We are witnessing the disintegration of our civilization and these far left radicals are reigning imperiously. We are now immersed in Marxism, Communism with the first dictator of America.
This is unbelievable. I believe that the very truth as harsh and unbelievable as it is to face; must be told. It is the only way to save our country. Let’s be perfectly honest, Biden and Harris are running this country into the ground and are not ethical, experienced or intelligent enough to run this country effectively. Polls clearly support this fact and with each week Biden’s numbers keep failing Americans. It’s imperative Congress members in the House start the impeachment process to remove Biden and Harris as soon as possible. If not, we may possibly pay the biggest price of our lifetime and nothing will be the same again for all Americans.
Nancy Pelosi must be removed/impeached from her position as Speaker of the House in Congress. She is one of George Soros’s closest confidants and Soros has invested billions to destroy law and order in this country. Pelosi and her husband are worth over $300 million and in 2020 took advantage of many insider trading pay2play illegal deals with VISA, Microsoft, and Facebook. She and many others continually get paid by lobbyists to do their bidding. Only bills to benefit the rich are passed and absolutely nothing has been done for the American taxpayers during the Obama administration and now clearly in the Biden Administration.
Biden’s self-aggrandizing and Pelosi’s lackadaisical and pompous attitudes are only causing more distrust and are gaslighting the psychological affects on Americans while chipping away at our hopes and dreams. Washington is filled with pathological liars, malice entitlement, bold ignorance, and even psychopaths and sociopaths at the expense of the American people.
Biden and Pelosi are simply bloviating when it comes to the infrastructure and reconciliation bill they claim is for American taxpayers costing zero dollars. But we know better, it’s all for the green new deal and socialist programs for illegal immigrants. Their incompetent and their boisterous nerve encompasses a complete lack of respect for Americans who have worked very hard all their lives for this country as taxpayers. Under Biden and Harris’s clandestine bated breath, it’s a world with depravity and further suffering for Americans.
But we are no longer in the dark but are well informed and don’t like the illegitimate Presidency of Joe Biden and his destructive and intentional will to be a far left partisan hack. Reaching a climate change summit agreement shouldn’t be the President’s first priority rather than protecting the national security of this country and the American people. And we seriously doubt he can even do that after the debacle in Afghanistan for which DoD Secretary Lloyd Austin and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Mark Milley were never held accountable. General Mark Milley also boasted in several books that he would warn the CCP if Americans were to present a threat or attack China. Biden lied once again, there doesn’t seem to be any proof if Americans from the embassy in Afghanistan were actually rescued; 15,000 were located in the American Embassy and how many were left behind, quite possibly in the hands of the Taliban, Al-Qaeda, or ISIS. Now 125,000 Afghans are flooding our neighborhoods, not vetted or trusted.
Update 04/19/2022: Please read the following two articles.Â
🚨🚨🚨 Apple CEO Tim Cook Should Register as Chinese Agent: Experts
Biden is beholden to China. Biden is in bed with China’s hegemony and is predominantly taking over America. I believe they are actually giving orders to destroy and kill as many Americans through these mandates of experimental vaccines. At least 100 million people have refused to get their second shot and most other Americans are completely suspicious and have the American and personal right to refuse these shots.
Now China has introduced their first Hypersonic Missile and it is more than saber-rattling. America and Americans are in great danger from a real threat from China. China desperately wants to take over Taiwan. Taiwan makes 50 to 80% of all US microchips. Currently, there is a real shortage of microchips here in the United States. Microchips are used for everything we use on a daily basis not to mention our national security defense systems. Therefore, it is imperative that we, the people, in our next coming elections elect those who understand the threat from our worst enemy outside America; China. Within the country, the current administration and the insidious corruption is also trying to turn this country into a dystopian society with no law and order, no rights, no prospering, and lastly never living life as we know it now.
We must exercise our Constitutional rights as Americans at every level of government; local, state and federal. We are the people who have every right in this country to defend ourselves from the machinations of a failed corrupted Presidency.
Russia has announced they will attack Ukraine probably in the beginning of the new year; 175,000 Russian troops will be sent to steal a country that doesn’t deserve such an attack. Ukraine is now preparing for such an attack on their homeland. Their President has addressed their troops to fight with honor and win to tell their grandchildren the story of the invasion by Russia.
Update March 19, 2022
It’s hard to believe how quickly Russia’s invasion into Ukraine has escalated from bad to worse.
What Putin is doing is almost as if he has lost his mind and could very well be suffering from a significant mental illness deteriorating his thinking process.
