A boat without it’s rope and anchor can never land in one place. It’s drifting and endlessly floating out at sea. A human mind without knowledge and purpose is drifting endlessly out at sea. The boat, the rope, the anchor all powerful metaphors. Seek your knowledge and you will find your purpose. ©Natalie Keshing
Good morning NatsWritings.com readers. Here we go with another bright day. I have been listening to video footage predicting another financial recession in the very near future here in the United States. Of course whatever happens here in the United States in turn affects the global financial economy adding to Brexit’s on-going effects globally.
There are those countries who are already suffering from a financial collapse like Puerto Rico and Greece but are still sustaining and trying to recover.
Interest rates here in the United States are again at an all time low. The years before the 2008 financial fall out most homeowners were financing their homes with adjustable interest rates. Everyone was buying a home and this turned into a Consolidated Debt Obligation scheme for many large banks and companies who were involved. It took over a trillion dollar bail out to save us from financial ruin. I wasn’t convinced that the bail out was a permanent fix but more like a temporary band aid. I also remember reading at the time that personal financial debt obligation (credit cards) was going to be another problem in the near future adding to our National 19 trillion dollar debt; given these factors it would seem we are headed for another recession.
On going in the South of Florida in a very lucrative retirement oasis there has been a lot of cash pouring in and buying condominiums and single family homes. These investors are holding on to their investment and prefer to rent their newly acquired real estate investments, instead of turning around their investment. They prefer that steady income coming in.
Banks who own homes due to foreclosure also prefer to rent these properties instead of trying to re sale them due to the fact that the property has lost some it’s value when it was foreclosed on. The banks know that having a steady income of money is better then trying to sell an investment that no longer holds it’s original value.
The best financial advice “Save for a rainy day”. People are already becoming more cautious spending their money. Of course this also affects the economy and those in charge use the interest rate to try and recharge the economy. I’m personally trying something new, to learn more about the stock exchange with it’s ebbs and flow patterns.
By now the Wikileaks hack has exposed to the public numerous emails from the internal Democratic National Committee’s shenanigans; intentionally acting out to influence the superDelegates with biased and derogatory opinions of Mr. Bernie Sanders based on his personal religious beliefs. The Hispanics, Mexican and Latino Americans have also been hit by these judgments of fools referring to Hispanics as the most branded loyal consumers it sounds like the token description for minorities.
It’s seems that Hillary Clinton’s email scandals never end. What I don’t understand is why people haven’t really done their homework, research to understand the Clintons true actions verses their lip service which continues to damage this country.
The problem is the Clinton’s words are very different from their actions. Swedish mining investor Lukas Lundin pledged 100 million dollars to the Clinton Foundation in 2007. He owned a lucrative mining operation in the war torn Democratic Republic of Congo where the most horrific inhumane atrocities occurred towards women and children. When Lukas Lundin made a 100 million dollar pledge donation to the Clinton Foundation his Congo operation was making “staggering profits”. His overall capitalization was 20 billion dollars. US policy under Hillary Clinton had to remain unchanged. “The Congo Release Security and Democracy Promotion Act” took place to bring reform to Congo in 2006. An obstacle and challenge for Lukas Lundin to continue to remain powerfully wealthy operating in the Congo. In 2009 Hillary Clinton Secretary of State reversed course 180 degrees and went from supporting the reform in Congo to supporting the status quo, which is exactly what Lukas Lundin had already paid for; a political favor from the Clintons and 100 million dollars deposited into the Clinton Foundation.
Bill Clinton said, “We are trying to do something that no one has ever done before.” His words were ironically the very truth that led the Clintons to do 1,100 favors for foreign governments involving lucrative deals with warlords, oligarchs (rulers) committing the most atrocious and horrible acts of violence toward women and children. The Clintons were purposely involved with every humanitarian effort they could get their hands on that would ultimately turn into a deal for the people in authority, these warlords in poor afflicted countries like Nigeria, Haiti, etc.. The Clinton Foundation dropped its self-imposed ban to collecting funds from foreign governments and entities (A HUGE CONFLICT OF INTEREST while Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State) she was privy to knowledge therefore using her power for her and Bill Clinton to continue to make deals for foreign governments wanting access rights to rich mineral deposits throughout Africa. Washington Post reported total contributions to the foundation two billion dollars. All this relating to the Clintons should be more than concern for the American people and our future. There are so many people out there who really don’t know the Clintons, they continue to support and even give their vote to the Clinton’s unethical conduct to affect this country in the most negative ways. We must not forget all the top secret national security documents that were exposed for four years to all the hackers globally.
Maya Angelou said, “When someone shows you who they are…Believe them.”
Right now GOP Senators, Congressmen, Donald Trump, and I’m sure Bernie Sanders and his followers, as well as those of us as Americans are completely appalled with her and her husbands behavior. The fact remains if she wins Congress will work even less with her.
There are several interesting and new articles under the category Election, 2016.
I want to wish each and everyone of you a great day and thank you for reading at NatsWritings.com,
©Natalie Keshing
ICYMI In Case You Missed It