I have acted throughout my life in community theater, regional theater, a little television, and one screen movie. I have a broad range. I have recorded scenes, verses, dialogues where I play a multiple of characters with different voices and accents, including an impression of Toto the dog in the Wizard of Oz. I encourage you to listen to these recordings. This demonstrates my range. I wrote all my recorded material and do both voices in each scene, especially for the scenes for “Whatever Happened To Baby Jane.”
A Review of Natalie Keshing, an Actress:
“What an incredible, creative, and expressive mind, awareness you possess, Natalie. I am still listening to the music accompanying your entries on LinkedIn and I’m simply astounded. What makes it even better is my imaging that natural photo of you, all just amazing. I’ve almost gushed, too much about you, yet the more I see a layer unpeeled, I find so much more to bring out, to comment about you. In the very brief time I’ve known you via LinkedIn, I have grown to see your essence itself as a star of the very high order; however, hearing all of this, especially that around Toto, confirms to me that you are to be a star of some sort that encompasses this beautiful collection. Thank you, so much for sharing this with me, Natalie. Many folks proclaim writing and poetry expertise in Santa Fe, in general and then more specifically on the web; however, this woman, Natalie Keshing, has a more prolific set of talents and gifts than I actually have ever come to know.. Partially. her words and musings connect so cleanly with me, and more importantly they are bred from a pool of universal greatness.” ~ Robert Carlson

Mrs. Robinson Monologue.
Mrs. Robinson: The scene I created, wrote and performed:
Mrs. Robinson comes into her living room fidgety and agitated. She looks at herself in the mirror. She takes her lipstick from her clasp purse and reapplies it; pursing her lips. Looking from side to side, satisfied that she applied her makeup perfectly. She takes a deep breath. Looks at her watch and decides why not make herself a drink. Vodka on the rocks. With her drink in hand, she goes over to the console and plays a new song.
Something jazzy, sexy. After a few more sips, she starts to become loose and even more sensual with the music. She dances to the music with a few uninhibited moves. She lights and blows smoke gently into the air. Looks at her watch again.
Finally, she decides to make the call. He answers the phone expecting her call,
“Well, Hi baby. I thought you were going to stand me up.”
She responds, “Well, you know you’re just a temporary band aid.” They laugh together. He says to her,
“Well, you know my wounds need some healing.”
She smiles and confirms “Same place, same time.”
She hangs up. Finishes her drink. Tells the housekeeper to tell her husband not to wait up for her. Grabs her mink stole opens and closes the front door.
She is very well put together. Her allure, the movement in her hips and walk, tanned shapely calves on heels. Gets into her sports car rolls down the driver’s window, cigarette in her left hand smokes, inhales, and then blows smoke out the window. Starts the car and off she goes to apply a band aid and heal the wounds; hers. Scene done.” © Natalie Keshing
It Is In A Manner
We Delicately
Apply The Magic
Slip Into Something
Most Feminine
Pursing Are Lips
Then Showing Him
~ Natalie
One of my favorite characters was Mrs. Robinson in “The Graduate”. Anne Bancroft played this character beautifully, predator-like with a relaxed nonchalant demeanor. But who was she; really? Who was Mrs. Robinson.
When I lived in Los Angeles I had the rare and wonderful opportunity to get into Mrs. Robinson’s psyche. I was assigned a scene to rehearse and act. Lynette McNeill, my acting coach asked each of us to write and prepare a new scene of our character in their normal daily life. This was an important exercise that teaches you to understand and build your character’s purpose and ultimately what drives the character. No character is a flat-line of emotions. There is always a wave of emotions whether displayed outwardly or hidden underneath. Through the actor’s expression; a glance, intention, mood and demeanor we become part of their story and forget ours; at least for a little while. Hidden emotions drive us to do the things we would not normally do and so actors come to understand this at a very deep and profound level but I might add so do the rest of us.
I chose what Mrs. Robinson would wear, her clothing, hair, lipstick, and heels. The items I chose were purposely selected to teach me how I would feel in Mrs. Robinson’s own skin; her persona. How she dressed was as important to her as eating breakfast. I as a woman could relate to Mrs. Robinson’s flare for fashion.
The scene I created was set in Mrs. Robinson’s luxurious living room. I was wearing an off white dress clinging to my slim figure accentuating my womanly curves. There was black embroidery at the bottom of the dress intentionally exposing my sking; arms, legs, and a hint of cleavage. Long black crystal earrings. My hair worn up with long curls parading down. Shiny black high heels. No nylons. Sunbathing by the pool gives that golden color to bare long toned legs.
Talking Points: Mrs. Robinson’s Past
We are all participants in a movie or play. Beautiful independent minds waiting for that moment where we can relate. Without an audience, a movie isn’t a movie, a play isn’t a play and a life isn’t a life.
Mrs. Robinson had a luxurious lifestyle which became her number one priority and secondly, needing the attention of other men. Why? Was she in an unfulfilled marriage that no longer challenged her intellectually, emotional and sexually? Was her husband’s number one focus to grow his company putting those long hours at the office and almost never really being present at home except to sleep and occasionally relax? Did he have his own liaisons? Not caring if she had hers. Had they come to an undisclosed understanding in their marriage; that she needed him for her luxurious lifestyle and he needed her for appearances sake, to mingle and present a fallacy as a normal wealthy married couple; mingling with society’s elite. All these questions were the external parts of her life.
Who was she internally? Drinking was a normal everyday thing. It was her need to drink, to relax, keeping her from facing reality. Masking and numbing all her true feelings. What was her childhood like? Was she close to either of her parents? What problems existed in her parents’ home which at the very least shapes the foundation of people’s mental and emotional capacities. We don’t like to think of it in those terms; or admit this. But it does. Was she loved?
Her insatiable need for attention outweighed all established moral boundaries. Her predatory behavior to sleep with her own daughter’s boyfriend was at its worst; immoral and damaging to her daughter. She had to prove to herself that she was always going to remain desirable and beautiful; whatever the cost, even destroying her daughter. There isn’t just one cause and effect that made this woman a very unhappy person. There were the formative years in her life she had experienced forming her insecurities. She had never become genuinely and emotionally attached to anyone and impossible to change if narcissistic.