Why does this picture look sinister? This is no laughing matter, Hillary Clinton did not comply with federal state law violating and a felony under section 793F.
In response to Michael Moore’s Blog “5 Reasons Why Trump Will Win“. Pretty harsh name calling for Mr. Trump. Michael Moore said,
“I am sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but I gave it to you straight last summer when I told you that Donald Trump would be the Republican nominee for president. And now I have even more awful, depressing news for you: Donald J. Trump is going to win in November. This wretched, ignorant, dangerous part-time clown and full time sociopath is going to be our next president. President Trump. Go ahead and say the words, ‘cause you’ll be saying them for the next four years: “PRESIDENT TRUMP.”
Perhaps I can be the bearer of good news and hope. Allow me to make my case. Here we go…
No one can predict what the future may hold and if you’re going to complain about Donald Trump winning for President of the United States then you have no one else to blame other than Hillary Clinton for her egregious carelessness handling top secret national security classified documents on unsecured servers. Selling her influence for money for four years as former Secretary of State. Perjuring herself in addition to the State Department finding she did not comply with the rules and regulations of handling top secret classified documents. FBI Director James Comey’s findings were in itself more damaging to Hillary Clinton’s character.
I started off by giving my donation and vote to Bernie Sanders. Based on Bernie Sander’s view, opinion, and vision for the American people I know that this country is in need of enormous change and we need to address serious prejudice issues towards Black American men and the Mexican American population in this country. Not to mention our 19 trillion dollar deficit. If we don’t start bringing down our national debt, we are going to face serious financial issues across the board here in the United Sates; thereby affecting the global economy.
Bernie pointed out Wall Street, SuperPACs, celebrities all contributing to Hillary Clinton’s massive campaign. I’m pointing out the donations to the Clinton Foundation during her four years as Secretary of State, Hillary and Bill Clinton were accepting foreign donations; 1,100. We have yet to find out what all the ramifications and risks were to our national security because the hackers didn’t even have to try that hard to have access to all this classified information.
Bernie pointed out the obvious that one tenth of one percent in this country are the rich and powerful. The 99.9% of us are living from middle income to many well below the poverty line and there isn’t an equal distribution of a well balanced economic society here in America; shame on Congress.
Through the voting process Hillary’s campaign was able to start influencing the superDelegates throughout the nation well before the primary Democratic voting started. This is in itself proved to be a very complicated voting process due to states having different caucus and primary voting rules. It turned out to be a rigged voting system not only for the Democratic party but the Republican as well.
Along with this, there was the Dialing for Dollars scandal that was brought into the open by 60 Minutes. Congressmen spending more than 4 hours a day marketing themselves by calling the very rich to donate for the party and for the individual senators and congressmen who were up for re-election.
Then you start counting the 255 soft target shootings since the Columbine shootings on April 20, 1999 in the United States. Add to this the ISIS terrorists attacks here in the United States and around the world globally. The threat being now palpable for so many around the world.
The Republican National Convention came to a close last Thursday on a high note. I am an independent voter, but I have decided to give all my support to Donald Trump. Like so many of us out there I don’t think I could stand Hillary Clinton going into office as the President of the United States. She was extremely careless handling top secret national security classified documents on several unsecured servers. Demonstrating and giving her utmost attention for four years as former Secretary of State to her personal work, which was to raise millions and millions of dollars from foreign donations selling her influence for money. I suspect selling her favors and promises. I really don’t want to give her the opportunity to do more damage to this country. I also don’t believe that change will come voting for Hillary Clinton as President of the United States, if anything it’s a dangerous vote to put her as Commander and Chief.
Aside from Donald Trump building a great fortune, most importantly he raised some incredible children. In particular Ivanka, Tiffany, Eric and Donald Jr. They are the biggest contribution Donald Trump will make towards this country. Mr. Trump will take office and I have no doubt he will take action immediately and start changing and working for the American people.
