©Natalie Keshing
Two Imminent dangers to society as a whole.
Americans were facing a world crises where Kim Jong-Un was consistently building his arsenal of ICBMs (intercontinental ballistic missiles). Continuing with his dictatorship, threatening and saber-rattling during the eight years former President Obama was in office.
I am happy to announce that most Americans are relieved today on September 19, 2018. President Trump left his pride at the door and extended his hand in friendship to meet Kim Jong-Un personally. Now, North Korea has agreed to shutdown one of the country’s main missile testing and launching sites. Adding to this great news, North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un has met and greeted South Korean President Moon Jaie-in on his arrival in Pyongyang on September 18, 2018 for their third summit this year. The two countries are looking to establish peace of the Korean Peninsula.
Why did ISIS or any radical Jihadists terrorist group appeal to and consistently recruited young men abroad?
I believe the fundamental problem exists because of abuse, irreverence, neglect, no sense of purpose and extreme anger in their immediate households.
The Muslim’s ideology of Islam is permitted to practice Jihad on those they deem their enemies; Americans, Europeans, Jews and Christians. The Muslim’s hatred is also fueled by physical, psychological and sexual abuse. Their minds are fueled with constant brainwashing; much like a cult, a gang, that exists on the weakness of others and as a whole. Islamic schools in Pakistan plagued by sex abuse of children.
The neglict, physical and sexual abuse is a systemic and prevalent crime throughout the Middle East as well here in the United States. Adding to the Muslim’s culture and their faith in Islam, young children and women are treated like second class citizens and have practically no rights.
As a part of the liberal opposition and corruption, the alt-left are encouraging and championing the Women’s March organization and the liberal activist Linda Sarsour, c0-chairman of the Women’s March movement funded by billionaire George Soros.
Sarsour called for “Jihad” against President Trump and his administration. Sorsour, said in a impassioned speech, “I hope that we stand up to those who oppress our communities that Allah accepts that a form of “Jihad”. We are struggling against tyrants and rulers not only abroad in the Middle East or in the other side of the world but here in these United States of America where you have fascists and white supremacists and Islamaphobes reigning in the White House.” Sarsour’s father was imprisoned in Egypt for terrorism.
Since then, Sarsour has appeared as a protester at one of the confirmation hearings for Judge Kavanaugh selected by President Trump for our next Supreme Court Justice. She is also a fan, friend and admirer of Siraj Wahhaj Senior, unindicted for the first WTC bombing and father to the 3 siblings, 1 son and 2 daughters who where were arrested in Taos, New Mexico for child abuse and teaching children to shoot guns for a future terrorist attack.
Sarsour and Wahhag Sr are politically affiliated with CAIR Council on American Islamic Relations. CAIR is a terrorist front group with extensive links to foreign and domestic Islamists. It was founded in 1994 by three Middle Eastern extremists (Omar Ahmad, Nihad Awad and Rafeeq Jaber) who ran the American propaganda wing of Hamas, known then as the Islamic Association for Palestine.
This sends a dangerous message to Muslims and Americans. Linda Sarsour lives in the United States and is calling for “Jihad” on Americans is divisive, malicious and harmful; creating more opposition and irreverence for each other in this country. We are a society of different cultures in the United States. We should recognize and respect our cultural differences with the understanding that we are all Americans.
The good role models for young Muslim boys and men almost doesn’t exist in Muslim countries because they are still dominated by oppression and dictators who are very insecure and diabolical. These circumstances can affect any family regardless of their ethnicity or culture but in the Muslim communities it’s rampant; ubiquitous insanity had spread like wildfire throughout Europe. Muslim men going to a mosque to pray, then returning home and using their power as a parent to abuse and/or brainwash their children and wives won’t solve the fundamental problems within their households, the culture or in society. Again, women and children have no rights in these primitive cultures and that adds more to the problem and fuels the hatred for young Muslim men to commit atrocious crimes.
Young men who are victims of emotional, physical and sexual abuse and neglect suffer in isolation. As a result they grow up to be very angry young men. There is no sense of purpose, boundaries and belonging to something greater or good for them.
ISIS was always waiting to recruit through social media and present the most dangerous of circumstances and even death during their spree of bombing and shooting innocent civilians all over the world. Radical Jihadists leaders communicating and brainwashing their angry minds through social media. ISIS or other terrorist groups will continue to recruit those who hate their lives, their families, their communities and society as a whole.
I really believe these are the fundamental problems in recruiting young men to join terrorist groups like ISIS and al Qaeda. The segregation they experience from society, their communities and their immediate families perpetuates the problem. Most don’t assimilate within a new country. In large numbers, these young angry men become one of society’s biggest problems. And nobody wants the problem…
We are a larger society in population than ever before. All our communication and weaponry is completely mobile and scalable. The misuse of power to remain in power; like Assad in Syria. Like the maniacal corrupted failed Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton. Like a past President of the United States wiretapping and unmasking to undermine the incoming President. Accusing President Trump of the very crimes President Obama and his administration committed; involved with Russia through a pay-4-play scheme to obtain US uranium through Uranium One. Spying and deflecting on an incoming President and his administration continues to inflict harm, opposition, division and even death as in Assad’s regime; the killing of innocent human beings and the children who deserve so much more.
The most dangerous and imminent threat to our country is the Deep State Corruption that has infiltrated our law enforcement agencies due to Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton’s pattern of criminal behavior. President Trump and American taxpayers now have to contend with these two people and the Deep State corruption who present the biggest danger to our country, liberty and justice for all.
Many won’t admit the deep psychological problems they suffer from like pathological greed. But deep down inside know who they are and they want to remain in power at any cost like the Deep State Corruption. Whether a dictator, an oligarch, a failed former Secretary of State running for President under a federal bureau investigation or even a former President of the United States of America still jeopardizing our national security by sending his former Secretary of State John Kerry multiple times to Iran to continue to meet with a US adversary; negotiating, God knows for what. President Trump ended the treasonous Nuclear Iran Deal that former President Obama had agreed to.
This kind of pattern of behavior from this former Presidency erodes trust, hope and now even peace in our country.
~ Natalie Keshing for all the Good in the United States of America…