He has established his reputation as a Communist regime dictator who has committed atrocities in Crimea and Syria and now horrifically in Ukraine. Putin is now under Xi Jinping’s spell. Xi Jinping is undoubtedly responsible for encouraging Putin to go ahead and launch this war as a deliberate attack on Ukraine.
It’s quite possible Pelosi and Biden have encouraged such an atrocity behind the scenes to pivot Americans witnessing all the crime and corruption sinister Democrats and the deep state have committed for money, power, and control. With the election of the midterm’s coming this fall it could very well be another reason to interfere with another election process once to commit another massive election fraud with the GOP leading by 11 points ahead of the corrupted Democrats.
Ukrainians continue to display extraordinary courage, strength and resolve each passing day for their lives and their families. What choice do they have but to fight back and protect themselves and quite possibly win this battle.
The United States was once the leader of the free world, with that came responsibility and leadership that courageous President’s in the past during World War I and World War II demonstrated to help those in desperate need on the world stage. Now the people in Ukraine are literally crying out to heaven above for help. President Putin is a behemoth bully and he might very well not stop in Ukraine. He alone is isolating  himself with the catastrophic demonstrations of war crimes on Ukraine. Killing innocent civilians of an entire country should not be an option but with Xi Jinping looming behind the curtain we really can’t predict where and when this mayhem will end.  Everything the Ukrainian people are experiencing is as devastating as occurred in World War II. To witness this carnage and do nothing is hopeless for them and perhaps reckless for us if we involve ourselves and to what degree. God’s almighty power is within our reach and willingness to defend the innocent but never without a cost.Â
It was said Russia has about 10 days of ammunition and fight in them. It could even be less since Putin has called Xi Jinping for help.
Meanwhile, Xi Jinping has started saber rattling flying jet planes over Taiwan. Xi doesn’t care about Putin and Russia, he just single handedly with a few words drained the fight and war resources out of Russia.
Xi Jinping is probably looking forward to taking over Russia and building his Communist empire bigger because of China’s population overcrowding problem.
China has been buying parcels of property here in America. Why hasn’t these egregious business deals been over turned, undone. Our worst adversarial enemy is buying land in America. In whose right mind is that okay to allow China to do this.
There are 340,000 Chinese students in this country. Many of them have been threatened to act as spies for Communist China. At this point and time each of these students should be sent back to their country. Our young adults have suffered the worst because of COVID-19 lockdowns and are probably two years behind in their school studies. They should be given the priority.
Illegitimate Biden has been bought and sold by Xi Jinping. He is not going to do anything against Xi Jinping’s orders. So, essentially we are now, as an American country under the Chinese genocidal Communist dictatorship’s mercy with illegitimate Biden continuing to play President of the United States but he is not the President. Americans are well aware that a massive election fraud did take place and Biden stole the election from President Trump. And China deliberately attacked our national security with COVID-19 as well as the entire world.
Now, Putin’s last order indicated  that he is prepared to use Russia’s nuclear weapons with the possibility of launching these nuclear weapons. He also threatened raising the possibility that Western nations could be subject to nuclear strikes if they get too involved in the Ukraine conflict.
“Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on March 9 called Putin’s threat to use nuclear weapons in the Ukraine–Russia conflict a “bluff.”
“I think that the threat of nuclear war is a bluff. It’s one thing to be a murderer. It’s another to commit suicide,” Zelensky told German newspaper Die Zeit. “Every use of nuclear weapons means the end for all sides, not just for the person using them. Rather, Putin’s threat shows a weakness. You only threaten the use of nuclear weapons when nothing else is working. I am sure that Russia is aware of the catastrophic consequences of any attempt to use nuclear weapons.”
Zelensky’s logical and common sense response is exactly right. To use nuclear weapons is suicide for both sides depending on the amount of a nuclear atomic assault. ~ Natalie
China has consistently been sending fighter airplanes over Taiwan intending to take over Taiwan as soon as possible. As soon as China sees the continuation and degradation of a weaker country and I’m not referring to Taiwan but the United States led by a very corrupted and compromised President Biden by China. How will all this play out with the Secretary of the Department of Defense who seriously created a catastrophic event in pulling out of Afghanistan rescuing 125,000 Afghans while leaving up to 15,000 United States citizens trapped in the US Embassy with Taliban guardsmen preventing their escape. Imagine how those people felt with their families, children in tow.
