Double Song and double dog down day!!!
While these guys nap I’m going to turn up the music and dance!!!
Whooo! Here we go. Feeling a little sassy and dancing my way through this magnificent day. Ooops I forgot the statistics for 270,815 readers/visitors over 180 countries. Yeah!!! Enjoy your day beautiful people all over this magnificent planet; it’s ours to cherish.
Good day readers I just found a great song to dance to.
My Lord, 270K + visitors ! Big time, Lorie
Oh Robert there you are. I’ve missed you. Yes 271,457 as of this second. One hundred and eighty countries. I’am very proud to reach all my readers over 180 countries; from everywhere. I’m determined to bridge this gap. Of course there are those people who don’t agree with my politics, but I do respect and understand their individual opinions based on their own experiences. We can’t all be the same and thank the Universe for that.
I am working on a project called “The American History In The Middle East.” This dates back to 1920, almost a hundred years ago. With all the research based on the United States relationship with Saudi Arabia and foreign policy. It’s very interesting and I’m excited to share it with my readers. I hope everything is well with you. I’ve had to get back to committing myself to exercise everyday because I am pre-diabetic and inherited this from both my grandmother and grandfather. I have found it difficult to regulate my sugar and only through exercise and eating protein does this help me to have a more normal day. Darn, I thought I would be able to skip this illness.
I’m starting to run again which is good for the soul and mind. Last year I was running in the snow! Lol yes I was.
OK I’ll say bye for now. Thank you so much Robert for reading at and being a faithful friend through and through.
Always here.