“What I Remember” by Natalie
There are things like history that cannot be truly appreciated until you reach a certain age. I guess I have reached this age. And I wonder a lot about their lives.
He fought in World War I in France. He came back and met her, an only child. Petite, pretty and hard working.
She would can the fruit & vegetables and I remember that room so well with the brown chest and the smell of worn leather filled with items that probably would never be used again.
Of course, sometimes we hate to part with anything that meant something in the past. I remember an old wheelchair. But I don’t remember him using the wheelchair. No, he didn’t get hurt in the war but later in life.
Sometimes we escape something that hasn’t altered our lives, like it has affected others. Therefore, we can only relate but never really understand until we’re there.
It’s what’s left of them for me to never forget their inexplicable presence that never wavered. They nourished my small life while my mother worked for a very famous painter. So famous that she offered my mother the moon, the stars and the sunsets with sunrise that would have been much kinder had she, we taken this unique opportunity. But it wasn’t meant to be, it wasn’t in the cards as they say.
She was young and beautiful. Long dark brown hair and a fiery temperament that could only attract him on that fateful night. From that point on they danced and danced while our lives changed with his worst vice and I prayed and I wished for God to perform a miracle.
I’ll continue to write more tomorrow. I must tend to my priorities. ~ Natalie