ICYMI: In Case You Missed It
YOLO: You Only Live Once
The Melody To Sustain Me ~ ©Natalie Keshing
I listen for the melody to sustain me…If only this one life changing event hadn’t happen…I would have continued to be me …The woman in the all the pictures of long ago…No, I’m not depressed…and no, I’m not insane…Just a woman who isn’t afraid of sharing all her woos, hopes, and dreams…That lives in us eternally…I haven’t given up yet…at least not in me…Monday’s can’t come sooner…Friday’s, Saturday’s, and Sunday’s I’m treading on thin water…and walking on eggshells and listening for the music to whisk me away to another eternal dream…if even for a moment…it’s enough for the time being…And today is only Saturday…a million miles away from Monday…My freedom, clarity, and peace…
Thoughts from NatsWritingsMind
©Natalie Keshing, Editor-in-Chief of natswritings.com nataliekeshing.com