The question is how much and how far do we help Ukraine keep its homeland without compromising our own national security and Taiwan’s against China. Does it even matter to this worst President of the United States in history. And remember Biden served under Obama for 8 long long years setting up the entire plan of what is unfolding in America; unstoppable crime, CRT indoctrination, constant rioting, looting, destroying the fabric of this nation including our hopes and dreams. It’s a lot to think about and way too much for this illegitimate President and his administration.
Soros and Obama
This kind of corruption is insidious when a man like George Soros is allowed to fund domestic terrorists like Antifa and Black Lives Matter. And in every Democrat state, Soros has given money to anti-American Attorney General’s campaigns to gain strategic positions of authority to purposely let hardcore criminals go. Presently, there is a no bail for hardcore criminals who get away with violent crimes, like criminal Darell Brooks who ran down and killed 6 people including an 8-year-old boy. Brooks injured up to 60 people and some are still in ICU with their loved ones praying for their recovery from serious wounds to the head and major organs.
People on Fox News are always speculating “who is really running the Biden administration?” That’s not hard to answer. A shadow government run by the likes of Obama, Soros, Pelosi, Hillary, Brennan, Rice, Jarrett, Holder, Podesta, and many more especially those associated with the fraudulent Steele Dossier and the FISA Abuse Scandal.
Soon after Obama left office, the left partisan mainstream media started immediately touting there were no scandals in Obama’s Presidency. Even Obama himself boasted on 60 Minutes comparing himself to other Presidents , “There were no scandals” in my Presidency; when that couldn’t be further from the truth with at least 30 major scandals during his Presidency.
You see most of this insidious corruption grew to a whole new level when Obama came on board. Americans were duped that Obama and his family were an all American family who wanted the best for this country. That couldn’t be further from the truth.
When Obama left office, he quietly began forming a new “shadow Government” to detract and attempt to derail President Trump’s Presidency.
The new organization was called “Organizing for Action (OFA) was designed to fight against any thing that the Trump administration attempted to do.
The OFA had 250 offices established across the U.S. with 30,000 professional agitators, including BLM and Antifa domestic terrorism organizations ready to disperse and protest, riot and disrupt any of President Trump’s administration activities. Obama truly wanted President Trump to fail because he did so poorly as an illegitimate President as well. Doing nothing to help Americans but put them in danger.
OFA was funded by George Soros with designs on America becoming a socialist state without borders. Now Biden, has set Americans on a more dangerous path to become a Communism country since Biden is beholden to the genocidal Communist dictator Xi Jinping and the CCP mandating vaccines decreasing the American population through the experimental altering gene therapy shots the government deceptively calls vaccines. This is a million times worse than anything President Nixon did through Watergate.
This is sabotage and treason on both Obama & Biden’s clear intentions to hurt Americans. Obama was determined during President Trump’s presidency to counter any and all attempts by the President Trump’s policies which he remarkably implemented in a very short time frame and was very successful in foreign policy despite all the attempts with covert spies appointed to work in the White House and leak information to CNN, New York Times and Washington Post.
Soros is of course is still hell bent on creating a One World Government. It goes without saying that Soros did whatever was necessary to tarnish and destroy President Trump. President Trump was a huge thorn in the side of Soros’ giant global plan. Obama being a puppet of Soros is an integral part of this global government plan.
Obama has proven over and over that he is not to be trusted to do the will of the American people. The only way to stop this corrupted insidious shenanigans is for the American people to vote for Republicans across the board to rid ourselves from the Communist Democrats and Biden’s dictatorship this coming November, 2022 during the midterms.
Why didn’t the last Presidential Administration seize George Soros assets? Why didn’t the last President do more to actively investigate the corruption in the Obama/Biden administration willfully committing crimes? It was clear early on that Jeff Sessions and Bill Barr committed obstruction of justice and delayed any investigations pertaining to the crimes of the Obama administration. Clearly, Hillary herself was running the Clinton Foundation as a slush fund and there were rumors she funneled over 2 trillion dollars.
The Destruction of Covid-19Â
Update 04/19/2022: If you read any article regarding the insidious harm of experimental genetic therapy altering shots the government deceptively called vaccines. Please, I implore you to read this: 🚨🚨🚨 mRNA Vaccines Produce Persisting Spike Protein, Likely Causing Clots, Heart Inflammations, Cancers: Dr. Ryan Cole
Biden is a political knave determined to give this country to China and those of us who are left for not adhering to his illegal demands to continually take these experimental shots which are not vaccines but debilitating and killing people. Dr. Joel S. Hirschhorn is exactly right among thousands of doctors and scientists who have come to the same conclusions regarding the adverse effects of these experimental shots.
