Sidney Blumenthal could have been appointed Secretary of State if Hillary Clinton had won for President?
©Natalie Keshing
There are iniquitous incestuous relationships that go very deep in Hillary and Bill Clinton’s secret past. There isn’t an end to the Clinton’s more than colorful past. They’ve hurt millions of lives around the world being involved in pay for play schemes with oligarchs and rich billionaires stealing African countries rich mineral deposits leaving children to continue to starve.
One of Hillary’s most cherished loyal companion and friend was Sidney Blumenthal. Mr. Blumenthal’s role and legacy was to be part of Hillary Clinton’s tenure as Secretary of State. They had been friends for twenty years.
In the Wikileaks exposed Hillary emails there is a conversation between Hillary and Sidney. Hillary asks Sidney, “Would you make the reservations at Fahrenheit restaurant at the Ritz in Georgetown, very quiet and fine. People don’t know about it. So just let me know.” A clandestine meeting between two covert operatives. One bad the other worse!
Former President Obama had already made it perfectly clear to Hillary Clinton that he did not want Sidney Blumenthal involved in the web of conspiracy and corruption or in the White House President’s administration.
Of course Hillary tried to make a case for bringing Mr. Blumenthal on board. Pointing out his expertise in foreign policy which was mostly fabricated.
But former President Obama’s right hand aides in his administration were completely against Mr. Blumenthals foreign policy contribution. Mr. Blumenthal had no foreign policy experience but the same applied to former President Obama. President Obama often didn’t consult with his cabinet secretaries allowing Hillary to convince him and make the worst decisions for this country and our military. That would later be proved, demonstrated and exposed in the details of the Iran deal and other failed attempts to act Presidential in foreign policy matters. One decision or lack thereof on the night of September 11, 2012 in Benghazi, Libya.
Katie Pavlich from Townhall April 24, 2017
“Not only did the Obama administration negotiate the agreement without a guarantee Iran wouldn’t eventually build a nuclear bomb, former President Obama and his State Department approved a number of secret side deals that have been exposed in the aftermath of negotiations. One of those secret deals included $400 billion in cash sent to Tehran in the middle of the night on an airplane. When caught, the administration initially denied the transaction and then later admitted much of the untraceable cash would likely to go to terrorism. After all, Iran is the world’s most prolific state-sponsor of terrorist organizations like Hamas and Hezbollah.”
The premeditated long term plan had already been made. Hillary as Secretary of State would use the sovereign knowledge she was privy to in the play for play schemes donating profits or foreign donations into the Clinton Foundation.
Then strictly for appearances sake the former President asked Hillary Clinton to sign an agreement. It was a memorandum based on the obvious conflict of interest with the Clinton Foundation. But Hillary was well aware of what her role as Secretary of State would become and involved the likes of Ambassador Joe Wilson and many other millionaires. Hillary wanted to be rich like her elite friends; at any cost.
That cost was putting Americans national security in harms way. There were bad actors who probably already obtained 22 SCI top secret classified documents mixed with 33,000 emails documenting the price, the deal, the favor for 1 million, 5 million, 25 million and up to 145 million deposited or donated into the Clinton Foundation.
k Halperin.
“Hillary Clinton wanted Blumenthal to join her at the State Department as a top aide after she was appointed secretary, in 2009. President Obama wouldn’t allow it: key White House staffers had grown to detest the man. Two of them—Press Secretary Robert Gibbs and Senior Adviser David Axelrod—threatened to quit if Blumenthal was hired.
As Secretary of state Hillary Clinton continued with her nefarious machinations. Spinning her web and compensating those very well who became part of the scandal and the criminal enterprise. She had her hands full; keeping track of multiple emails on multiple unsecured servers for 1,100 foreign donors to the Clinton Foundation. She violated the United States Constitution, Title18-793f Espionage Act and the Charity Fraud Solicitation Law.
Here comes “Hi Ho Silver” Sidney Blumenthal to Hillary Clinton’s rescue, shaping her ideas, knowledge, direction and answers to the President himself. Mr. Blumenthal can write all the conspiracy theories in his new book but not how he contributed to Hillary’s incompetence as Secretary of State; that all remained a secret.
In the Wikileaks emails Sidney Blumenthal read Hillary Clinton a bed time story on foreign policy and affairs. Then have morning coffee transferring more foreign policy knowledge following with a good hearty lunch of another dose on foreign policy. Thousands of emails from Sid, Sidney Blumenthal, and sbwhoeop his covert email address for Sidney Blumenthal White House Office of the Executive to the Office of the President (sbwhoeop) and there I deciphered the EMAIL CODE.
Blumenthal has just written a book and the details are in a lengthy script of Abraham Lincoln’s most trusted adviser William Herndon who was a bit garrulous (excessively talkative). I think everyone has met that kind of person. An analogy came to my mind just before I read the last two descriptive sentences in Vanity Fair’s commentary; critique. It appeared to me and I thought “Does Blumenthal think that Hillary Clinton is Abraham Lincoln and he is William Herndon?” Well low and behold I was right about the analogy confirmed in Mr. Blumenthal’s new book.
Hillary Clinton did not become President in 2008 and certainly not in 2016. Nor is she Abraham Lincoln. Blumenthal may have wished for her dream to come true following with his dream come true. But she didn’t become President to many Americans relief.
While campaigning in the 2016 election Hillary Clinton stole Bernie Sanders campaign message. Her me-too-ism ways was copying almost exactly Bernie Sanders ideas, vision and message he was proposing during 2016 Election.
It was President Trump and Vice-President Mike Spence who visited with the “Real People” in Louisiana after a natural disaster. It was President Trump who visited twice with the great people of Houston after Hurricane Harvey and donated 1 million dollars for the recovery efforts. Just this week President Trump and Congress passed a bill to provide and allocate more money to Houstons recovery efforts.
And it will be President Trump who will stand by Americans and help the people of Florida, Georgia and Alabama after Hurricane Irma.
⚖@POTUS You Alone Instilled The Patriotism We Feel Today & Stronger Tomorrow. The Corruption Is Hurting America Deeply.