Senator Jeff Sessions Promising to Enforce The Law
©Natalie Keshing
About Natalie Keshing
In a well prepared answer and matter of fact stance, Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions told the Senate Tuesday morning that voters believe immigration policy should prioritize the needs of American workers. No Congressional colleague was going stomp on Senator Jeff Session’s hubris while maintaining his steadfast unwavering prose to apply all rules, laws and regulations.
“Sessions’ remark came when Democratic Illinois Sen. Dick Durbin claimed Sessions would not support a “humane” rewrite of the nation’s immigration law. “There’s not a spot of evidence in your career to suggest that as Attorney General you would use the authority of that office to resolve the challenges of our broken immigration system in a fair and humane manner,” Durbin said to Sessions. “Tell me I’m wrong.”
“Well, you are wrong, Senator Durbin,” Sessions replied, adding:
“I’m going to follow the laws passed by Congress. As a matter of policy, we disagreed on some of those issues. I do believe that if you continually go through a cycle of amnesty that you undermine the respect for the law and encourage more illegal immigration into America. I believe the American people spoke clearly in this election. I believe they agreed with my basic view.”
With this being said, Senator Sessions did say he would recuse himself from further investigating former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s maleficent pattern of disturbing behavior in ‘pay-for-play’ schemes, deal making with America’s foreign adversaries for influence, power, money and favors. Hopefully Senator Sessions will apply, uphold and appoint a special prosecution to bring this investigation and charges to full fruition.
But Republicans in Congress have pledged to continue the inquiries.
“The chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee on Monday vowed to continue the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private email server despite the former secretary of state’s defeat in the 2016 presidential election.”
“Just because there was a political election doesn’t mean it goes away, so of course I am going to continue to pursue that,” Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, told reporters.
“Chaffetz called finishing the investigation into Clinton one of his top priorities for the committee and noted the State Department has been “terribly slow and inefficient” in turning over documents forcing this to be dragged out.”
“It was potentially one of the largest breaches in security in the history of the State Department. It cannot and should not be repeated ever again,” he said. “There are still open questions that we need to finish up so they won’t happen again.”
President-elect Donald Trump has indicated he does not intend to push for further investigation into Clinton’s emails or the Clinton Foundation.
“The FBI completed its own investigation into Clinton’s use of a private server while she serves as secretary of state. The agency concluded Clinton’s email use was “extremely careless” but did not recommend criminal charges.”
America can only hope for some justice here. People have gone to jail for a long time with less gross negligence. She was practically untouchable under Obama.
No one is as more hopeful than Judicial Watch who has exposed an awful lot regarding Mrs. Clinton’s email scandal and the Clinton Foundation/Slush Fund.
It’s really unbelievable how many people supported her because she portrayed herself to be the next leader of the free world. I can’t believe mainstream media and soon to be our former President supporting and campaigning for her. If this investigation continues and a special prosecution is appointed there will be a lot of surprises that will be exposed to the American people. If not, then we have to move on and put this behind us remembering the lesson. Thank you so much for your comment and have a wonderful day. ~ Natalie