Breaking News Through ©Natalie Keshing at
This is the biggest epic story in American history and it has NOT ENDED. This is up to us to demand from the President’s Administration, the FBI, Attorney General’s Office, State Department Inspector General, the CIA and whoever will listen to us and take the appropriate action before we put a felon, a criminal, into the Presidency of the United States.These are the most egregious, nefarious circumstances involving the Clinton Foundation which has negatively affected not only the people in this country but around the world.
The President needs to appoint an independent counsel to file the proper findings. Hopefully the FBI has subpoenaed all this information relating to the Clinton Foundation; their best source would be Mr. Charles Ortel because of his inclusive and comprehensive chronological analysis in his 40 reports. In order to subpoena, a grand jury must be summoned. If this grand jury has been summoned issuing subpoenas to those sources, we still have no word or indication the FBI and an independent counsel has started these proceedings. I am asking President Obama to take action. John Howman, Businessweek – Bloomberg said, “Barack Obama’s administration knew this was a potential problem, that’s why they set up the agreement that they had with the family, Hillary and Bill Clinton when Hillary Clinton took the job as Secretary of State. “There are now several documented instances whether or not it is illegal, whether they broke their agreement with the administration.” Mr. President Obama, Hillary Clinton, former Secretary of State has broken this agreement a billion times over and over again; take your action now! I’m not going away.
We are talking about on-going behavior and fraud against the United States Constitution by conspiring with Oligarchs (warlords) in Africa to steal the African people’s rich mineral deposits that belong to them; to give the sovereign rights to a Uranium mine in Utah where Frank Giustra friend to the Clintons turned around and sold the Uranium mining rights to a Russian sovereign government entity (uranium is one of the elements used in nuclear bombs ©Natalie Keshing). To take 12 to 13 billion dollars that was donated to the Clinton Foundation for the relief of a disastrous Haiti earthquake in 2010; these poor people hardly received anything, etc.
From Charles Ortel (at there are the .pdf files that contain more information regarding this case.)
Notes on the continuing crisis
Readers who visit Clinton Foundation websites are forgiven for believing information found there presents the complete record.
In fact, key documents and disclosures are missing or contradict other filings that a persistent investigator only finds by scanning a raft of state, federal, and foreign databases.
In this letter, I explain my general approach to analyzing Clinton Foundation public filings, and list out specific topics that will shortly be covered in extensive detail.
Get ready for lots more analysis of the Clinton Foundation.
I will soon start posting new, in-depth, detailed reports explaining what I have found in the public record concerning the Clinton Foundation. In the latest document, I provide information concerning some of the new avenues we shall start exploring in coming days.
From beginnings in the state of Arkansas in 1997, the Clinton Foundation quickly grew to become a sprawling international organization after 2001, despite the fact that this tax-exempt entity was only authorized to serve as a facility devoted to the study of Bill Clinton’s tenure as president of the United States.
Especially from 2001 onwards, state, federal, and foreign governments have never regulated material defects in many Clinton Foundation public disclosures. Material deficiencies exist in documents ranging from filings from applications before the I.R.S., to registrations before U.S. state and foreign governments, to annual reports required in numerous legal jurisdictions.
From January 2001 through January 2009, when apparent unauthorized and illegal activities began and first escalated, Republicans were in control of the Executive Branch and had substantial influence in the House of Representatives, and in the Senate.
Was a decision reached in this period to give the Clinton Foundation free reign to operate outside any effective governmental controls–if so, by whom?
Since January 2009, even though Republicans held reduced influence within the federal government, many have held authority to investigate and to prosecute manifest unauthorized and illegal operating and fundraising activities of the Clinton Foundation.
Still, and even after multiple public and private warnings, no progress has resulted in attempting to bring the Clinton Foundation into compliance with strict U.S. state and federal laws.
So, perhaps we must rely on foreign government authorities to investigate obvious discrepancies in Clinton Foundation filings with records of major donors.
Please read the attached Executive Summary and then join with me, and with other citizens who believe that all public charities must be operated in strict compliance with applicable laws.
No individual stands above the law. And no person, not even a leading candidate for president of the United States is “too big to jail”, because government authorities and the major U.S. political parties are too conflicted to protect inherent interests of “we, the people”.
Evaluation of Clinton Foundation public filings inside and outside the United States continues.
Starting 11 January 2016, I will publish additional detailed analyses that are designed to serve the audience of journalists, professionals, and government authorities familiar with the suite of laws and accounting guidelines that regulate IRS-approved public charities operating internationally.
For now, this brief update targets the general public and spares you consideration of the voluminous body of financial figures and words that Clinton Foundation entities send to the IRS, to regulators in key U.S. states, and to foreign authorities.
Though the subject of a given charity’s public disclosures is ordinarily dull, this case is a special one, particularly during what shapes up now as a momentous election year.
Here are 10 predictions, centered on the Clinton Foundation, that could affect developments during 2016 in many geographic locations.
When you understand relevant accounting rules and laws, you will reach a simple conclusion: the Clinton Foundation (including all of its various corporate subsidiaries and “initiatives”) has been operating boldly and illegally out of control, in plain view of the general public and government authorities.
