Race/Topic (Click to Sort) | Poll | Results | Spread |
General Election: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. Stein | Rasmussen Reports | Clinton 41, Trump 43, Johnson 5, Stein 3 | Trump +2 |
General Election: Trump vs. Clinton | LA Times/USC Tracking | Clinton 45, Trump 44 | Clinton +1 |
General Election: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. Stein | IBD/TIPP Tracking | Clinton 41, Trump 41, Johnson 8, Stein 4 | Tie |
General Election: Trump vs. Clinton | IBD/TIPP Tracking | Clinton 42, Trump 42 | Tie |
North Carolina: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson | Monmouth | Clinton 47, Trump 46, Johnson 4 | Clinton +1 |
North Carolina: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson | PPP (D) | Clinton 47, Trump 44, Johnson 4 | Clinton +3 |
Real Clear Politics Polls for October 24, 2016: IBD International Business Daily – Real Clear Politics is the golden standard for accuracy, predicting real numbers in election 2016.
©Natalie Keshing
About Natalie Keshing
Polls show majority of more women than men dislike Hillary Clinton and her public image hits record low. Her unpopularity reflects her inability to reassure voters she is trustworthy. We now know, through the produced emails, the real Hillary Clinton is very different from her public persona; to all the political and rich elites from Manhattan to Washington, all .01, one tenth of one percent. The real American people are 99% of us wanting and needing real change from those in the current Senate and Congressional staff that refuse to do anything good for the 99% of American people.
Almost all of the mainstream media has gone out of their way to reflect inaccurate polls. Polls that only show Hillary Clinton ahead. Those news networks that refuse to talk about all the information that has been exposed through Mrs. Clinton’s emails that were obtained by Judicial Watch and Wikileaks. That forced the FBI, DOJ Attorney General and the State Department to get minimally involved in this criminal case and to no avail Mrs. Clinton was never polygraphed nor was she read her Miranda rights when FBI Director James Comey met with Mrs. Clinton at her home residence over the last 4th of July weekend. Then on July 5th, the FBI Director James Comey announced it was “Carelessness”, her use of unsecured servers combining top secret national security documents with her personal work raising 1,100 foreign donations totaling $100 billion for the Clinton Foundation; many of which were foreign adversary donors.
“So when FBI Director James Comey talks about intent or he wasn’t able to prove it or there was no sort ofspecification that showed an intent; it’s a red herring, a false argument it isn’t a requirement of the crime. So we know, from the Inspector General’s intelligence community that 22 top secret SCI which is Sensitive Compartmentive Information, it’s a special category of the intelligence collection.” ~ Chris Farrell
The Judicial Watch and Wikileaks emails have opened this criminal case wide open and the public has every reason not to trust Hillary Clinton. But most importantly, Americans can inform themselves before they go vote. Because the stakes are critically high. Americans must inform themselves, search their conscience based on their own instincts and not the fabricated lies Mrs. Clinton has repeatedly told or denied in answering any questions pertaining to her “pay for play” schemes that has gravely put this country in harms way and if she is elected; a catastrophic dangerous darker path. The first question voters should ask themselves before voting and remember this question when you go vote:
Did Hillary Clinton break the law working on unsecured servers and Blackberries, processing top secret national security information, combining her Secretary of State job with her personal work raising foreign donations for the Clinton Foundation?
Hillary Clinton could be the most unpopular major-party Presidential nominee in modern American history. This is especially true because she ignores all the rules, laws and regulations. Working eight years as Senator of New York and four years as Secretary of State, totaling 12 years working experience. Practically her whole public record is extremely disturbing.
