Hillary Clinton’s Cover-up:
Yesterday Hillary Clinton called Donald Trump a fraud. They say, “It takes one to know one. This classic retort dates back to the 1900’s.
“Today on the New York Times Hillary Clinton is to paint Donald Trump as a threat to world order.”
Hillary Clinton spinning her web of deceit and conspiracy entangling Hackers (How Many?), Enemies against our national security, 1,100 foreign donations made to Giustra Enterprise Partnership CGEPartnership bundling these donations then depositing into the Clinton Foundation scheme, Goldman Sachs Candidate, Officials beyond her closest aides, Long-time Consigliere Cheryl Mills and her lawyer Beth Wilkinson, Huma Abedin Clinton’s Deputy Chief of Staff, State Department Inspector General, FBI agents, Justice Department prosecutors, United States Attorney’s Office, 32,000 e-mails she deleted and nation’s top secret classified documents including the SAP, 17 agencies that spend tens of billions of our dollars annually to collect and, crucially, to protect the secrets on which our security depends on, etc.
For more detailed information here is Andrew McCarthy’s excellent editorial piece from the National Review titiled: Obama’s Growing Conflict of Interest in the Clinton E-Mail Scandal “Moreover, classified information so pervades the thousands of pages of e-mails communicated through and stored on Mrs. Clinton’s unsecured, homebrew server system that the court-ordered disclosure process has ground to a halt. Remember, Mrs. Clinton reviewed her e-mails before finally surrendering them to the State Department, and she initially insisted there was no classified information in them. Now, it turns out they were so threaded with classified information that the State Department and intelligence agencies have fallen hopelessly behind the court’s disclosure schedule: The task of reviewing the e-mails and redacting the portions whose publication could harm national security has proved much more complicated than anticipated. Thousands of remaining e-mails, and any embarrassing lapses they contain, will be withheld from voters until well into primary season.”
“Hillary Clinton committed a breach of national security and in turn changing our world forever. Based on her actions and insistence to work on a homebrew computer server unprotected; unsecured.”©Natalie Keshing
“If Hillary Clinton wins the nomination for President she will definitely continue NOT TO comply and find a way, as she did before, Dialing for Dollars to raise more money for the Clinton Foundation that masks as a scheme to raise money for charitable donations. I can bet that she is looking forward to this, and even more, as President of the United States, selling the highest status, title and influence for money laundering schemes all from foreign donations.”©Natalie Keshing
“It’s really comparable to a gambling an addict. If a gambling addict wins an abnormal amount of money say ($10,000) in one gambling experience, they crave for more and more and it becomes an addiction to win big! At no matter the cost and expense. They gamble with their livelihood and others for higher stakes.” ©Natalie Keshing
“Perhaps the FBI investigation is still trying to determine whether foreign powers, especially China or Russia, gained access to Hillary Clinton’s private server. I think it’s not safe to assume that foreign powers in China or Russia did not have access to hundreds of thousands classified documents. On a televised interview just last night Hillary Clinton said the State Department DID KNOW about her homebrew e-mail server because they had detected someone was trying to hack her personal e-mail server. Well, if that’s true then they knew, because they had to detect the hacker coming in through the back door, identify where, and when to proceed with action. But I’m not entirely convinced Hillary Clinton is telling the truth. Just this was ONE time; probably of many. They (hackers behind espionage activity) most likely did hack her computer and did have access to countless classified documents including the most critical they refer to as SAP. Still today, on June 2, 2016, everyone on the news media and in Washington are continuing with normalcy in these surreal and serious circumstances in this election race.”©Natalie Keshing
“The FBI has yet to inform us what action they will take on behalf of all these facts. For those officials who were aware of Hillary’s callous disobedience and her lack of conscience for the American people’s national security they have to do their job and address this situation with complete honor and the truth.” ©Natalie Keshing
The Democrats’ Likely Nominee Appears to Be a Felon — “This is not business as usual or a normal election process with this imminent problem at our heels, still possibly disrupting our national security. Sill trying to find, to who did Hillary Clinton compromise our national security to. She knew what she was doing and therefore she erased as many documents as she could; all 32,000.”©Natalie Keshing
North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un has been consistently launching missiles into the sea for the last few months. Why now? Is this more than a coincidence. In particular, just recently, he launched a behemoth missile where there were problems with the execution.
