Proper attire in the professional workplace:
There are many women who wear inappropriate clothing to work. Years ago I was hired to work in a highly technical scientific environment. I worked with all men from staff members to control operators. I had to prove my worth in this environment. I purposely wore no makeup, wore my hair in a ponytail, and baggy sweats with tennis shoes. This was a major game changer and I earned the respect of all the managers and operators in this working environment.
Shared Article: Meteorologist forced to cover up dress on live TV
KeepingUInformed on the business sense on professionalism
I’ve held onto this view for men and women, certainly way beyond professional attire, and carried over to all manner of self presentation
and self regard. The right and better attire in all walks of life brings about, not only better feedback from others, yet is obviously a signature point of view on many levels. This comment reflects the many years of retail marketing, which the majority is men’s fashion,
in such heavyweights as Neiman Marcus and high end specialty shops, and a lesser amount of pure opinion for producing inner and outer results. Thank you for providing this format for clarifying my views on this.
Your very welcome Robert. It just makes for a decent working environment. But some women need the attention at any cost.