Checkmate Hillary Clinton Now Trapped In The Far Left Corner: 05/15/17
©Natalie Keshing
About Natalie Keshing
Back on November 3, 2016 there was the truth that was continually surfacing on all fronts. From Wikileaks, Judicial Watch, the FBI re-opening the investigation on Hillary’s email scandal and investigating the Clinton Foundation. We were lead to believe that the FBI was re-investigating and re-questioning Hillary’s top aides and there was an additional investigation regarding Anthony Weiner’s under age sexting and that enormously invaluable laptop containing 650,000 emails.
Hillary Clinton’s aides and supporters still have been absolutely loyal to a fault; corruption. While mainstream media is still refusing to cover, mention or discuss what has been reported repeatedly since March, 2015 and continues to be through Judicial Watch.
Those Hillary’s supporters from the rich elite in Manhattan, NY to Washington DC and those co-conspirators with their unrelenting support for the former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who didn’t become President of the United States in election 2016.
“I didn’t believe Hillary Clinton would make it that far. If she had, this country would have been embroiled in turmoil and the country’s well being and national security would have continued to be exposed and suffer the consequences. Hillary Clinton’s diabolism is now cornered. The Queen of this Presidency is in the far left corner, a knight on her right is two steps away; two pawns directly in front of her, one pawn may have to be sacrificed (one or several of her aides); a bishop is lurking two steps diagonally protecting the pawn; and last but not least the rook to her right…checkmate Hillary.” And I was right she didn’t make it that far…Natalie
This has all come to pass we now have a new President of the United States President Trump.
On that Friday before election 2016 on November 8th, many of us were on stand by feeling that November was going to surprise us. That the former FBI Director James Comey was going to share and expose the undisputable damaging evidence related to this historical epic criminal case.
All those Hillary’s corner her co-conspirators and her biggest supporters will still have to go into overdrive to try and protect her or will they save themselves this time or go down with Hillary Clinton?
At the time, word out there was that an indictment was still in the works. Then again former FBI Director James Comey could have chosen to wait until after November 8th to make a stunning announcement on the following Friday or sooner. Well, we waited and nothing came from anyone.
Today, on 05/15/17 Tom Fitton, President of Judicial Watch just recently found out that a Grand Jury had targeted Hillary Clinton. That was news to him and most of us.
Judicial Watch: FBI Court Filling Reveals Grand Jury Targeted Hillary Clinton:
It was an enormous gamble and stress to put this country through the worst election in political history. No other Presidential nominee has been under an FBI investigation and should have been indicted for multiple upon multiple violations against rules, laws, and regulations leading to multiple crimes in the email and Clinton Foundation investigation.
President Trump can concentrate on those pertinent issues first and foremost while the new Department of Justice Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and the new FBI Director can re-open and continue with fierce determination and dedication to work on this case bringing all those involved to justice.
If the former Democrat Presidential Nominee Hillary Clinton had won the election, maybe she would have faced an impeachment and indictment. But that might not have been the case; IF SHE HAD WON! All those in the List of Corruption where ever they are will still be scrambling about. Now Democrat Congressmen and Senators are in an uproar and the country still continues to suffer these lasting damaging effects of Hillary Clinton’s historical epic criminal case and scandal.
Looking back on November 2, 2016 there were numerous explosive new details that could have dramatically altered the outcome of this election and it did. Some were left with the impression that the FBI’s investigation was still pursuing the allegations in ‘pay for play’ schemes maybe documented in those 650,000 newly discovered emails on Anthony Weiner’s laptop who shared with his wife Huma Abedin, former Deputy Chief of Staff for Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and again this was in violation of Title 18 the Espionage Act 793f.
On that day Fox News, Sean Hannity reported, “There is an avalanche of new information coming in everyday. Authorities now believe that there’s a 99% chance that up to five foreign intelligence agencies may have accessed Hillary Clinton’s servers and taken these emails.”
Is this still true? Announced on Fox News by Chief Intelligence Correspondent Catherine Herridge said, “FBI’s agents are working on the Clinton Foundation case out of four offices across the country, including Southern California, Arkansas, Washington DC and New York. Multiple sources say that the Justice Department has been tapping the brakes on this investigation, by blocking access to a grand jury.” Also reported in the FBI investigation into Anthony Weiner’s personal laptop, there does appear to be classified information.”
Wikileaks continued to expose more collusion between the Clinton criminal enterprise and the Department of Justice. Assistant attorney general at the Department of Justice, Peter Kadzik shared information from the congressional investigation of Hillary Clinton with his friend John Podesta, Hillary’s Campaign Chairman. Peter Kadzik also helped John Podesta stay out of jail during Bill Clinton’s administration.
Kadzik was then helping lead the Justice Department’s role with the renewed FBI investigation into Hillary Clinton’s email server. Time and time again repeated conflicts of interests. Attorney General Loretta Lynch and Peter Kadzik should have immediately recuse themselves from Hillary Clinton’s email and Clinton Foundation investigations.