Who was really running the United States? And still those in power protecting Hillary Clinton.
©Natalie Keshing
All these emails are telling the checkered past of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Hillary Clinton commited federal offenses, crimes against the United States Constitution, violation of the Espionage Act 793F and fraud under the Charity Fraud Solicitation Law.
It’s unbelievable to witness political analysts, correspondents, celebrities, newscasters make up haphazard answers in her defense. How much good she has done and will continue to do the good work of President Obama. Some just switching into high gear and spilling out gibberish. But I see the sadness in their eyes. The slightest hint not being entirely truthful or comfortable with the American people and themselves.
I know she has convinced the Black and Mexican American people that she stands for their cause. Then why did she purposely and willfully take from the poorest countries like the South Sudan, Nigeria, Democratic Republic of Congo and Haiti? Why did she steal these children’s opportunities for a better life? To have a place to call home. To have a school to learn at. To have a park to play with other children. To have a doctor, a hospital, a library.
At which point did Hillary Clinton convince the President of the United States that there was more than enough to share with what she was proposing to do and clearly had already demonstrated before 2009. To use her power of authority to steal from all over the world. To justify her talent as a skillful deal making criminal.
Why did President Obama almost insistingly appoint Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State in 2009? Against the enormous potential of a conflict of interest, where Hillary Clinton was already deal making, executing pay for play with people like Ambassador Joe Wilson, Lukas Lundin, and Frank Giustra who donated huge amounts of money into the Clinton Foundation before 2009. She knew that being appointed as Secretary of State the world was an open oyster to her and she could pick and choose from those who donated more money and finally could meet with her as if she were the Queen on her throne.
Now the emails have pointed out that Sidney Blumenthal, a journalist, was Hillary Clinton’s foreign policy adviser with absolutely no foreign policy experience. Sidney Blumenthal was her covert foreign policy adviser along with foreign donors she consorted with; associated with. Why donate 25,000,000 million dollars into the Clinton Foundation, those who were secretly meeting with her in support that as Secretary of State she convince President Obama to enforce a no-fly zone over Libya. Then join forces with the United Nations to go into Libya and overthrow the dictatorship of Muammar Gaddafi on October 20, 2011. When previous Presidents tried to keep their distance and tolerate one another. But there were gold mines in Libya and it was the third largest producer of oil.
It was a recipe for disaster knowing that the U.S. Intelligence infrastructure and administration was available to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, especially on the night of September 11, 2012 in Benghazi, Libya. She did not consult with the US Intelligence sources nor did she inform the appropriate officials to send in more military protection for four American officials who were murdered that night, especially in leiu that the country of Libya was still suffering from the pains of pandemonium and chaos of an overthrown dictatorship.
Ask yourselves what did she do with reportedly over 100 billion dollars for the American people. The poor people, the people in Flint City, Baton Rouge, New Orleans, Detroit, Chicago in places where children are starving and are living in extreme poverty. Where mothers are living with domestic violence at home. Where drugs are no longer just in the big cities, in poor communities but in rural America, small hometowns. Where young men and women have lost their hope and as a result are more vulnerable to the temptation of criminal influence like ISIS. This becomes their only hope; their only opportunity.
Why did it take 15 years for the FBI investigative report, those 28 pages based on the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Finally they are released to the American public; but more importantly to the families of the victims that lost their lives starting on a normal working day on September 11, 2001. All this time the Saudi government threatening President Obama and Congress not to release these findings or they would take action. The threat to dump nearly $750 billion in U.S. Treasury bonds and other assets if Congress passes a popular bill that would allow 9/11 victims to sue the country.
Who exactly was on our side as Americans these past eight years. Was it President Obama? Now Hillary Clinton is trying to make a deal with the American people if she is voted for President, she and Bill Clinton will resign themselves from the Clinton Foundation but Chelsea Clinton will stay on to continue their legacy of criminal corruption. Isn’t this bribery?
Where does the Clinton Global Initiative fit into their scheme for the future. Who is going to stand up to corporate America when Hillary and Bill Clinton are attached at the hip with big rich business companies; companies like Goldman Sachs who invested millions of dollars in their son-in-law’s stock investment company.
Everywhere and everything that’s rich and powerful is part of Hillary Clinton’s life. She says she knows the heartache of America and yet all this past week she’s been schmoozing with the rich, famous and powerful doing what? Raising more money! More money, more greed, more of what she pretends to know but couldn’t be further from the truth that 99.9% of Americans have to live with on a daily basis. Maya Angelou said,
“When someone shows you who they are…..Believe them.”
Criminal corruption is against the law. Gilbert Chagoury a very close friend and foreign donor to the Clintons was indicted and convicted in Europe. Gilbert Chagoury was charged with aiding and abetting a criminal enterprise and money laundering. Europe’s law enforcement chose to do the right thing. It’s time the United States does the right thing. A special independent prosecutor without bias and misuse of power continuing to protect the Clintons needs to file in the court of law those findings and charges to bring this epic criminal case to justice.
It’s critical that we take all this information into consideration when voting for our next President of the United States. These are not half truths or conspiracy theories. These are real crimes that were premeditated and willfully committed by the Clintons and foreign donors who didn’t care about their own countries and the world as a whole. We are a better nation if we work together to improve our communities, our nation, our world.
As a nation we are fighting against Hillary Clinton’s entourage of a whole career based on a criminal enterprise; that still to this day haunts and affects all of us due to the infiltration continuing to abuse the power of authority. What Hillary and Bill Clinton did was beyond repair for those poor affected countries that they willfully stole from.
Once again the American people were failed by the people we assumed possessed integrity and dignity to do their jobs and truly want the best for all the people; those like President Obama. Today Donna Brazile, who is a former Democratic Congresswoman and is the newly appointed Chairman of the Democratic National Committee said,
“I’ve been a government official. So, you know, this notion that, somehow or another, someone who is a supporter, someone who is a donor, somebody who’s an activist, saying I want access, I want to come into a room and I want to meet people, we often criminalize behavior that is normal. And I don’t see what the smoke is. I understand why it’s being discussed. But like I said, I’ve been dealing with another situation, another e-mail situation. The DNC was the victim of a cybercrime.”
Miss Brazile this email problem you are complaining about and now you are a victim of cybercrime is due to the fact that your Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton chose to work on unsecured email servers to run a criminal enterprise and your complaint pales in comparison to what this nation is facing because of your Democratic Candidate that most of you are continuing to protect.
Hillary Clinton is an agent of ANTI-LIFE.An Illuminati.
Yes Alex she is. I truly believe if she is elected for President it will become an international disaster. I believe there are “pay for play” corrupted schemes that are depending on Hillary Clinton being elected as President to execute and put the American people in harms way.
Hillary Clinton is running for President of the United States to execute what she promised foreign donors in a “pay for play” global international scheme including superPACs, companies like Goldman Sachs, and other rich companies who paid for her private speeches all contributing to her Presidential campaign or the Clinton Foundation. These foreign donors whose primary influence is to bribe and strategically place themselves as the backdoor influence in conjunction with Hillary Clinton’s egregious criminal mind affecting and degrading foreign policies with corruption to overthrow dictatorships and provide military arms to foreign adversaries. Thank you Alex for reading at NatsWritings.com ~ Natalie