The COVID vaccines are not vaccines but genetic therapy products using mRNA technology that generates the COVID spike protein that travels to every major organ, tissue, artery, vessel in your body including the brain and the spinal chord. These experimental shots are not immunizing people from getting COVID but instead becoming contagious and spreading the COVID virus. Forty one million people have left their jobs to avoid taking these dangerous and unethical shots.
There is a trend that is already being reported in different states in the US and other countries. When the genetic therapy shots are given people get sick with COVID and the numbers who report to hospitals or urgent care centers goes up dramatically. This would confirm that when these shots are given, they create the COVID spike protein and become contagious to others; therefore confirming the number of people getting sick with COVID going up dramatically.
“You don’t get immunity because COVID vaccines do not directly produce immunity. They do not directly kill the COVID virus. Vaccinated people can still have high viral loads and also transmit the virus to others. This is why mandates to get everyone the shots really does not make sense from a public health perspective, that Alexander has well substantiated.”
“Prior to September 1, 2021 here is how CDC defined vaccine:”
“A product that stimulates a person’s immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease, protecting the person from that disease.  Vaccines are usually administered through needle injections, but can also be administered by mouth or sprayed into the nose.”
“This definition had been used for years and it makes sense. No expert or sensible citizen would find fault with it. But did it honestly apply to the COVID vaccines?”
“Then this is what CDC concocted:” in changing the definition of a vaccine.Â
”A preparation that is used to stimulate the body’s immune response against diseases.  Vaccines are usually administered through needle injections, but some can be administered by mouth or sprayed into the nose.”
“The new vaccine definition, if publicly known, would reduce public confidence in current COVID vaccines. You don’t have to be a medical expert to see how the new definition has been created to accommodate COVID shots.”
“Fully vaccinated people can still get COVID disease, referred to as breakthrough infections that, contrary to what the government says, can be very serious, often requiring hospitalization and sometimes causing death.”
”Riemersma et al. found “no difference in viral loads when comparing unvaccinated individuals to those who have vaccine “breakthrough” infections. Furthermore, individuals with vaccine breakthrough infections frequently test positive with viral loads consistent with the ability to shed infectious viruses.” Results indicate that “if vaccinated individuals become infected with the delta variant, they may be sources of SARS-CoV-2 transmission to others.””
“From Wisconsin, Riemersma et al.reported that vaccinated individuals who get infected with the Delta variant can transmit COVID-19 to others. They found an elevated viral load in the unvaccinated and vaccinated symptomatic persons (68% and 69% respectively, 158/232 and 156/225). Moreover, in the asymptomatic persons, they uncovered elevated viral loads (29% and 82% respectively) in the unvaccinated and the vaccinated respectively. This suggests that the vaccinated can be infected, harbor, cultivate, and transmit the virus readily and unknowingly.”
The CDC and FDA won’t discuss or report to the public just how many people have died from the vaccines. At last count on July 18, 2021 there were an estimated of 150,000 people who had died and were purposely deleted/removed from the VAERS system. This act in itself is criminal. Biden demanding experimental shots not proven and tested through gold standard trials is alarming and killing people; that is murder.
Today, one could guess that over a million or more have died. Many people are complicit in this cover-up with the CDC and the FDA; including data analysts, doctors, supervisors, managers, directors all the way up to the very top of the federal government in Washington, DC. Biotech, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson know the CDC and Fauci are purposely hiding the real number of deaths and the disabled affecting well over a 1,000,000 people and possibly a lot more.
It is imperative you read the following article:
🚨🚨🚨 Pfizer’s COVID-19 Vaccine Goes Into Liver Cells and Is Converted to DNA🚨🚨🚨 Pfizer’s COVID-19 Vaccine Goes Into Liver Cells and Is Converted to DNA
Biden claiming inflation doesn’t exist while castigating American workers, who have been forced to leave their jobs rather than take an experimental and dangerous shot, has only led to mayhem in every major city from considerably less policeman, firefighters, and Emergency Medical Technicians in every major city in the country. This year alone, it is estimated Biden allowed two million illegal immigrants to cross the border into Texas who were then bused and taken to airports and flown to major cities across America; totaling 90 airline flights. The FAA would not share any information regarding these flights with Congress. The cost once again going to the American taxpayers.Â
The crimes these illegal immigrants are committing are horrendous. One woman entered the train in Pennsylvania and was raped in front of 10 people who witnessed the violent rape and didn’t try to help her or stop the rape, instead some videotaped the rape. Another illegal immigrant entered the home of a good family. Only the father of four was at home and the illegal criminal immigrant horrifically stabbed this man to death multiple times. The illegal immigrant was seen covered in blood by oncoming traffic as he fled the murder scene.
