Movie Magic
Here it is once again. It seems the American movie studios are always trying to out do or perform better then all the other action packed, science fiction thriller movies of the past. The special effects are now more than special. In a world of great imagination and willingness to go there it feels just as real for the two hours you sit in a movie theater enjoying your popcorn and feeling totally relaxed. You are now thoroughly concentrating on the magic of movies and the stupendous alchemy involved in special effects.
We are able to go there now. To a world so futuristic and unbelievable. American films and movie studios work purposely mindfully to come up with the next big blockbuster.
But I have a sixth sense about the future of movie magic. By the year 2020 here in America there will be the highest number of senior citizens, older, mature people in American history. Usually by this time in your life your attention and preference is a movie more along the lines of an independent film or foreign film that tells a deep and compelling story. It’s just the way the pendulum swings in another direction because of the demographics and our capacity to live longer.
Coming, soon, to a theater near you. Marvel Studios confirms a stellar cast of actors for the next big blockbuster.
A movie commentary from NatsWritingsMind
©Natalie Keshing, Editor and Chief of