“The inspector general found that Mrs. Clinton “Had an obligation to discuss using her personal email account to conduct official business” with department officials but that, contrary to her claims that the department “allowed” the arrangement, there was “no evidence” she had requested or received approval for it.”
“Mrs. Clinton’s use of a private server was known by some officials beyond her closest aides, but no one in the State Department told her directly to use the department’s official email. When two officials in the record-keeping division raised concerns in 2010, their superior “instructed the staff never to speak of the secretary’s personal email system again,” the report said.”
“In November 2010, her deputy chief of staff for operations prodded her about “putting you on State email” to protect her email from spam. Mrs. Clinton declined. She replied that while she would consider using a separate address or device, “I don’t want any risk of the personal being accessible.”
“I suppose Huma Abedin, Deputy Chief of Staff, at this point realized the seriousness of the issue and situation and was probably trying to protect herself, her job, her career, her family, her integrity as far as she was concerned. But Hillary remained defiant and didn’t give it even a second thought. Remember the gambling addict.” ©Natalie Keshing
“It noted that Mrs. Clinton sent or received most of the emails that traversed her server from a mobile device, her BlackBerry. Department officials told the inspector general’s office that “Secretary Clinton never demonstrated to them that her private server or mobile device met minimum information security requirements.”
Now we get further into this investigation and it’s mudslinging conspiracy: “There was an extraordinary report in Tuesday’s Washington Post about the Clinton e-mail investigation. It involved the government’s interview of longtime Clinton consigliere Cheryl Mills. It details how the Justice Department attorneys made an agreement with Mills’s attorney to cut off questioning about a key aspect of the case.” Cheryl Mills deposition.
For more detailed information here is Andrew McCarthy’s excellent editorial piece from the National Review titiled: Obama’s Justice Department shields Cheryl Mills from FBI’s questions
“Cheryl Mills who was represented at the interview by a lawyer named Beth Wilkinson. As is customary in these situations, the questioning was conducted jointly by FBI agents and Justice Department prosecutors. Yet when things got dicey, it seems the Justice Department prosecutors worked jointly with Ms. Wilkinson to block the FBI from asking about Mills’s collusion with Clinton in the belated provision of thousands of Clinton’s e-mails to State — provided only after nearly 32,000 of those e-mails were deleted.”
“All this facts are extremely damaging to Hillary Clinton’s character and her unwillingness to comply with national security implementations. I’m afraid that President Obama made a grave mistake appointing her as Secretary of State, and if he was informed sooner then later this must have caused him many sleepless nights. I would have called her into my office; alone. I would have immediately told her that her server would be disconnected. Then I probably would have had to make the hardest choice but an extremely important decision to fire her on behalf of this country’s national security.” ©Natalie Keshing
“So egregious have the scandal’s latest developments been that a critical State Department admission from last week has received almost no coverage: Eighteen e-mails between Mrs. Clinton and President Obama have been identified, and the government is refusing to disclose them.”
“Hillary Clinton’s 1,100 donations dependent on her title in Washington as Secretary of State, because she was self-dealing, selling her influence for money to many foreign connections. Who these people were? We may never know, unless further revealed by the FBI investigation. More importantly the FBI indicts Hillary Clinton and they confiscate all her personal and bank account properties.”©Natalie Keshing
“Someone told me this is comparable to Nixon’s Watergate; I disagreed. It’s worse, because Nixon was the President and Hillary Clinton devised all this conspiracy as Secretary of State. If Hillary Clinton were to become President it will more than likely morph into worse circumstances; that’s the bottom line.” ©Natalie Keshing
“The FBI, State Department, the U.S. Attorney’s Office owe us the truth and the action to take on behalf of this nation’s security and indict Hillary Clinton. ‘We have to show the world that we are not gullible and weak when it comes to our national security.’ All her foreign donation contacts already know her price for power and greed.”©Natalie Keshing
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©Natalie Keshing, Editor-in-Chief, natswritings.com