Video of the pipe bomb denonating at
Terrorist Attack near NY’s Time Square
©Natalie Keshing
On Monday morning 12/11/17, approximately 7:20 am ET, a terrorist attack occurred when a pipe bomb was detonated in an underground subway near New York’s Times Square.
Authorities say, at least four people, including the suspect were injured in this terrorist attack. None of the injuries were considered life-threatening.
Surveillance video of the blast did show people walking through a crowded pedestrian tunnel when the bomb detonated emitting a plume of smoke. Police Commissioner James O’Neill said, “the blast occurred at about 7:20 a.m. ET on a below-ground walkway connecting subway lines between Seventh and Eighth Avenues.”
The NY Police Department quickly made an arrest when the suspect was injured near the Times Square transit hub.
Hundreds of commuters were evacuated from subway trains and dozens of emergency vehicles swarmed NY Times Square on Monday morning, triggering chaos at a busy transit hub during the morning rush hour.
Suspect Akayed Ullah, 27, was taken into custody and rushed to a Bellevue Hospital with burns and other injuries. Three people near him suffered minor injuries. The terrorist had wires attached to him and a 5-inch metal pipe bomb and battery pack strapped to his midsection as he walked through the Manhattan transit hub.
This is a particularly sensitive time during Christmas season, where terrorists are looking to cause the most harm. Everyone, especially in big cities, must pay close attention to their surroundings and exit signs during their Christmas shopping and going out to eat in celebration of Christmas.
Stay tuned for more important details regarding this terrorist Attack. Stay safe.