US Cannot Trust China Amid Ukraine Crisis: Rep. Steve Chabot
From The Epoch Times By and
Natalie’s Commentary: The United States cannot trust China and Biden! The proof is in what Biden has done for over fourteen and half months further destroying the United States economy and American’s lives. He deliberately shutdown the Keystone XL pipeline and hundreds of thousands of jobs for Americans. He deliberately shutdown all fracking affecting United States energy independent status producing enough oil and gas for Americans and now as Fox News Tucker Carlson said, we are buying gas and oil from Russia at astronomical prices and we are helping fund Putin’s military machine against Ukraine.
Biden’s debacle in pulling out of Afghanistan went exactly according to his plan including leaving behind the United States best technological military equipment worth $90 billion and the worst not rescuing a sole American inside the US Embassy because the risk was to great that someone would certainly have told the truth from the beginning.
Biden has insidiously corrupted all agencies with mostly former Obama appointees and Hillary Clinton’s criminal enterprise supporters in all cabinet secretary positions who know nothing about their job or the agencies they are in charge of.
Bank of America is now spying on customer’s banking information reporting any transactions of $600.00 or more without the consent of banking customers most who would decline this outrageous intelligence spying on Americans which is supposed to be against the law. Not since a 100 years, a whole century have Americans stood in line for food in a queue extending for blocks and blocks waiting to feed their families.
China has demonstrated the testing of hypersonic missiles which are incredibly faster than an intercontinental ballistic missile that travels into space before they travel to hit the target. If a hypersonic missile is released from China, it can travel and hit the United States in 30 minutes. If that were to happen we can rest assured that the Chairman, Mark Milley of the Joint Chiefs of Staff would not inform Biden and much less anyone else except for DoD Secretary, Lloyd Austin. Chairman Mark Milley testified to Congress, as it was written in several books, that he would immediately inform China’s top General if the United States were to attack China.
Many Americans are well aware Biden and Fauci are actually giving orders to destroy and kill as many Americans through experimental “vaccine”mandates.
These vaccines are being administered under an emergency use authorization which requires informed consent by the person receiving the vaccine. Informed consent means understanding the risks and benefits of the vaccines and making their own decision and not for the federal government to mandate these vaccines. Mandating the vaccines takes away informed consent and that is against the law that permits emergency use authorization.
Furthermore, Pfizer and Moderna used a scientific concept called reverse transcription when DNA is made from RNA. This is by no means normal. The normal transcription process involves a portion of the DNA serving as a template to make an mRNA molecule inside the nucleus.
Please read the most important article regarding the extreme damage these experimental genetic altering shots the government deceptively called vaccines:🚨🚨🚨 mRNA Vaccines Produce Persisting Spike Protein, Likely Causing Clots, Heart Inflammations, Cancers: Dr. Ryan Cole
At least 100 million people have refused to get their second shot and most other Americans are completely suspicious and have the American and personal right to refuse these shots. These experimental shots which are not vaccines are debilitating and killing people. Dr. Joel S. Hirschhorn is exactly right among thousands of doctors and scientists who have come to the same conclusions regarding the adverse effects of these experimental shots.
The COVID vaccines are not vaccines but genetic therapy products using mRNA technology that generates the COVID spike protein that travels to every major organ, tissue, artery, vessel in your body including the brain and the spinal chord. These experimental shots are not immunizing people from getting COVID but instead becoming contagious and spreading the COVID virus. Forty one million people have left their jobs to avoid taking these dangerous and unethical shots.
There is a trend that is already being reported in different states in the US and other countries. When the genetic therapy shots are given people get sick with COVID and the numbers who report to hospitals or urgent care centers goes up dramatically. This would confirm that when these shots are given, they create the COVID spike protein and become contagious to others; therefore confirming the number of people getting sick with COVID is going up dramatically.
“You don’t get immunity because COVID vaccines do not directly produce immunity. They do not directly kill the COVID virus. Vaccinated people can still have high viral loads and also transmit the virus to others. This is why mandates to get everyone the shots really does not make sense from a public health perspective infecting everyone that Paul Elias Alexander has well substantiated.”