Chris Farrell, from Judicial Watch, Director of Investigation and Research can help you assess and answer this important question, please read the following:
“Mrs. Clinton was the subject of a national security crime investigation. This wasn’t a security review. It wasn’t an argument over classification levels. This was a violation of Title 18 of the US code of section 793F, mishandling national defense information. Contrary to what the American public has been told repeatedly, intent is not an element of the crime. There’s no requirement to prove any sort of intent at all. So when FBI Director James Comey talks about intent or he wasn’t able to prove it or there was no sort of specification that showed an intent; it’s a red herring, a false argument it isn’t a requirement of the crime. So we know, from the Inspector General’s intelligence community that 22 top secret SCI which is Sensitive Compartmentive Information, it’s a special category of the intelligence collection. Twenty Two (22) top secret SCI messages or emails went across Mrs. Clinton’s unsecured server. It’s a fact, it’s a finding of the Inspector General. That’s the root of the referral to the Department of Justice that caused them to begin this inquiry. The fact that that has occurred, puts the United States at grave risk. That’s the definition for compromising top secret material. That is the issue, that is really the focal point of what the FBI should have been looking at and it’s a YES or NO question. It’s not, what did you intend? It’s not, how did you feel about it? It’s not, what were you trying to accomplish? It’s a YES or NO question. Did this event occur? Yes or No. And if it did occur, who is responsible for it? What is the proximate cause of this event occurring and if you walk it back to find the person who made it happen, that’s who’s prosecuted. This whole intent thing, is nonsense. Mr. James Comey, FBI Director is lying to the American public when he goes down that path.
So when you look at the track record, at pattern of behavior, at the conduct of the vulnerabilities that have been exposed through this entire scandal; the American public is being misled and they are being misled in a very deliberate fashion, which is not just disturbing from a factual basis, but is deeply corrosive of the public’s understanding of what’s been put at risk by Mrs. Clinton and her conduct.
Outrageous, that so much damaging information continues to be exposed regarding this epic criminal scandal; weekly. And yet, Hillary Clinton, still continues to run for President of the United States. While Judicial Watch, Wikileaks and the House Oversight Committee continue to investigate this criminal case; but not urgently enough while Congress members are concentrating on campaigning during these crucial hours; trying to save the Republican party majority in the Senate. Many of us hoping Judicial Watch, Project Veritas Action, strong supporters and surrogates like Newt Gingrich, Mike Pence, Rudy Juliana, Mike Huckabee for the Republican Nominee Donald Trump can win this election and bring this epic criminal case to justice. This is unreal. That someone running for Commander in Chief is being investigated for major corruption and accepted $100 billion dollars from foreign donors, most of whom are United States adversaries.
Please inform yourself further with “List of Corruption Continues to Grow ” updated daily. Those who are involved with Hillary Clinton and support her epic criminal enterprise.
So in your opinion who is the alternative? Trump? Is he any better? With litany of law suits trailing his business everywhere, what type of president do u think he’ll make. An impeached one at best in my opinion. Believe me, u guys have got a lot of pussies for him to grab and kiss at will.
You know Mr Pat I hadn’t read your full comment until now. Don’t you ever use that kind of language with me again. I just wasted a full response to your comment not knowing you used such mean heartless language. The only thing I am sure of is that you sir have no respect for human life.
She comes with tremendous corruption and problems to last us a lifetime. So many people don’t trust the FBI, Department of Justice and State Department. These are law enforcement departments and their reputation and moral is at the lowliest point.
Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders touched their voters on an emotional level. It took me a long time to place my faith in Mr. Trump after feeling Bernie just disappeared. After he was intimidated and pressured by President Obama, HRC and the Democrats to unite for the party.
Every person in this life faces challenges. Perhaps Mr. Trump’s have been his financial woes. But I don’t see him colluding with foreign donors and governments, foreign adversaries, oligarchs, ignominious rich business executives to take advantage of other countries assets and commodities. The Clinton’s made a fortune in ‘pay for play’ schemes stealing African countries rich mineral deposits. Selling military arms to militia groups. She granted the soverign rights to a uranium mine in Utah to Frank Giustra a very close friend and business partner. He turned around and sold 80% to a Russian oligarch. There’s hundreds of illegal ‘pay for play’ schemes she had committed.
Donald Trump pointed out some pretty significant issues in this country. NATO for one. Other countries were not paying their share and the United States was picking up the tab. Many Americans have lost their faith in the Senate and Congress. I personally lost faith in President Obama. I voted for him twice. The information that I have researched at times painstakingly wasn’t only for my benefit but to inform readers and from there they makes their judgements, opinions and decisions.