BitsOfNews at Demands for an Independent Council ©Natalie Keshing
President Obama has now endorsed Hillary Clinton to be our next President. Just after shaking hands and sharing coffee with Bernie Sanders. It appears this was a strong arm attempt to meet and encourage Bernie Sanders to throw in the towel and concede to Hillary Clinton. As voters for Bernie Sanders we are never going to trust Hillary Clinton or vote for her; that will never happen. Especially, if she is being protected by the President for violating our national security foreign policy laws. What did President Obama have in his coffee this morning when he met with Bernie Sanders, certainly not truth serum.
It is now time that Congress or the President (if he has nothing to hide) to assign an independent council, apart from the State Department Inspector General, Department of Justice, and FBI to continue with a non-partisan, unbiased investigation of Hillary Clinton violating national security foreign laws, regulations, policies and implementations. We don’t have to accept her as President based on her unethical an deceptive nature.
This must be investigated, questioned, noted, and ultimately resolved for the American people.
This behavior from the President to the Federal Offices seemingly protecting Hillary Clinton is insulting to the American people. We must demand for our rights as American citizens to have an independent counsel investigate Hillary Clinton for serious violations of national security policies.
Judge Andrew Napolitano stated, “An independent council would alleviate conflict. Because an independent council is not answerable to the director of the FBI. Is not answerable to the attorney general, and is not answerable to the White House. An independent council would have his or her own budget, discretion, as to what charges to bring. FBI agents to work for him or her, and it’s not really answerable to anyone.”
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