“Prior to September 1, 2021 here is how CDC defined vaccine:”
“A product that stimulates a person’s immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease, protecting the person from that disease. Vaccines are usually administered through needle injections, but can also be administered by mouth or sprayed into the nose.”
“This definition had been used for years and it makes sense. No expert or sensible citizen would find fault with it. But did it honestly apply to the COVID vaccines?”
“Then this is what CDC concocted:” in changing the definition of a vaccine.
”A preparation that is used to stimulate the body’s immune response against diseases. Vaccines are usually administered through needle injections, but some can be administered by mouth or sprayed into the nose.”
“The new vaccine definition, if publicly known, would reduce public confidence in current COVID vaccines. You don’t have to be a medical expert to see how the new definition has been created to accommodate COVID shots.”
“Fully vaccinated people can still get COVID-19, referred to as breakthrough infections that, contrary to what the government says, can be very serious, often requiring hospitalization and sometimes causing death.”
”Riemersma et al. found “no difference in viral loads when comparing unvaccinated individuals to those who have vaccine “breakthrough” infections. Furthermore, individuals with vaccine breakthrough infections frequently test positive with viral loads consistent with the ability to shed infectious viruses.” Results indicate that “if vaccinated individuals become infected with the delta variant, they may be sources of SARS-CoV-2 transmission to others.””
It has become very discouraging that elected Congressmen and Senators are continuing the myth that the ‘vaccines’ are effective.~ Natalie
Russia’s reported request to China for support in its invasion of Ukraine is a sign that “Russia is in trouble, Putin is having a hard time,” Rep. Steve Chabot (R-Ohio) told Epoch Times affiliate NTD in an interview on March 17.
It is not surprising that the Russian leader would turn to China for military and economic aid, he said, but Russian President Vladamir Putin’s move necessitates heightened caution on the part of the United States.
“We should be very, very vigilant, watchful, and make sure that we’re on top of things,” Chabot said, just a day before President Joe Biden’s widely anticipated video call with Chinese leader Xi Jinping.
The lawmaker said he hoped that Biden would tell Xi “to back off, and not to work with Putin, because I think it’s not in China’s best interest.”
During the two-hour video call on Friday, Biden told Xi that there would be “consequences” if China chose to materially support Russia, the White House said.
White House press secretary Jen Psaki later said that Biden did not receive any specific assurances that China would act one way or another. She also refused to outline specifics on what the consequences would entail, saying that Washington was still discussing this with Group of Seven allies.
While the sanctions imposed on Russia are some of the toughest on record, Chabot said that he and many of his colleagues would have been in favor of applying much stiffer sanctions on Russia even before the Feb. 24 invasion of Ukraine. Such a step might have made Putin think twice before proceeding with the attack.
But, for the time being, the powers arrayed against Russia need to watch and see what effect the sanctions have on the course of the conflict and Putin’s willingness to pursue it, the lawmaker believed.
It is a mistake to expect transparency from the Chinese regime regarding its intentions or its actions in the Ukraine crisis, the congressman said. Such deceptiveness is of a piece with Beijing’s conduct in other crises.
“Clearly, China is going to deny everything, as they always do,” Chabot said.
“We know that China did cover up the first [COVI-19] outbreak that they had, to the detriment of the rest of the world. I don’t think we would have seen nearly the number of deaths had they actually opened up with the rest of the world, but they covered it up. And we should expect them, in this case, to do something similar. You really just can’t trust the PRC [People’s Republic of China],” he added.
If Xi is contemplating action against Taiwan, Chabot said he hopes that Xi will look at the difficulty that Putin has experienced in the Ukraine invasion and understand that an invasion of the island would be even harder to pursue given the United States’ strong ties to democratic Taiwan.
“It’s a critical ally of ours in a critical region, and we need to stand with Taiwan,” Chabot said.
The Chinese regime views Taiwan as part of its territory and has vowed to unite it with the mainland, by force if necessary.
Chabot believes that if U.S. allies in the Indo-Pacific, such as Australia and Japan, take strong stances against Beijing, the regime is less likely to attempt an invasion of Taiwan. But, all the same, the United States must be fully prepared for such a development, he said.