June 9, 2016 President Obama White House Washington, DC To President Obama, President Obama when Hillary Clinton is “Voted” for President by the superDelegate process at the Democratic convention, does this mean we should prepare ourselves for another Clinton impeachment? Her insistence on keeping her personal unsecured server where she continued to review thousands of […]
Posts tagged NewsJustIn
President Obama Endorses Hillary Clinton
BitsOfNews at nataliekeshing.com or natswritings.com Just Announced President Obama endorses Hillary Clinton for President: President Obama didn’t even give the American voters for Bernie Sanders and those of us who continue to mistrust Hillary Clinton the time to swallow that the news media and all of Hillary’s rich supporters have elected her as the Democratic Nominee […]
Terrorist Attack in Tel-Aviv
NewsJustIn Terrorist Attack in Tel-Aviv, Israel in a open shopping location. A terrorists attack has occurred and been reported in Tel-Aviv. This soft target shootings took place at around 8:30 in the evening. This location was a newly developed area with many stores and people sitting outside at tables eating and enjoying the […]
Daily Thought 06/08/16
Game On Animalistic Instincts Split Second Acceleration Precise Target She Hunts To Sustain ©Natalie Keshing “A leap of faith – it’s what we do everyday.” ©Natalie Keshing Good day readers I hope everything is going well with your precious lives. I’ve had a few setbacks, but I’m here to continue to enlighten you. Yesterday and […]
Rolling Thunder Motorcycle Rally
Rolling Thunder Motorcycle Rally Held in Washington, D.C. There are hundreds maybe thousands of them preparing their Harley’s, their motorcycles, their companions flying through the wind of freedom to meet and salute this Nation’s Memorial Day at the Rolling Thunder Motorcycle Rally held on May 29, 2016 Sunday afternoon in Washington, DC. Donald Trump will […]
Donald Trump Clinching the Republican Nom...
Live with MSNBC Breaking News Donald Trump is holding a press conference in Bismarck, ND. Taxes: “I’ll release my taxes when the audit is done.” Inspector General’s Report On Hillary Clinton: Mr. Trump said, “You have doubts that she could stay in the race with me. This was bad judgement, it’s devastating, the report. This […]
SuperPAC Priorities USA
ABOUT US LOG IN TO MYOPENSECRETS Will it be in the Eye of the Beholder? NewsJustIn Live from ©Natalie Keshing SuperPACs Priorities USA against Donald Trump: SuperPAC Priorities USA will spend 130 million dollars in TV ads against Donald Trump in the following states NV, CO, IA, OH, VA, FL, NH between June 8th […]