On this morning’s news Bernie Sanders announced the democratic election is going to a contested convention.
Donald Trump continues with his message that Hillary Clinton is a crooked politician.
Hillary Clinton has moved her focus on addressing Donald Trump’s threat of winning this election and becoming our President. Her message today “We cannot let Donald Trump destroy President Obama’s legacy.”
The history of past president’s legacy reflects on their tenure in office. If Mr. Trump or Mr. Sanders wins there legacy will be based on their commitment to change and improve those issues here in America that threaten our democracy and this country as a thriving society demonstrated and maintained in the past. Hillary Clinton is having to stand up to Mr. Trump and Mr. Sander’s fight in this election. It is a difficult position for her because she has to fight the fight with two candidates that have raised their own money as Mr. Sanders has and Mr. Trump has funded his own campaign, while Hillary Clinton has had to depend on Wall Street, superPACs, large companies, and celebrity’s very large donations. Please refer to the article under category Election 2016 titled Remoras on Shark’s Backs
Meanwhile Ted Cruz is focusing on Indiana. We haven’t heard much from his designated Vice President nominee Carly Fiorina. This is the barometer reading or scoop on Clarly Fiorina.
Certainly there have been more than colorful comments and rhetoric against Mr. Cruz. Mr. Cruz was the main contributors as senator to support the Government shutdown in 2013. Shutting down the United States government was an extremely serious risk to take, if there had been a serious threat to this country how quickly could we have responded, not to mention the loss of productivity and money wasted. The fact remains that Congress at this time deserve’s a D- on their report card. Certainly not an A, B, or even a C.
One thing is apparent and helpful that Americans are taking this election very serious and we perfectly understand that Congress has to do more than “Dialing For Dollars” for four hours a day. Please refer to the article in Election 2016 titled “Dialing For Dollars”.
StayTune, KeepingUInformed, BridgingTheGap, and NewsJustIn
@ Natalie Keshing