I suspect one of the first issues is to address our NATO contribution with our allies. Contributing our share, and only our share. Over the years we have picked up the tab for some countries, this has built up and cost the United States a great deal more; in the billions of dollars. We also need to re-evaluate and assess the guidelines for NATO to continue to work for us as a nation and with our NATO allies. The money saved here can go towards our national debt. I’m sure the financial advisers for Mr. Trump will advice him on such matters.
I do want to say that as an independent and educated Hispanic woman, I see great potential and leadership in Mr. Trump’s vision for this country. That doesn’t mean that I won’t do everything in my power to be a representation and a beacon of hope for the Hispanic community in this country. I am proud of my heritage and it humbles me to this day. With this said, I take it upon myself to lift people’s confidence around the world; daily at NatsWritings.com. Inspiring and building confidence. I have plenty to share.
For eight years Congress would not work with President Obama; especially the GOP. They will work even less with Hillary Clinton. They don’t have any respect for her. For that reason alone, Donald Trump stands a better chance to work with the GOP and the Democratic party in Congress.
Nothing that President Obama’s administration in addition to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has done for this country is obvious, except for the egregious and terrible mistake to continue to let Hillary Clinton work on unsecured servers practically giving away or selling our national security documents to foreign dignitaries and donors. She herself admitted to Wolf Blitzer on CNN; there were 300 other people who knew about her unsecured personal servers. What does that say for these people in the current administration. Attorney General Loretta Lynch meeting with Bill Clinton two days before Hillary met with the FBI on the SATURDAY of a holiday weekend at the Clinton’s private residence. Then FBI Director James Comey after the Monday Holiday announces his finding on Tuesday. How much more do we need to let this woman get away with before we find ourselves in the worst circumstances based on a woman who really doesn’t care except for her power and influence for money.
Someone asked me and made this comment on social media “I think last night had to be like a watershed event. As in having to take a stand between good and evil.” I answered the following “Sometimes we have to vote for the unknown with the hope and confidence to save this country ~ And In turn The World.” I also added, “Wonderfully put. We are not perfect beings, but purposely putting American live’s at risk disqualifies her (Hillary Clinton). He responded, “If it isn’t her then it’s pretty much Trump. Would that be your choice?” I pointed out my professional view, “Absolutely. Once upon a time I had a Q Clearance. It’s unfathomable to me to do what Hillary Clinton did without understanding the very high risk to the American people’s safety.
I don’t think that the people who are voting for Hillary Clinton are understanding the seriousness of such an insurmountable risk we are taking to elect her as President of the United States.
When I started down this path, I kept asking myself, “Why would Hillary Clinton purposely work on unsecured personal servers as Secretary of State?” And I dug deep. Deep into the articles that nearly a hundred journalists have been writing and trying to make their point regarding her horrible behavior as Secretary of State. I found the answers in all the articles that were written by numerous reputable news journalists – it was selling her influence and title for money.
And you’re trying to convince me to vote for her? Are you out of your mind Michael? I agree with a lot of your views regarding the unfairness and inequality in this world and how that affects every one of us and worse as a society as a whole. But this one Michael, I’m sorry, I have to say no to vote for Hillary Clinton.
You said Michael Moore, “Well, maybe it’s because Trump said (correctly) that the Clinton’s support of NAFTA helped to destroy the industrial states of the Upper Midwest. Donald Trump is going to hammer Clinton on this and her support of the TPP and other trade policies that have royally screwed the people of these four states.”
More of your facts that really support Donald Trump’s trade policies “When Trump stood in the shadow of a Ford Motor factory during the Michigan primary, he threatened the corporation that if they did indeed go ahead with their planned closure of that factory and move it to Mexico, he would slap a 35% tariff on any Mexican-built cars shipped back to the United States. It was sweet, sweet music to the ears of the working class of Michigan, and when he tossed in his threat to Apple that he would force them to stop making their iPhones in China and build them here in America, well, hearts swooned and Trump walked away with a big victory that should have gone to the governor next-door, John Kasich.”
I’m sorry Michael but you’re making your case more for Trump.
