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Just Announced President Obama endorses Hillary Clinton for President: President Obama didn’t even give the American voters for Bernie Sanders and those of us who continue to mistrust Hillary Clinton the time to swallow that the news media and all of Hillary’s rich supporters have elected her as the Democratic Nominee before the superDelegates even voted at the Democratic Convention.
There are millions of us who still are under the veil of Hillary Clinton’s conspiracy and her actions as former Secretary of State. Here are some hard facts contrary to supporting Hillary Clinton to become our next President. Hillary Clinton’s hypocrisy to support the American people is based on her record and legacy of violating our most stringent national security foreign policy laws; committing fraud for four years; self-dealing her title and influence for foreign donations passed through a Canadian trust company; who then bundled the foreign donations depositing this money into the Clinton Foundation acting as a charitable organization.
KARL ROVE, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: “I think it would probably be in the best interest of the country and frankly in the best interest of Mrs. Clinton if the President held off his endorsement for now (President Obama has now endorsed Hillary Clinton). There is no magic in him endorsing now or endorsing after the Democratic convention.” The magic is to say to those who hold President Obama favorably to support Hillary Clinton to become President of the United States ©Natalie Keshing.
“But if he were to endorse now, and something were to happen where either the former Secretary of State or some of her closest aids somehow were indicted, and/or that the FBI more likely recommended that they be indicted and the main Justice Department turned it down, believing that it lacked credibility. Then people would worry about whether this was all done because the president put his finger on the scale.”
“The weight of one finger with his title and influence to hold to truth from the American people, protecting a person only interested in money making schemes and only hobnobing with the rich.”©Natalie Keshing
Karl Rove, “Let me tell you why Hillary Clinton didn’t want to meet with the inspector general. First of all, he would ask questions that the FBI would then have access to, and then if she answered improperly, that is to say, if she lied to them, like she’s been lying to the American people. She could be found guilty of perjury.”
“Let’s be honest. She has misled the American people. This was allowed and permitted. The inspector general report says, it was not permitted. She never asked for it, and she would have refused if she had.”
“She said nothing classified past through this network. We now know that it’s absolutely not true. 33,000 emails deleted by Hillary Clinton and her closest aids. We have been misled about this, talked about them, and the reason she did not cooperate. And in addition, none of her top aids cooperated with, none of them even returned the written questionnaires to the inspector general, was because they were afraid of getting thereby charged with perjury, what was found out that they were misleading.”
Judge Andrew Napolitano, Judicial Analyst for FOX News suggests because the President’s own e-mails might have been sent to Clinton’s private server (There were many e-mails from the President and to the President that were open season to the foreign hackers. In particular there are 18 emails between Mrs. Clinton and President Obama that have been identified, and the government is refusing to disclose them.”©NatalieKeshing), he could be called as a witness. So, the judge says, the only way to alleviate any type of conflict is to appoint a special council. (Will President Obama lie for Hillary Clinton?)
Judge Napolitano said, “An independent council would alleviate conflict. Because an independent council is not answerable to the director of the FBI. Is not answerable to the attorney general, and is not answerable to the White House. An independent council would have his or her own budget, discretion, as to what charges to bring. FBI agents to work for him or her, and it’s not really answerable to anyone.”
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©Natalie Keshing, Editor-in-Chief of