BitsOfNews Food For Thought: Independent Voters for Election 2016
The only reason President Obama and Hillary Clinton are treating Bernie Sanders with kid gloves is Hillary Clinton needs Bernie Sanders and his supporters/voters to possibly win this election. But Hillary Clinton and her campaign including I suppose President Obama think that Bernie’s supporters are committed to the Democratic party based on the old adage of bureaucratic politics and conventional political wisdom. I don’t think that’s necessarily true and why would any of us want to vote for a person who has violated numerous stringent national security policies as former Secretary of State.
No, not many of us will be voting for a person who is being investigated by the FBI, exposed thousands of national security classified documents and didn’t comply with federal rules and regulations as was reported by the State Department Inspector General’s office.
The total number of voters for each party is 26% Republican and 29% Democrat. Bernie Sanders draws big votes from the 42% who are Independent, not including those who are Democrat as well and already are voting for Bernie Sanders. The total percentage of 29% Democrats splits into 16.4% for Hillary Clinton and 12.6% for Bernie Sanders. Let’s suppose half of the Independent voters, half of the 42% is 21% going to Bernie Sanders adding 12.6% for a total of 33.6% for Bernie Sanders. A much higher number than 16.4% for Hillary Clinton. A higher number than 26% voters for Donald Trump in the Republican party.
If this were true, the primary race for the Democratic party, with all the SuperDelegates!!!, that have voted seemingly for Hillary Clinton representing higher support. Well, it doesn’t make any sense and it really reflects that Bernie Sanders may very well have the real numbers of voters, regardless of the Republican and Democratic polarizing and worthless contributions from Congress.
Furthermore, where are all the Democratic Senators and Congressman supporting Hillary Clinton. We’ve heard practically nothing, from so many of them, obviously not supporting Hillary Clinton in public…waiting like the rest of us.
But Bernie Sanders may very well lead against this hypothetical (pretend) primary race. Bernie Sanders, Donald Trump and I (Natalie Keshing) have been saying this voting system is rigged and has more holes than Swiss cheese and all the mice scattering about.
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I’m voting for you.