©Natalie Keshing
News networks like CNN and MSNBC as well as reputable newspapers like the NY Times and Huffington Post are NOT reporting and informing the American public regarding former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s email scandal. Not only exposing 22 SCI top secret classified documents to bad actors; but compromising our national security including more egregious crimes committed directly relating to the Clinton Foundation/Slush Fund (A Slush Fund is sum of money used for illicit and corrupt political purposes buying influence, power and favors for money.)
Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State was privy to United States and foreign countries sovereign information. She and Bill Clinton strategically placed themselves between the Oligarchs (warlords) and foreign donors and/or rich company executives who wanted physical access to rich mineral deposits, oil, gas, and gold mines committing the following unlawful crimes:
1) Fraud against the United States Constitution (1,100 foreign donors and rich company executives). In the Constitution “You cannot take money from foreign governments.” They wrote that in the Constitution because they knew the danger of corrupting our system by foreign money was enormous;”
2) Violation of the Espionage Act of 793F;
3) Committed fraud against the Charity Fraud Solicitation Law involving Clinton Foundation/Slush Fund and violated many other rules, regulations and laws.
This was a constant pattern of behavior committing fraud against the United States Constitution while conspiring with Oligarchs (warlords) in Africa, foreign donors, and rich company executives.
Frank Giustra, a Canadian foreigner friend to Bill Clinton asked Hillary Clinton for permission to own shares in a uranium mine in Utah. The Secretary of State had the permission and she granted the permission to Frank Giustra, he sold his 80% shares to a sovereign entity owned by the Russian government. The Russians now own this Uranium mine in Utah. Frank Giustra then gave 145 million dollars from the proceeds to the Clinton Foundation (uranium is one of the elements used in nuclear bombs ©Natalie Keshing).
But the most nefarious and incendiary was to take 12 to 13 billion dollars that was donated to the Clinton Foundation/Slush Fund for the relief of the disastrous Haiti earthquake in 2010; these poor people hardly received anything of the 13 billion dollars that was raised and deposited into the Clinton Foundation/Slush Fund. But the biggest place to start is with the largest donor and the largest donor to the Clinton Foundation is a name very few people know it is called the Unitaid. Out of the 2 billion in declared contributions which may or may not and most likely are not the total of money sent to the Clinton Foundation, out of that 2 billion, 600 million came from one organization based in Switzerland.
“All you have to show is they are soliciting, which they admit and that their forms and filings are materially false and misleading which I believe they are. It is an epic charity fraud. It’s much bigger than 2 billion. Bill Clinton and others around Bill Clinton have been associated with related charities and they should have been disclosing their related charity involvement and they haven’t been.” ©Charles Ortel
In 2008 before President Obama appointed Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State there was the issue of a potential conflict of interest regarding the Clinton Foundation and how it raised its money from donations of heads of state, dignitaries, presidents in other countries, foreign donors, and rich company executives. There was an oath of office taken with the agreement that Hillary Clinton would refrain from working for the Clinton Foundation because of this conflict of interest.
Before Hillary Clinton was appointed by President Obama as Secretary of State she already knew what she was going to do when Ambassador Joe Wilson, another long time friend of the Clintons endorsed Hillary Clinton in the 2008 Presidential Election. Ambassador Joe Wilson was up to something far more nefarious now that he knew she was Secretary of State. In 2009, shortly after Hillary Clinton became Secretary of State Ambassador Joe Wilson, Vice-Chairman of Jarch Capital took out a 50 year lease on four hundred thousand hectares (unit of land equal to 100 acres) in the South Sudan. South Sudan was in the middle of a civil war and this lease was signed by warlords who were involved in the civil war. Warlords engaged in massive human rights violations including the massacre of opposing tribes. Ambassador Joe Wilson was engaged in investing in sovereignty changes through lucrative deals worth hundreds of millions of dollars with the Clintons. The warlords would take power, then they would give Ambassador Joe Wilson access to the lands exploring for natural gas, oil, and mineral rights. Ambassador Joe Wilson wasn’t the only Clinton friend and foundation donor.
Swedish mining investor Lukas Lundin had pledged 100 million dollars to the Clinton Foundation, he did that in 2007. His most lucrative mining operations are in the worn torn country of the Democratic Republic of Congo. This is a country that has the most horrific human rights violations on the face of this earth. By the time Lukas Lundin made his 100 million dollar pledge donation to the Clinton Foundation, his Congo operation was making “staggering profits” according to his own financial statements. His overall capitalization was 20 billion dollars, but for those profits to remain staggering, US policy under Hillary Clinton had to remain unchanged. That’s a problem Hillary Clinton as a Senator back in 2006 supported “The Congo Release Security and Democracy Promotion Act”. The goal was to bring reform to Congo, that’s not something Lukas Lundin would want. So in 2009 when Hillary Clinton became Secretary of State she reversed course 180 degrees and went from supporting reform in the Congo to supporting the status quo, which is exactly what Lukas Lundin would want. Who of course had committed 100 million dollars to the Clinton Foundation.
This is the biggest epic criminal story in American history and it has NOT ENDED. This is up to us to demand from the President’s Administration, the FBI, Attorney General’s Office, State Department Inspector General, the CIA and whoever will listen to us and take the appropriate action before we put a felon, a criminal, into the Presidency of the United States. These are the most egregious, nefarious circumstances involving the Clinton Foundation which has negatively affected not only the people in this country but around the world.
The President needs to appoint an independent counsel to file the proper findings. Hopefully the FBI has subpoenaed all this information relating to the Clinton Foundation; their best source would be Mr. Charles Ortel because of his inclusive and comprehensive chronological analysis in his 40 reports. In order to subpoena, a grand jury must be summoned. If this grand jury has been summoned issuing subpoenas to those sources, we still have no word or indication the FBI and an independent counsel has started these proceedings. I am asking President Obama to take action. John Howman, Businessweek – Bloomberg said, “Barack Obama’s administration knew this was a potential problem, that’s why they set up the agreement that they had with the family, Hillary and Bill Clinton when Hillary Clinton took the job as Secretary of State. Hillary Clinton broke her agreement with the administration thousands of times.
Charles Ortel, a well respected Wall Street Financial Analyst has painstakingly in the last 15 months or longer gone back to the very beginning regarding the unlawful acts of the Clinton family.
Charles Ortel at www.charlesortel.com
Notes on the continuing crisis
Readers who visit Clinton Foundation websites are forgiven for believing information found there presents the complete record.
In fact, key documents and disclosures are missing or contradict other filings that a persistent investigator only finds by scanning a raft of state, federal, and foreign databases.
In this letter, I explain my general approach to analyzing Clinton Foundation public filings, and list out specific topics that will shortly be covered in extensive detail.