Let’s not mince words after all the candidates are being very clear.
It’s playing out in this play of colorful characters that are still in hot pursuit for the presidency in this campaign race. Continuing Mr. Donald Trump has come full circle going from his highest to maybe his lowest and back up again. The televised news media is continually watching and recording every move and word he breathes and speaks (CNN, MSNBC, FNBC). Many in the white house are holding their breath. Not breathing the air of victory as far as most of the GOP is concerned and who knows how many Democrats.
Last night I briefly watched a very tired Hillary Clinton voice that Mr. Trump is a “Loose Cannon” comparing his labeling and naming Mrs. Clinton a “Crooked Hillary”. Putting all the name calling aside these are two very different and polarizing candidates in this race. I think most of us are truly concerned either way.
I want to be very clear that I am not happy nor impressed with Hillary Clinton who took a long enough pause and had a difficult time saying $12.00 minimum wage, compared to Mr. Sanders being very clear on $15.00 minimum wage. In my article for Election 2016 “Off to Vatican vs Off to Hollywood” https://nataliekeshing.com/off-vatican-vs-off-hollywood/ I talked about this in more detail.
The one thing that Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump do have in common is that they are rich. They both have personal friendships with Wall Street and large wealthy companies. Today it was announced that Trump hired a new finance chairman who was partner at Goldman Sachs. People definitely were vocal about this tidbit that was posted on Politico:
It may very well be that most of the support for Hillary Clinton is only because of their loyalty to the Democratic party. Many would prefer for the bureaucracy of politics and doing their four hour a day “Dialing for Dollars” https://nataliekeshing.com/congressmen-telemarketers-dialing-dollars/ to remain exactly the same. It’s like a bad marriage where neither party is really growing or ready to change their theatrics and antics in a drastic way, though we all have our professional and personal limits. If Donald Trump wins this election for President of the United States a lot will change; in a big way. I think most of us can agree on that premise and the barometer reading on how effective a President he will be keeps bouncing left and right and fate has yet to give us that answer over the next eight years should he win.
Most of the strength for those pulling the strings behind the GOP in Congress are part of that “Good Old Boys” mentality. Eventually they will be weeded out. That’s the circle of life, the young and bright minds replacing the old and stubborn that don’t want change whatever the cost. But change most often doesn’t imply a bad thing. Most of us have come as far as we have based on changing our lives and facing the most difficult circumstances and challenges. So there is HOPE, always, eternally. This country was built on the very same HOPE and progress that we have come far and we still remain strong, but we do have to make changes for an improved equal distribution of a well balanced society.
KeepingUInformed @Natalie Keshing
You know that was the same thought process when he came on board with his boisterous personality and started immediately shooting through roof of this campaigning race threshold. He has offended a lot of woman and he does have that old fashion mentality about a women. Personally, he hasn’t offended me because I am very secure in my mind and body. But I don’t like that fact that he intends to send all the Mexican American back to Mexico, because I don’t think he understands their value. Two men stood in the town hall meeting in Wisconsin and they were genuinely concerned about their large agricultural companies where they employ a good majority of the Mexican American population. Should these people have to leave their jobs this will negatively impact on our agricultural system and all of us will be affected. His wife came from abroad to become a United States citizen why should it matter that these people are from Mexico trying to do the same thing. I’m now really concerned if he wins the Presidency but I don’t trust Hillary at all.