More Than The Hillary Email Scandal: ©Natalie Keshing
It could be that this still may lead to nothing. As many editors, reporters, journalists have written about the the more egregious crimes associated with the Clinton Foundation/Slush Fund I have a sixth sense that there is one newscaster who is disenchanted with the whole coverage to continue to protect the Clintons. Many of us are getting tired as well and no amount of coverage trying to explain her “Mistake” is going to change our minds about her.
This morning I turned on the very early news on CNN and I was first very surprised and then a little hopeful that someone was finally asking the right questions concerning an article that was posted on the NY Times written by Eric Lichtblau titled Emails Renew Questions About Clinton Foundation and State Department Overlap.
There are 1,100 overlaps that are crimes. These are the number of donations from foreign donors that went through the Giustra Clinton Partnership in Canada acting as a trust fund then depositing in the Clinton Foundation/Slush Fund. For the first time someone looks truly concerned from CNN and he wasn’t willing to bow down to the very handy Hillary Clinton political supporters she seems to have in droves and is also influencing and manipulating a good part of the news media and reputable newspapers.
At CNN every evening at the 6:00 o’clock hour, 8:00 pm eastern time the panel of three political analyst sit on one side as opposed to the other three on the other side most of them Hillary Clinton supporters. This type of coverage has become tiresome and not very insightful, partly because many people are starting to question the mainstream media not addressing the elephant in the room. Whose willing to tackle and discuss these very serious crimes all relating to the Clinton Foundation/Slush Fund. Please inform yourselves at or
There is a whole new set of crimes beyond the pale of the news media coverage on the email scandal. The question is why? What were the reasons, the circumstances, the actions that were taking place during all the personal unprotected email scandal for four years. Combining her personal as Hillary Clinton admitted and put it to her Deputy Chief of Staff Huma Abedin “I don’t want the personal to be accessible” when Huma Abedin was trying to get her to use the firewall protected State Department email. Again it is an unbelievable deception of infiltrated deceit and fraud against the Charity Fraud Solicitation Law. All the crimes the Clintons have committed against the United States Constitution, violation of the Espionage Act 793F, and probably the most damaging charity fraud in the billions and billions of dollars against the Charity Fraud Solicitation Law and on top of that the “Agreement” Hillary made with President Obama. That she would refrain from working on the Clinton Foundation as Secretary of State. Huh! she worked on this constantly 24/7, 1,100 times with foreign donors who paid for the sovereign rights she was privy to and had access and permission to grant these sovereign rights to the rich foreign donors of other countries. Deal making with Oligarchs (warlords with the worst inhumane violations; MURDERING innocent people). Stealing the sovereign rights to these rich mineral deposits, oil, gas, and gold mines in the South Sudan, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Nigeria, etc. Soliciting for money donations up to 12-13 billions dollars raised for the 2010 Haiti devastating earthquake and these people didn’t receive hardly any of that money and help that was promised to them.
That’s all the coverage for today on Election 2016.
©Natalie Keshing