Last night at Kentucky’s Democratic Voting primary the votes swayed far to the left for Bernie Sanders and then swayed back to Hillary Clinton leaving Kentucky’s Democratic primary too close to call. I covered this with the following and within minutes there were less than 2,000 votes indicating a difference of a mere 0.4 percent.
At Eastern time 9:02 pm The Voting in Kentucky showing Clinton 46.5% and Bernie Sanders 46.5% awfully close; stay tune. They are 197 votes apart.
At Eastern time 9:06 pm Bernie Sanders 46.6 has now passed Hillary Clinton 46.3 In a matter of minutes it has changed to Bernie Sanders LEADING!!!
Currently Clinton has 1,767 pledged delegates and Bernie Sanders has 1,488. Going into this race Hillary Clinton had already claimed a number of these delegates based on the guise of a fair voting system verses the reality of a rigged, unethical, and inherently corrupt voting system that is not reflecting the people’s Democratic votes in this nation. It’s the same thing that Donald Trump the presumptive Republican nominee has pointed out as being a rigged voting system for the Republican party.
The fact of the matter is that unbound delegates and super delegates can take away the real representation of the people voting in this Election 2016; bottom line. Obviously Donald Trump has moved on, now being the presumptive Republican nominee. Bernie Sanders is still in the race and has promised to stay in through the Democratic convention. Each state’s delegate rules vary from too restrictive and very partial based on some mathematical gibberish that the state’s people really are not familiar with at all. Then within that state, counties can complicate this voting system even more. We were all sold on the premise that people’s primary votes would count deciding on their candidate of choice; not true. This even gets more complicated and unfair when Bernie Sanders campaign tried to change the Nevada Democratic convention rules to obtain more delegate votes, 60 or so potential delegates were ineligible because they had not registered as Democrats and missed the dead line. WHAT!!!
Given all this complexity in the voting system we must continue to pay close attention to all the signs, signals, and flags and let our instincts guide us, to go vote; it is crucial. There is still hope when people have become so disenfranchised with Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton’s unfavorable records, rhetoric, and secretive behavior from not disclosing tax returns to demanding your own personal server as Secretary of State. WHY?
Oregon’s Democratic Primary Voters Push Bernie Sanders To Victory!!!
Yesterday Hillary Clinton talked about her husband’s presidential history in balancing the deficit back in 1991 and she said, “I’ll put in charge my husband who will Revitalize the Economy.”
Now correct me if I’m wrong it is Hillary Clinton who is running for office!!!
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Natalie Keshing, Editor and Chief of