In another time
Repeat themselves
We’re just new actors
That kind of feeling
That makes you
Feel most alive
©Natalie Keshing
I’m whispering Shh! “Would you believe I’m still up 1:16 am.” I was anxious to complete Part IX of “What Remains To Be Said”.
Here at we are growing in leaps and bounds.
There have been a few serious articles concerning our state of affairs pertaining to the Presidential Election race in 2016. I will say this, many of you may not be intending to vote which is your right, but we are given the freedom to vote as opposed to other countries so maybe, just maybe, nearing the election day we decide to vote make your vote count.
I have become very passionate about the things that are important to me affecting our whole society. I suppose it really is a new chapter in lives as we mature and start to pay closer attention to those local and global issues and matters that affect all us as a united society.
So on that note I wish all of you on this blessed earth peace and prosperity.
Thank you so much for dropping by at It means so much to me.
Have a wonderful day where ever you are on this great big plant. The only earth we will come to know and experience, we must preserve it for the next generations to come. Good night, Good morning, Good day my friends.
©Natalie Keshing
Who are you currently supporting, if I may ask? What a difficualt conundrum we face….
Is this the year 3rd party becomes viable??