Daily Thought 06/01/16: I try not to disappoint my readers and followers. ©Natalie Keshing
Good Morning wonderful people all over this wonderful world. Have I got a doozy for you as wonderful spectators of all the smallest and largest creatures of our world. I wrote about this in a previous short story let me dig it up here it is titled An Evening Thought.
This is a open wide area, a live zoo without animal cages and bars between us and the beast…
Why extend the anticipation of our next performer just click here minding his own business across a golf course.
Well there you go a classical piece, a place to visualize while writing, a short story and a live video of our largest animals roaming the plush green belt of a golf course.
Have a great day.
Here with you today on natswritings.com or nataliekeshing.com
©Natalie Keshing, Editor-in-Chief of natswritings.com or nataliekeshing.com