“From Green Bay to Pittsburgh, this, my friends, is the middle of England – broken, depressed, struggling, the smokestacks strewn across the countryside with the carcass of what we use to call the Middle Class. Angry, embittered working (and nonworking) people who were lied to by the trickle-down of Reagan and abandoned by Democrats who still try to talk a good line but are really just looking forward to rub one out with a lobbyist from Goldman Sachs (Hillary Clinton is the Goldman Sachs Candidate, they gave her and her son-in-law millions for her commitment to them. They funded her son-in-laws business ©Natalie Keshing) who’ll write them nice big check before leaving the room. What happened in the UK with Brexit is going to happen here.”
“All Trump needs to do to win is to carry, as he’s expected to do, the swath of traditional red states from Idaho to Georgia (states that’ll never vote for Hillary Clinton), and then he just needs these four rust belt states. He doesn’t need Florida. He doesn’t need Colorado or Virginia. Just Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. And that will put him over the top. This is how it will happen in November.”
As far as your comment of the Endangered White Male, you may be referring to the Good Old Boys System. This is true, the GOP’s influence comes from the old men who are trying to make amendments from the constitution centuries ago in a different place and time stick like glue and never raise our ambitions and vision into a new era. ©Natalie Keshing
More Michael Moore on the Hillary problem:
“But her vote for the Iraq War made me promise her that I would never vote for her again. To date, I haven’t broken that promise. For the sake of preventing a proto-fascist from becoming our commander-in-chief, I’m breaking that promise. I sadly believe Clinton will find a way to get us in some kind of military action. She’s a hawk, to the right of Obama.”
Michael, is this another “Mistake” as Hillary continues to shrug it off as “Just a mistake”. I wasn’t born yesterday and “The Hillary Problem” turned into an ISIS radical group that has their foot in the door in every country. Your words not mine “She’s a hawk” who will continue with her illegal behavior only protecting herself and as she put it “I don’t want the personal being accessible” when she was asked by Huma Abiden, her Deputy Chief of Staff who advised to use State e-mail. I’ll tell you the minute I would have seen her arrogantly use her personal e-mail account on unsecured personal servers, I would have started to look for another job.
Your words not mine.
“Let’s face it: Our biggest problem here isn’t Trump – it’s Hillary. She is hugely unpopular — nearly 70% of all voters think she is untrustworthy and dishonest. She represents the old way of politics, not really believing in anything other than what can get you elected. That’s why she fights against gays getting married one moment, and the next she’s officiating a gay marriage.”
More of you making the point more for Trump voters:
“But the kids don’t like her, and not a day goes by that a millennial doesn’t tell me they aren’t voting for her. No Democrat, and certainly no independent, is waking up on November 8th excited to run out and vote for Hillary the way they did the day Obama became president or when Bernie was on the primary ballot. The enthusiasm just isn’t there. And because this election is going to come down to just one thing — who drags the most people out of the house and gets them to the polls — Trump right now is in the catbird seat.”
Your words that while voters will drag themselves to the polls to vote, it will be considered a depressed vote for Hillary Clinton because when you’re young, you have zero tolerance for phonies and BS.
OMG Michael the Jesse Ventura Effect:
“Finally, do not discount the electorate’s ability to be mischievous or underestimate how any millions fancy themselves as closet anarchists once they draw the curtain and are all alone in the voting booth. It’s one of the few places left in society where there are no security cameras.”
Please don’t underestimate my vote or my knowledge as a very proud and educated woman. Hillary Clinton did a great disservice to my gender, this country, families, and to anyone who comes before her path. I will say this, “She is a piece of work” NO SOUL. Shame on her for blatantly and arrogantly putting the American people in harms way by practically advertising all the top secret national security documents. “Completely accessible” to the world because of her incompetence. It’s too late for Bernie to save us and I do have great hope that Donald Trump is a man of his word and no one is going to pull the wool over his eyes. As Hillary Clinton did to President Obama.
©Natalie Keshing
NatsWritings.com or NatalieKeshing.com
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Math