Donald Trump vs Hillary Clinton
Election 2016: Let’s continue to stay focused on the issues and policies.
With all the hoopla pointing out Mr. Trump’s past associations and/or liaisons with the women in his past is really detracting from our main focus which is to continue to thoroughly vet this man to be the United States President. There is still a lack of specifics and details in policies that Mr. Trump has not outlined. This is worrisome; troubling.
Most of the American people are completely dissatisfied with Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. How many of us are already not interested in being a part of this Election in 2016. It’s really a shame that so many of us feel this way and basically there’s nothing we can do, except to have voted for Bernie Sanders when we had the chance.
Putting Trump and Clinton side by side, it’s hard to believe that either could run this country effectively and professionally without shenanigans being a part of their past from bankruptcy, to not disclosing his tax returns, to the former Secretary of State having her own computer server for emailing; WHY and WHAT FOR? Both have yet to prove they have the analytical skills, temperament, can logically deduce, and the common sense to effectively implement foreign policy, laws and regulations on behalf of the United States.
There is a list of WHY’s? and WHAT IS HE THINKING?
Hillary Clinton was among the first to vote and support the invasion in Iraq and we have continued to pay dearly for all those that have died at the hands of Islamic terrorists whether in war or terrorists attacks world wide. Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State when the murder’s of United State’s Ambassador J. Christopher and three other government officials in Benghazi, Libya were attacked and killed by Islamic militants in 2012. The claim is that the administration did not heed proper security warnings before the attack which led to not having enough military support from the beginning (My Point) and military support came in too late to help all those that died on September 11, 2012. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/ wiki/2012_Benghazi_attack
Mr. Trump doesn’t really have an understanding of the importance of NATO’s existence and all it encompasses to meet together as nations and continue to implement world wide policies and place sanctions on those who are not cooperating and helping toward world peace like North Korea. I do agree that the United States should pay only our share and the other foreign countries must contribute their share. With the 19 trillion dollar deficit we are not in the position to be allocating more billions to make up for the lack of money support from the other ally nations towards NATO. http://dailysignal.com/2016/ 02/02/the-us-debt-just- exceeded-19-trillion-heres- how-we-got-here/
Mr. Trump’s priority seems to be building this wall between us and Mexico. Labeling all Mexican American people as illegal immigrants and murderers. I really don’t understand why he is so opposed to the people who have come to the United States and the majority work in our agricultural system to sustain the United States. I don’t believe he understands the importance of these jobs in the agricultural system. During a town hall meeting in Wisconsin two farmers and owners of large agricultural companies confessed their worry to Mr. Trump, if the majority of agricultural workers were laid off due to their immigration status that would increasingly effect our whole agricultural system and we would pay a big price. The commodity of food would go down exponentially and prices would shoot up sky high. But Mr. Trump didn’t address this issue in the town hall meeting and should it come to pass we were warned.
My point is Mexican American’s who have come to the United States are initially immigrants just as Mr. Trump’s beautiful wife who came from Slovenia as an immigrant into the U.S. then went through the vetting process to become a United States citizen. You would think he would have a better understanding toward immigrants who come to this country.
Lastly, we come to the issue that both Mr. Trump and Hillary Clinton are rich. Do they really understand the suffering in communities with poverty here in the United States? Do they understand that Black American men are targeted due to prejudice and are being killed for no reason at all? Do they really understand the suffering and permanent side effects the people and children of Flint City will continue to struggle with? Do they really understand those who desperately need health insurance? Do they really understand those unemployed due to large companies relocating their headquarter offices and jobs in another country to avoid paying taxes? Do they really understand that there are senior citizens who are not taking their prescriptions daily due to the cost? Last, but not least, how much of their devotion and priority will go to the rich to Wall Street and large rich companies who continue their existence based on over a trillion dollar bailout that helped them in 2008. The Big Bank Bailout:
KeepingUInformed NewsJustIn ©Natalie Keshing at natswritings.com