Late on 16 November 2015, the Clinton Foundation filed tax returns for itself and for its largest operation (Clinton Health Access Initiative, Inc. or “New CHAI”) concerning 2014. Also filed were amended tax returns for 2010, 2011, 2012, and 2013 for the main Foundation and amended tax returns for 2012 and for 2013 for New CHAI.
Welcome Washington Examiner readers. Here is a link to some prior work: Are Clinton Foundation Agents and Principals Truly Too Big to Jail? Here is a link to the Charity Fraud Countdown Clock.
Disaster relief charity fraud is a serious, escalating problem because it is so easy to perform and quite tough to police–just consider recent reports of such scams that are said to involve celebrities and even official government-linked enterprises, including many tied to the U.S. government and to the United Nations.
These first two General Exhibits introduce those who might have little familiarity with how financial frauds operate to warning signs that experts watch for, and to special and strict laws designed in New York state to catch charity fraud.
Trustees are one protection against charity fraud, assuming they take their solemn duties seriously and are given leave to exercise them independently. Particularly in the early period starting in 2001, Trustees do not seem to have been truly independent, nor did they take their duties seriously enough, judging from a close and ongoing review of Clinton Foundation public filings.
Competent, engaged, and independent accountants are another bulwark against charity fraud; however, from 2001 to present, no accounting firm associated with Clinton Foundation actually completed a proper audit of any Clinton Foundation entity, as is strictly required under numerous laws.
Read these first two Exhibits carefully and start to see for yourself how serious uncured problems are with regard to Clinton Foundation public disclosures and operating practices.
Controversies swirling today in the press concerning public disclosures of the Clinton Foundation miss many important points.
Materially misleading historical tax returns and audited financial statements filed for Clinton Health Access, Initiative, Inc. (operating internationally from a base in Boston, MA) are just one small portion of a far larger set of epic problems with the entire Clinton Foundation complex of supposed charities.
Exhibits and Appendices presented starting today attempt to explain the wider set of issues that trustees, executives, substantial donors, connected insiders, and professional advisors must address and remedy before a hard deadline passes on midnight, 16 November 2015.
Pressure rises most upon several supposedly independent and accredited accounting firms that appear to have been duped by false and materially misleading representations made to them in the course of issuing “audits” for calendar years 2001 through 2013.
It is impossible for trustees to meet the imminent disclosure deadline lawfully without amending and explaining multiple years of false and materially misleading public disclosures that remained outstanding as Clinton Foundation principals and agents illegally solicited donations across state and national boundaries using the mails, telephones, and digital media.
Time is of the essence.
Will U.S. and foreign government authorities move to punish those responsible for operating a global disaster charity fraud whose scale, so far runs into the many billions of U.S. dollars?
©Natalie Keshing
A considerable expose of materials implicating The Clintons, no doubt, yet just to be clear on my end, the alternative or only option posited here is for Donald Trump ? Are there any inquiries to any supposed betterment benefits of him over Clinton ? Is this no win situation, just what is or am I lacking awareness ?
First thing is first, bring the scandalous Clinton Foundation/Slush Fund committing fraud against the Charity Fraud Solicitation Law not to mention against the Constitution laws. Hopefully, the President will appoint an independent counsel because of obvious reasons that we have already seen through the FBI and Attorney General’s actions regarding the matter of former Secretary of State working on unsecured private servers and exposing top secret national security classified documents. I think if President Obama decides to take action now and they proceed with charges he and the Democratic committee could appoint Joe Biden or Bernie Sanders as the Democratic nominee. Bernie Sanders was the candidate that tirelessly campaigned on small donations and was willing to take on Wall Street and the rich companies who are a disaster for our economy; the greed is infectious. As Donald Trump said himself Bernie might have had a chance if it wasn’t for the rigged system wooing and bribing the superDelegates long before the primaries as was exposed through the Wikileaks emails. Someone has to be chosen for the Democratic Nominee to run in the election. I don’t think that people should have the opportunity to vote for Hillary Clinton because they don’t care to vote for Donald Trump. This is not the lesser of two evils. We don’t have to make it about that. I don’t think Donald Trump would have ever done what Hillary and Bill Clinton did. This is a massive epic political fraud case in American history that started the minute the Clintons went into the White House. The President has to act now! These dire circumstances are not going away and if the President were smart and have some gumption he would bring this case to justice because Hillary Clinton already broke the agreement she had committed to him when she was appointed as Secretary of State by President Obama. He knows this. I know, he knows; he’s not fooling me. They already knew that that situation was a complete violation and conflict of interest in 2008-2009. No one was going to stop what the Clintons did, it’s already done. But why should we allow Hillary and Bill Clinton to continually rob from the poor and from around the globe.
Can you imagine Robert, the schools, housing, the infrastructures, children’s parks, hospitals, agricultural, etc. that could have been built in Africa for the people; THE CHILDREN most of all. They stole Africa’s rich mineral deposits, oil rights, sovereign rights, etc. through Oligarchs (criminals, murderers). All this money is somewhere we already know 600 Million is in Switzerland and there’s more of it that rightfully belongs to the People of Africa (the children) and not the Oligarchs (they belong in prison).
I always appreciate your commentary Robert and I fully appreciate your candor and friendship. Always your friend ~ Natalie