Not So Fast Editorial wizards and fortune tellers saying,
“Sooner or later, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is going to clinch the Democratic nomination outright. She will have to knit the fractious Democratic coalition back together.”
Can rich companies continue to justify their behavior when the truth is that the United States is in need of real change? Do they look at themselves in the mirror and consciously and honestly continue to short change people? We all have to contribute and make real change for this country the United States of America to prosper. When did “United” gradually fall to the wayside? There has to be real change in our governing policies to prevent such divisiveness. It’s plain and simple, the evidence is there, the rich and here are the poor.
And if we are going to define Hillary Clinton’s campaign and legacy then let’s not forget her radical perspective and vote to support and invade Iraq, the Secretary of State and the State Department criticized for denying requests for additional security at the consulate prior to the Benghazi Islamic attacks Killing U.S. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and U.S. Foreign Service Information Management Officer Sean Smith to Hillary Clinton’s own personal (secretive) computer server still under investigation. Raising all her campaign money from Wall Street, big rich companies, superPACs and celebrities. The accumulation of poor representation and bad judgement from supporting President Bush to invade Iraq to all the fat cats in Wall Street swinging on a pendulum of greed and including a scheme of Consolidated Debt Obligations collectively breaking our economy in September, 2008.
You know, what really confounds me about the candidacy of Hillary Clinton, is that there appears to be no ongoing dialog around her about anything substantive I’m unable to recall even 1 point on what she stands for that reflects any good intentions for the people, at large. I see references to her financial wherewithal, yet that translates into nothing regarding her leadership ability or even an inkling about repairing the gaps in the system-only references to big party interests getting stoked somewhere along the line. What a service you’ve done in helping clean out the cobwebs around policy actions. Thank you..
Wow, thank you so much. Truly appreciated.
Thank you so much Robert.
What a great point Robert this is very true there isn’t anything relating to her that is substantive and until yesterday she had hid a real BIG SECRET. I worked in Los Alamos Nattional Laboratory and I had a Q Clearance that was top of the line back then. But with that came a responsibility to your employer, your governement and that’s tremendously important in these days where all are classified data is tucked away somewhere where hackers are doing their jobs hacking. Not a good thing.