Michael Murphy Burke
Recently, I believe there’s been a few angels who have descended from heaven. They masterfully use their alchemy and practically leave at the doorstep of my mind the most inspired, wise, talented and cherished human beings.
This week it is my pleasure and honor to present to you a writer, a poet and a master of building beautiful sanctuaries; our homes.
Michael takes the time to write poetry that all human beings can relate to. The practicality of life, worship, God, love and grace. His depth is unconditional and rewarding to know such a fine human being. I won’t waste anymore time.
Michael’s first poem.
Soul Proprietor
I have no issues with God
But I do have some issues With people who say they work for God
I figure I’ll take the Employer’s word
Not the so-called employees
They tried to corral my faith Through the punishment of penance
They tried to scare the hell out of me
But they scared the hell into me
All the while keeping Heaven Outside of me
My fear seemed to stand up
Every time I knelt down
Upon the barely padded hassocks
That seemed to reach out
From the pews in front of me
As if I had to prostrate closer to hell
Before I could ever rise to Heaven
Holier than thou preachers Condemning my free will Brainwashing my Guardians For to brainwash me
The Holy Trinity transposed Into the genuflect
Of sit, stand and kneel
Follow orders
Don’t ask questions
The priests
As God’s chosen upon this Earth
Will tell you what scripture means
I was inspired by the message
Not the messenger
I did not follow their orders
I did ask questions
And I
As spirit
Choose not to tell anyone What scripture means
For it opens
With my every question
It expands
Each time I fill my lungs With some of the same air Breathed by a thousand Saints
The same glorious oxygen That graced the lips of Jesus And every other Christ
I found my way
By finding God
Was not outside anything
God was inside
Inside of my doubt
Inside of my denial
Inside of my pain
Inside of my heart
Inside of my cells
Inside of my breath
I allowed the strict regimen Of the Roman Catholic exoskeleton
To become the impetus
For me to search inside of me
Not outside
This internal path
Awakened my journey of self-discovery
Self-discovery of my Self
Where there is no wrong way
Where there is nothing to say penance for
For all action leads to Grace
It is my unique journey
And many shall walk it with me
But none can walk it for me
I allow the steps I take
To be the sacred dance of rhythm
That is the music
Embedded in my footprints
They shed a little light Wherever I may tread
May this light assist others
To behold a way
Through darkness
To behold a way
To dance with their shadows
I shine
And am not concerned
With the subtlety or intensity Of that shining
I just shine
It Is That It Is
I Am That I Am
And my years upon my knees
Being told what to believe
By men and women
Who claimed to work for God
Those years strengthened in me
The resolution to find God
On my own
And in doing that
I have found that no one Works for God
It’s a Soul proprietorship
And we are all beneficiaries
Not employees.
Michael Murphy Burke
Michael’s second poem
In Flagrante
We orchestrate the notes
That tease this Symphony of skin
To arouse its mortal coil
And sing the songs that lay within
We are singing without words
Just a melody of motion
And the silences between
Are the echoes of emotion
With lavish tender chords
We free the flight of fingers
We strum the air with breath
As undraped music lingers
Dripping notes warm as wax
From the heat of second sight
Letting loose the primal scream
Embedded in our night
Through the melting of our walls
We can swim below the skin
Tasting flames too vast to number
From the fires deep within
This burning of our colors
Is what is meant by the phrase “to die”
And like a Phoenix in full flagrante
It frees the Truth from where we Lie.
Michael Murphy Burke
Michael’s third Poem:
Vibrational Divinity
{ The song of our cells }
When our countless cells rub together
In the glorious dance of vibrational life
They give off Sound
This is the song of our cells
More unique than a fingerprint
Formed in the cosmic dust
More exquisite than a symphony
Composed by Haydn, Beethoven or Mozart
We sing our cells to life
And the song has no judgement, no expectation
No steady beat or inspired lyrics
Just sound
Vibrational Divinity
And it not only sings us into being
It’s sings all things into being
We are all on the same album
And our thoughts are the needle awakening the grooves
with vibration that attracts the tribe
To the vibe
And as your vibe attracts your tribe
Your tribe attracts your form
From formless to form
From everything of nothing
To something of matter
We Become
And we sing
We sing of flowers that bloom as planets
We sing of stars that swim as dolphins
We sing of pyramids that point to Orion
We sing of redwoods that reach like our minds
To grasp the sound of ourselves
When, if we just listen, we can hear who we are
From the blood orchestrating through our veins
From the beat of our heart keeping time with stillness
From the delicate whisper of wonder that we call space
And in that space is every song that is
Every sound of the song of our cells
Began from one sound
This eternal and timeless sound
This vibrational divinity
Connects us all
We are never separate
Can’t be
There is only one song
Sung by the infinity of cells
That each have their part to play
We are meant to be in tune with each other
But we are not meant to sing in the same key
Or the same voice or the same language
We are unique individual expressions
Singing of union in a Godzillion voices
We are here to bring awakening within ourselves
And in doing this we achieve harmony with everything
We become the most glorious luminescent song of our cells
And in that
We sing for the stillness
We sing for the tone of One
The Ahbwoon
The Aum
The union of sacred masculine and divine feminine
Lay in the song of our cells
Where there is no gender, no race
No right, no wrong
No shape
Just vibration
Just song
The beautiful song of our cells
They all sing to each other
As the Universal Soul
And this sound
The sound of the universal soul
Is the
Song Of Our Cells
We are the singing
Of our soul
And it is not our soul that leaves our body
It is our body that leaves our soul
We don’t have a soul
We are a soul
Our Soul is the conductor
In the symphony that is
The song of our cells.
Michael Murphy Burke