Has my presence give meaning in your life. I so hope it could. I have long days these days of wanting to experience and explore more, but that doesn’t seem likely. ~Natalie
At some point you have to wean off of other social media sites to determine how your website http://www.natswritings.com is going to survive. So I am no longer posting articles on social media sites. My readers visitors will have to type in http://www.natswritings.com . But I am very proud of the 245,793 readers across 175 countries.
It is readers who come to enjoy your writing that gives your words the meaning and merit.
I am no longer posting articles on other social media websites because I want readers to think about visiting my site as an automatic thought, “Let’s see what Natalie Keshing posted today?”
Though today September 3, 2016 is extremely quiet Shh! I’m whispering…I can tell in social media wonderland there are many who had wonderful plans to enjoy life. Very little activity as so many prepared for a wonderful weekend to spend with your families or take a trip somewhere.
I wish I could do these kinds of trips on a spontaneous whim just to get away. I loved to go camping in my late twenties and early thirties. I enjoyed just packing up sleeping bags, a tent and cooking pans. Putting food in the ice chest cooler and taking off…
I still remember my beautiful Pekingese Casanova dying to get into the river and he just floated there enjoying the cool water because he was championship material, lots of hair, except for his testicles not descending into the proper area that disqualified him from shows, otherwise he was the little king with his tail going back and forth. He was a true little alpha male, he was tough. He didn’t fear much but he never would lick a person’s hand or face which is out of the ordinary, unusual, since dogs love to show their affection by licking their owners. He would smile and show his teeth. He would spin around and loved to lay on his back and have his tummy scratched. I had three dogs for a very long time and they were almost the same age and when the time came they were showing physical signs of getting old they all left this world within a 6 month period.
That was really hard to handle and I never adopted another dog since 2012 when I had a pet almost my entire life. I think about it once in a while but I’m not really in place of giving a pet that kind of stability. Everything in my life is up in the air and I spent quite a bit of money when I had to put all three dogs in a Dog Kennel for a vacation or traveling through work. They didn’t like that, I guess I wouldn’t have like it either.
I am procrastinating I have to exercise and I should probably be doing that. So I’ll wish you a happy holiday weekend and ladies, young women stay clear from areas with mosquitos infected with the Zika virus; like in Florida. I have to look up an article that indicated that some people in Brazil have reported signs of paralysis as a result of Zika Virus that is pretty alarming news.
Have a wonderful weekend.