Outraged Are The American People and Those in Washington:
House Speaker Paul Ryan said the FBI’s decision defies explanation. In a statement Tuesday, he said, “No one should be above the law.” …. based upon the FBI Director’s own statement, it appears damage is being done to the rule of law. Declining to prosecute Secretary Clinton for recklessly mishandling and transmitting national security information will set a terrible precedent,” he said. FBI Director James Comey earlier announced he would recommend no charges be brought against Clinton over her handling of email funneled through several homebrew server(s), there were more than a few while she was secretary of state. FBI Director James Comey did say Clinton and her staff were reckless in their handling of email containing secret government information. James Comey said 113 total emails that traveled through Clinton’s personal server contained classified information at the time they were sent or received.
Clinton has previously denied that she sent or received any emails containing classified information. Lying and denying has been Hillary Clinton’s main modus operandi since 2009. The American people don’t want a liar as our President. If we can’t trust her now why would we trust her as President? FBI Director James Comey and President Obama are asking us to ignore our feelings based on very damaging classified information she allowed hackers to have access to and now they hold the top secrets of the United States. The former Secretary of State with her “I’ll do as I please” attitude feels she doesn’t have to answer to anyone. We can’t trust her to be the Commander and Chief, she is completely unqualified based on her no morals or ethics. What she did is a violation of national security laws and FBI Director James Comey can make all the recommendations he wants and nothing is going to change our internal rational and logical deduction that she is grossly negligent and deceitful. The only secrets Hillary Clinton was hiding and protecting were her own. She’s a piece of work this woman.
The White House said President Barack Obama is enthusiastic about Clinton’s campaign but doesn’t plan to address the FBI investigation into her emails when he campaigns with her Tuesday. Of course he doesn’t because he like Hillary Clinton and James Comey don’t want to answer the hard questions media reporters will want answers to for the American people. Her campaign staff kept saying all day yesterday, “We can all put this behind us.” Like they’re off the hook.
White House press secretary Josh Earnest dodged questions as well about the investigation’s findings and how they reflect on Hillary Clinton. He said the White House is trying to avoid the appearance of interfering while the Justice Department considers whether to charge Clinton. If President Obama didn’t want to interfere he wouldn’t have campaigned for her so outwardly and openly, trying to manipulate the American people again. What a convenient excuse. Well that’s the number one problem that President Obama made a choice back in 2009, which is not to address and to continue to ignore and avoid Hillary Clinton’s unsecured personal servers as a national security problem and violation.
Senator Charles Grassley, Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, said Tuesday afternoon that the FBI should release evidence uncovered during its investigation, not just the summary of its inquiry. I second that motion and I agree that the FBI should release all their evidence to an independent counsel, a prosecutor who will address these findings objectively and not have any ties to the White House, State Department, FBI Director, Attorney General and the President.
The Iowa Republican said the FBI should “include the actual evidence so the public can make an educated decision on its own about the judgment and decision-making of all the senior officials involved,” including Comey.
I am willing to start a petition campaign requesting this information be released to the American people and to an independent counsel who will objectively review and assess the material and charges that still apply to her whether FBI Director James Comey and the President of the United States want to deny this.
Senator Charles Grassley’s committee has been investigating Clinton’s use of a private email servers while she was Secretary of State. He said numerous Freedom of Information Act requests and other congressional requests have been placed on hold because of the ongoing nature of the investigation, “so now the FBI should respond fully and completely to all of them.” First it was the secretive meeting between Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch. Then the FBI, quite suddenly met with Hillary Clinton, this past Saturday on July 2nd on a Saturday. Then yesterday FBI Director James Comey announces the investigation is completed and they did not recommend to press charges against Hillary Clinton. This is all more than a coincidence, it was a hashed out plan to try and persuade the American people that she is a good person and doesn’t lie constantly about handling classified national security information also deleting 32,000 e-mails.
As Mark Ruffalo the famous actor put it on Twitter “We Are In Trouble” That’s right we have got to do something to bring this case to an independent counsel outside of the White House cover-up.
Bernie Sanders voters were outraged yesterday. There’s no way that any of us are going to vote for Hillary Clinton; especially after this horrible decision based on injustice.
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