The American people’s ire and frustration only continues to grow with each passing day as Biden shuts down major pipeline projects that would transfer gas and oil and have created 40,000 jobs in the process. He has stopped fracking which made America energy independent for the first time and produced more oil and gas to sell to other countries. Biden said he would not shut down the coal mines and he lied as he continues to lie to the country while inflation has economically started to affect every American. China has no oil and gas reserves. One could deduce Biden is saving oil and gas for China’s use only.
We are now in a Marxist era, Biden and the DoD are ruling and practicing communism. A perfect example of that are the people who were arrested for protesting on January 6, 2021 for the massive Presidential election fraud that took place. These people are still incarcerated and have not returned to their families. They have been kept in 24 hour isolation lockdowns. They have not been allowed to visit with their lawyers and families. These people committed no crimes. One gentleman has not received medical care for his hand that has turned blue and his thumb black. If this is gangrene, he needs medical attention as soon as possible before losing a limb. The Department of Defense run by Lloyd Austin and Nancy Pelosi have called this an insurrection and classified innocent people as domestic extremists.
The Department of Justice run by Merrick Garland has called on the FBI to investigate and even arrest parents who are protesting and protecting their children from critical race theory and harm. CRT is a run-off of the highly disputed and made up “systemic racism” in this country. Garland’s son-in-law owns a company called Panorama who has distributed CRT manuals to be taught in public schools for $6 million charged to American taxpayers. Since the violent rioting by BLM and Antifa in 2020 across major cities there was looting, rioting and violence against innocent American citizens. Not one of these people has been held accountable for their violent actions and crimes.
Yesterday (12/02/21)Â on the Tucker Carlson show Ms Abigail Shier a great journalist and author was interviewed. I tweeted to her that I was so disturbed to hear women teaching teachers on grooming children during their lunch hours on their sexual orientation. These are Children! I would consider this a pedophilia crime because the subject matter is sexual in nature and I would further advice for parents to be aware of this going on in elementary schools.
For the past three months, Biden’s only priority has been to pass the infrastructure and reconciliation bills at great cost to American taxpayers. Biden continues to whisper; “it will cost zero.” The Congressional Budget Office has said, in reality, the $1.7 trillion for reconciliation bill will eventually cost $4.5 trillion. Biden continues to lie and he is basically in huge denial and insulting American’s intelligence. Of course, we know he is lying almost 100% of the time while in office for almost a year. Americans know that 99.9% of low income and the middle income families will be paying this debt for years to come. But more importantly, only $450 billion is budgeted for infrastructure, the rest will go to increasing every socialism program for approximately 2 million illegal immigrants plus 125,000 Afghans.
What should be done is to identify in each state all the illegal immigrants where a good majority are hardcore criminals and send them back to their native countries ASAP.
Biden and Hunter
Several disgusting pictures on Social Media of Biden is when Biden puts his hands on a woman who is clearly uncomfortable by her eyes looking down and shrugging her shoulders inward.
There are also pictures of Biden touching little girls in public that are practically in tears pushing away his advances. This is at the very least disturbing and it is clearly narcissistic sociopathic behavior. The man has no boundaries. Â He should have never been forced on Americans through the massive election fraud that took place.
While Joe Biden was Vice President in the Obama administration, Hunter Biden used his investment firm to help a Chinese company buy cobalt from African mines. Cobalt can be used in national security defense equipment and there definitely appears to be a national security breach against the United States. Cobalt is also essential to electric car batteries. Now as President, Biden is using federal tax dollars to convert the car market to electric cars and become dependent on the cobalt mines his son Hunter Biden helped the Chinese company buy. Hunter has no limits, he feels free to continue to make foreign policy national security problems for the United States. Biden and his son Hunter have become a national security threat to the United States. This is treason. Republicans want an investigation in this pay2play scheme where Hunter stands to gain billions of dollars.
