Clinton’s Criminal Enterprise Tarnishes the FBI’s Investigation: 05/15/17
©Natalie Keshing
About Natalie Keshing
FBI investigators are extremely dissatisfied with former fired FBI Director James Comey’s injustices and his machinations to protect Hillary Clinton at all cost. Even writing Hillary Clinton’s exoneration letter on April, 2016 then announcing to the public on July 5, 2016 that no prosecutor could prove intention of breaking the law.
But the word was, investigators and agents wanted to bring Hillary’s epic criminal case to justice and some even threatened mutiny within the FBI. They could longer stand to be silenced by those in power who were corrupt and aligned with former President Obama and his administration corruption. All those involved in the Criminal Enterprise with less integrity, conviction and moral compass to do the right thing.
The most disheartening and worrisome is the new Department of Justice Attorney General Jeff Sessions and the FBI Director Christopher Wray are completely ignoring the calls of American citizens and President Trump to enforce the federal laws Hillary Clinton violated time and time again.
There is no end to this epic criminal case. This criminal corruption is weighing down American citizens morale. This is damaging the country’s belief in our law enforcement agencies. Until a Special Counsel is appointed and given the task to seek justice we will be forced to live under a veil of insidious corruption.
Prior to Election Day on November 8, 2016, Comey announced there was new evidence discovered and brought to their attention. 650,000 emails were discovered on Huma Abedin’s husbands lap top. Within a very short time frame Comey announced the emails had been investigated and there was nothing more to add to the case.
The rumor was Comey was feared by his internal people. FBI agents involved in the Hillary Clinton investigation were asked to sign a case briefing acknowledgement which was unusual and alarming. Read more about this in the next link.
Polls Decline for Hillary Clinton
Tom Fitton, President of Judicial Watch found out that a Grand Jury had been convened for the Hillary Clinton investigation. But nothing went further that to their knowledge of the case.
Judicial Watch: FBI Court Filling Reveals Grand Jury Targeted Hillary Clinton:
It is imperative that American citizens start calling on Attorney General Jeff Sessions and the FBI to thoroughly investigate Hillary Clinton’s email scandal and her violations against the Constitution, Title18-793f Espionage Act and Charity Fraud Solicitation Law misusing the Clinton Foundation as a Slush Fund.
Extremely insecure about country’s existence
You are a lifeline.
What a beautiful compliment Robert. If I am, then I can extend all my willfulness and resilience to those who are particularly having a bad day. Oh, how I know those moments, those challenges and yet somehow I got through it. There’s always an angel watching every human spirit get through those challenges. Some people might think I’m crazy, but I know, that I’m not and I’m not bashful even though I would like to pretend that sometimes I am (Bashful!). Lol Thank you for being my friend. Your support means everything. ~ Natalie
If I can bring some measure of clarity and strength with this article that you and others feeling so shocked inspired me to write .