I write about stories and issues that compel me to share important and inspiring content. ©Natalie Keshing
©Natalie Keshing
Daily Thought 10/03/16: In today’s writing I was compelled to write about a lot of things affecting our great nation and other wonderful countries around this world.
There were two reports warning of natural disasters. One is hurricane Matthew passing through Jamaica, Haiti, Cuba and up to Florida within the week.
The other was an alert issued by the USGS on the Southern end of California regarding a possible earthquake of the magnitude of 7.0 or higher.
I can’t imagine these two possible natural disasters occurring within a short period of each other, one on the west coast the other on the east coast.
With the election coming, these possible natural disasters could affect the safety of thousands of families and businesses. This could also potentially affect election 2016.
With people concentrating and rightly so on their families safety and rebuilding destruction from a natural disaster it could encourage or discourage voter turnout.
I think we should all take the time to think about the potential of one or God forbid two natural disasters occurring in the same week.
All of this news is alarming, but we each have to do our part to make a difference for the millions of lives that could be affected by natural disasters. Stay safe and prepare with enough food and water for the week. Candles, flashlights, perishables, pet food, medicines, prescriptions and enough gas in your vehicles.
With all the news traveling so fast on news media and social media sights there are holes where important news and inspiring content doesn’t reach all readers around the world. Information that is very important, assimilated, and condensed is distributed throughout many countries here at NatsWritings.com.
Stay tuned for more information. I would like to thank the many readers around the world that read at NatsWritings.com. Thank you so much for your precious time.