For the Bidens, corruption seems to be the family business and now a syndicate. Most Americans know that Hunter Biden was reportedly paid a stunning $83,000 per month to advise a Ukrainian natural gas company called Burisma Holdings, whose owner Mykola Zlochevsky founded in 2002, despite Hunter Biden having no experience in the natural gas industry or Ukraine. But more importantly, Joe Biden was the bigger fool here in years to come, bragging in public and caught on camera. When he visited Ukraine as Vice President to Barack Obama he was there to give orders to the President of Ukraine, to fire and get rid of the equivalent of an Attorney General for Ukraine, Viktor Shokin, Prosecutor General. Mr. Shokin was in charge of investigating Burisma Holdings, which had hired Hunter Biden to serve on their board.
Hunter Biden’s compensation for serving on the board was apparently routed through Rosemont Seneca Bohai LLC, a U.S. company set up by one of his business partners, Devon Archer, who also served as a Burisma director. Bank records from 2014 and 2015, disclosed in unrelated litigation, show the company receiving funds from Burisma and paying more than $850,000 to the younger Biden.
Biden played a key role in U.S. corrupted diplomacy with Ukraine. Biden said he made at least a dozen visits to Kyiv as Vice President. On December 8, 2015, Biden delivered the message directly to Ukrainian officials. According to Biden’s account, boasting that if Viktor Shokin wasn’t removed in 6 hours, he was leaving. “If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money,” he told them, according to an account of the conversation he gave at a 2018 conference and which was played to the public over and over again. The Vice President of the U.S. had threatened to withhold a $1 billion loan guarantee unless Mr. Shokin was removed from office who was investigating Burisma Holdings who had hired Biden’s Son Hunter Biden to serve on Burisma’s board.Â
The latest shady pay2pay deal involves Hunter Biden taking up painting and cashing in on his “art,” selling pieces for as high as $500,000. It’s not a secret that some art galleries portray themselves as a reputable art gallery and are heavily involved in money laundering.
The American people should not tolerate the Biden family’s corruption. It’s way past time they’re held accountable and investigated thoroughly before more damage is done to the country and/or American taxpayers by the likes of Janet Yellin, Biden’s Secretary of Treasury, who now admittedly wants to hire 87,000 IRS agents to go into American taxpayer’s private bank accounts and report on their individual transactions. How the banks will allow this happen is another matter and I should think an obstacle considering no one is allowed to view peoples private bank accounts to avoid major fraud and theft.Â
Biden’s clear corruption is under scrutiny by most Americans and he shouldn’t be allowed to run our Nation through a shroud of lies? He is a man of the most unethical and intolerable actions and he is only concerned for himself, family and rich friends like him. Not all rich people are ethical and but some carry this malice entitlement, shamelessly throwing the rest of humanity under the bus for power and money.
In this life all we have is our dignity, perseverance, strength, and resilience to do better as God uses us as his helpers, messengers, as children of God to help our families first and foremost and then look outside of ourselves to society.
For the first time we are all as one unit, as one world and they are threatening our very existence. This is a genocidal communist dictatorship determined to steal all the scientific, cybersecurity intelligence and medical technology advancements we have achieved in each of our countries.
What this dictatorship doesn’t know, because of it’s narcissistic psychopathic ways with extreme malice, entitlement, and bold ignorance, is that everything they have stolen came from a mind that lived in freedom. A free will to do better. A mind that honors and respects humanity as a whole. The free mind is unstoppable. It’s creativity is limitless in the arts, sciences, math, reading, writing, poetry, history, architecture, archaeology, geology, engineering, philosophy, etc… This communist regime will self destruct and possibly end the miracle of life. God help us to try and prevent this.
It is imperative upon each of us that we inform ourselves, critical thinking, searching for the truth. Instinctively, many of us knew these experimental altering gene therapy shots the government deceptively called “vaccines” are now deeply hurting Americans, decreasing immunity by up to 75%. Causing serious adverse effects, illnesses that too often kill people immediately or leave them permanently disabled.
No matter those who have chosen and helped the Communist dictatorship here in the United States, they are wrong, and they know they are wrong to try and deceptively hurt every single American.
They built their companies on the Constitution of the United States and our sovereignty as citizens. Protected by law and order, affected our hope, faith, and dreams and what they are doing is breaking multiple federal laws and committing treason. Attacking our national security and becoming seditionists, oligarchs, that have turned their backs on humanity including being complicit and culpable protecting the most pernicious, sinister knaves in the White House, Congress and the Supreme Court. They all took an oath to protect the Constitution of the United States, to govern for the people by the people and they have failed all Americans. ~ Natalie at Nats.news
~ Natalie