Hillary Clinton Soon To Be Indicted:
With no rhyme, reason or conscience, those who want to continue to infect and destroy the world around them with corruption eventually have to be stopped; if not, we all will cease to exist.
“It’s hard to believe that the whole wide world is now closer than six degrees of separation because of Hillary Clinton’s epic criminal enterprise. “The Criminal” of criminals. She stole from the poor and made the rich ‘pay for play’ even richer. Enriching and manipulating anyone she came in contact with across the world.
Sold them on the idea, that what she was proposing to do and had already done to those who listened very attentively, would stand to benefit enormously in their pocket book. Then she and Bill Clinton could continue to hold the elites in the highest esteem from Manhattan, New York to Washington’s White House to all over the world.
Their reputation after all, if you’re that rich, is really only what matters. If you were rich, then you could join those who define themselves by their wealth and who they associate with; like the Clintons.
Louis Farrakhan compared Hillary to Hitler in a Fire And Brimstone Sermon. I’ve been thinking about that comparison for quite sometime and I concluded that people who have no limits, no boundaries are destined to self destruct…it’s just a matter of time ‘You will have to pay the piper someday.’“