One of my recordings when I was looking for background music and this sort of popped into my head. This is my voice and I also bark as Todo the dog in the background.
I can only tell you about the magic I feel daily. It’s presence has all the hope, faith and gratitude I feel daily. ©Natalie Keshing
Good Day
Good Afternoon
Good Evening
It’s a beautiful evening here and it’s raining and thundering in the background and how that makes me feel safe and happy. The breeze, my dear friend I never take for granted.
Under the category Election 2016 there is the following that are new:
1) The Infection of Greed: The Clintons
2) Response to Michael Moore’s 5 Reasons Why Trump Will Win
3) Category ‘A Past” there is “What Remains To Be Said Part VIII
As always there are new articles to come and I would like to wish all of you a happy and peaceful evening.
©Natalie Keshing
This inetcduors a pleasingly rational point of view.
Thank you Molly. Have a wonderful day.
At join 795,524 readers over 189 countries for a selection of important news. Also a haunting thriller “The Darkest of Night” and the second a delightful read “Baroness Karen”.
A Work In Progress ~ The Darkest Of Night
A Work In Progress The Baroness Karen
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