity it took to rape Africa and America combined by the Clintons.
America needs to understand that Hillary and Bill Clinton had no problem strategically placing themselves in something that was premeditated long before she even agreed to sign a memorandum of understanding because of the huge potential of a conflict of interest. President Obama as Senator then, wrote and sent a memo to reporters extensively explaining and detailing Senator Hillary Clinton’s questionable “personal, financial, and political ties to India. Hillary Clinton, as Secretary of State was privy to all sovereign information and she turned around and sold her power, title, and influence for money.
Then FBI Director James Comey, knowing he was Vice-President of Lockheed Martin, his former employer (from 2005-2010) was then negotiating with Hillary Clinton Secretary of State (2009-2013) on numerous contracts that were awarded to Lockheed Martin by the State Department for arms development. During Clinton’s tenure as Secretary of State, the State Department approved $165 billion worth of commercial arms sales. This was an immense amount of arms sales to countries who were foreign adversaries then turned around and donated money to the Clinton Foundation 2010 and 2012. Lockheed Martin made an incredible amount of money, foreign adversaries bought arms sales from the United States, and the Clinton’s were paid in millions donating to the Clinton Foundation/Slush Fund. Hillary Clinton and James Comey armed our foreign adversaries and you can bet ISIS.
But just to be certain and correct, I do believe in the seriousness of global warming as glaciers melt away and water rises all around the world. But please don’t try to make your political point on behalf of the Clintons; mainstream media is doing enough of that.