It was already written
In the tale of her legacy
It was already told & hidden
As only a secret can be…
Hidden…Until…It Speaks
~Natalie Keshing
We have to vote
For the unknown
With the hope and confidence
To save this country
~ And In turn The World.”
~Natalie Keshing
Good morning, afternoon or evening Readers Yeah!!!
To all of you, all over this magnificent world. So delighted to be a part of your world today. I find everyone’s personal story fascinating, as I am so willing to share mine under a category ‘A Past’. It’s all there, except for the upcoming chapters to share more with you. Why? Because I want to inspire and build people’s confidence. It’s going to get deep with some unplanned challenges but I survived that too and here with you today to share all the artistic content in this fascinating world.
Today, I must concentrate on writing a few more interesting and shaping articles.
There are a few updates at
- There is a crawl bar presenting the latest and breaking news.
- I also added on the right side of the magazine a Stock Ticker for the DOW, S&P 500, and Nasdaq.
- There is Older Entries click there to read older posts.
Or you can choolse from the All Posts Box on the right box.
- July 2016 (56)
- June 2016 (54)
- May 2016 (124)
- April 2016 (58)
- November 2015 (1)
- August 2015 (1)
- July 2015 (4)
So let me get started on this great day.
©Natalie Keshing Editor-in-Chief of or
ICYMI In Case You Missed It
YOLO You Only Live Once
What would be the known ?
Egoh, very soothing.
Donald J. Trump Here is my case to support this decision Response to Michael Moore’s 5 Reasons Why Trump Will Win
This article is under the category ‘Election 2016’ The title ‘In response to Michael Moore’s Blog “5 Reasons Why Trump Will Win”
There a great case to support this finding and ultimate conclusion.
Thank you. Did you notice the Breaking News Crawl on top?
The Stock Ticker with the DOW, S&P 500, and Nasdeq
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