Big Donors, Big Money & The Clintons: ©Natalie Keshing
Wikileaks has once again exposed the truth. Hillary Clinton’s big campaign money donors left it to the imaginations of the DNC, for those superDelegates what the Democratic National Committee wouldn’t do to woo and bribe them with their machinations exceedingly over the top.
Based on all this ‘the truth’ and Hillary Clinton’s campaign starting long before the primary voting, “Did Bernie Sanders really have a chance?” No, he wasn’t given the chance and neither were we. Except to show us, we the real voters who believed in Bernie Sander’s true heart, conviction and willingness to fight for the 99.9% of this country who are not wealthy, nor powerful, but deserving of a well balanced society of prosperity and opportunities.
Those of us, primary voters who’s vote wasn’t bribed or wooed but was based on the truth and Bernie Sanders willingness to fight for us in Congress. Sadly, that is all gone now and true Bernie Sander’s supporters and voters could never be convinced that we should vote for Hillary Clinton, even less now with all this breaking news coming from Wikileaks.
From “The Money Trail” ABC News Chief Investigative Correspondent Brian Ross:
“We are getting a rare inside look at the machinations of the Clinton Democratic party money raising machine. A price for everything, including what it would cost for a private dinner with Hillary Clinton. It’s all about the money from the welcoming parties to a woman dancer in a bubble in the middle of a fountain at the Philadelphia Museum of Art. To the night time cruses A superDelegate said, ‘That’s when the real business gets done outside the convention halls.” To the luxury suites at the convention center and the private parties with gourmet scrambled eggs with caviar; $40.00 per plate. This document in the leaked emails lays out what it costs to be a Democratic VIP. The highest level called the “Written House Square” for democrats who raise more than one million two hundred and fifty thousand dollars 1,250,000 dollars. “People get for a variety of reasons, they want their phone calls returned, they want access, they want influence.” Another superDelegate questioned, “We’ve received an invitation to the Vice President’s breakfast but not white house reception.” Also in the hacked materials, phone messages from top democratic donors calling headquarters apparently looking for their rewards. “Got a call last week my wife tells me from Debbie Wasserman Shultz about a small dinner with President Obama this week.” One email describes the price of a private dinner with Hillary Clinton costing $200,000. Another email describes how a donor battling cancer lost his coveted seat in a Presidential round table and even a bigger donor bumped him, “Please move him next to the President.” The DNC Finance Director Jordan Kaplan wrote with no sympathy for the cancer patient “A lot of people unfortunately get sick.” We found Kaplan this week hosting top donors at a champagne brunch at Philadelphia Ritz Carlton hotel. Staffers and security guards were called to block our cameras and when we cut up with Kaplan himself he said, “It was all too embarrassing to talk about.” And there’s a lot to be embarrassed about computer security experts say the Democrats ignored warnings last year that their computers were extremely vulnerable. Now the names and addresses and in some cases social security numbers of every major wealthy donor and how much they gave are all on line for the world to see.”
As they say ‘The fix was in’. When and who those hackers are more than likely not only had access to the Democratic National Committee email system, but even more damaging, the access to the unsecured personal servers Hillary Clinton was openly corresponding with and deal making with foreign nationals, donors, warlords, oligarchs, all eleven thousand one hundred (1,100) as former Secretary of State. At the same time advertising to them that she was not working from a secured firewall protected server. Because if she had, she wouldn’t be the type of person of immoral character lacking integrity of an ethical person who’s first priority was not to protect the American people and our national security; but now exposing thousands of top secret national security classified documents.
It could be this is only the beginning of Wikileaks exposing damaging emails regarding Hillary Clinton’s correspondences with the President, higher government officials, foreign donors and rich executive company owners exposing her direct contacts and communications making lucrative deals between Africa’s oligarchs controlling the access to foreign donors who first donated to the Clinton Foundation and then the Oligarchs providing mineral rights and access to rich mineral deposits in Africa.
The rich mineral deposits in Africa belong to the people of Africa, the men, women, and children who deserve to prosper in so many ways to enrich their lives and and help them reach their dreams, NOT The Warlords (Oligarchs), Not The Clintons, and NOT the foreign national governments, or the rich executive company owners seeking to make themselves rich at the expense of innocent men, women, and children’s lives. Can you imagine all the schools, housing, infrastructures, colleges, children’s parks, hospitals, agricultural farming everything that could have been built for the people of Africa with their money and their mineral rights. Now the Clintons, the Oligarchs (warlords), the foreign nationals, rich executive company owners have stolen from the poorest, the most vulnerable, the most in need by dealing making with criminals; how can they live with themselves and sleep at night. Who are they? What are they?
©Natalie Keshing