Imagine getting into your own personal air drone the voice saying. “Welcome Ms. Keshing please select your favorite song and enjoy your ride.”
Globalizing Personal Aired Vehicles:
©Natalie Keshing
It turns out the future of the comic TV program aired every Saturday morning called the “Jetsons” is at the grasp of our fingertips.
They called it part car, part plane, part drone. Yes indeed it will come to life, this futuristic car that will take to the skies of a great sunset or a beautiful horizon.
All the special technology is already being used in different applications the drones are used for.
Already accomplished is a non-driving vehicle. Take this technology added to the drone’s expediency and capability and we are looking at the first part car, part plane, part drone.
Of course there will be more specialized technology to handle the safety and detection distances from other drones flying in mid air. Then the energy to use the drone vehicle can come from solar energy or electricity like a hybrid vehicle.
I’d say we’re three to fives years away from this fascinating technology. I’ll let Miss Cumming’s fill you in on the rest.
That doesn’t mean that this new technology concept will eliminate all traffic drone accidents because computer machines to fail from time to time. But it will cut down on the traffic accidents that we are all exposed to on a daily basis. The truth is computer generated robotic systems can react faster then any human being can. We just made them way, Though I prefer being a human being rather than a robot.
Instead of saying “Drive Safely” it will soon be “Fly Safely”.