This topic is controversial.
A Selective Congregation?
“I believe the only true religion consists of having a good heart.” ~ Dalai Lama
With this said, I do love movies like the “Ten Commandments”. A chosen one, who led the people of Egypt out of bondage. I love the symbolism of angels and fairies. I love the whimsical and ethereal. I love poetry.
And if there is a God,
then aren’t we the lucky ones.
~ Natalie
With that in mind,
You have to question
Something that
Wants you to believe
In them first.
To give away
The inner
Power of Your Mind
To them first.
Think about that?
What about
The Belief in Yourself?
To Depend on Yourself,
First and foremost.
I never liked
The word sinner.
A zillion times.
It’s immediately
Set up
To insult you.
And to manipulate you.
Then there is the confessional booth.
“Bless me father for I have sinned.”
Well! Where is the booth
For the good deeds?
Shouldn’t we
Be praised equally
For those good deeds.
“Bless me father,
For these are
The good deeds
I have done.”
It’s common sense,
That in a professional evaluation
They include
Your strengths,
Your virtues!
Why not in a congregation?
Praised for a good heart!
The worst, is set up
To make you to think
Less of yourself.
That’s what clicks and cults do.
Then there’s
Gender discrimination.
No Nun
Can become
A priest.
No priest
Starts off
As a nun!
No congregation
Is going to tell me
I’m not as good
As a man.
Then there’s
The whole
Implicit idea of
Telling a man
Or a woman
Forget about you sexuality!
Forget about being human!
No, you may not be human!
The Vatican announces,
It takes in 10 families/refugees from Syria. What about 100, 1,000…10,000….100,000
Plenty of room in the Vatican for more.
Yes, a selective congregation?
Don’t get me
Started on
The Holy Bible!
And the Koran!
But I will add that I won’t let any man lead the family because he’s the man!
I never
Liked clicks,
And Congregations.
Most are not
For the common good.
Because they discriminate.
They want followers.
Not leaders.
They fear
Those who
Think outside
Of the box and
Those who will lead
To give courage
To others.
Those who aren’t
The same.
Life is too short
To think you have
To live by someone
Else’s rules, discrimination, envy, jealousy, status, color, age, race, prejudice, Socio-economic status
And on and on..
Is instrumental
Is an absolute…Natalie
“I believe the only true religion consists of having a good heart.” ~ Dalai Lama
I grew up a catholic, I made my first holy communion and I assume I was baptized. My grandmother must be turning in her grave ~ whoever the angel is, translating all this to my grandmother in Spanish. I can see her now!
So I prayed, I think at least a million times and I talked to God frequently. I kept asking for one complicated miracle growing up. You’ll have to read my life story for that answer. But I was hit with the most challenging of challenging undiagnosed illness for two years. I lost a lot of weight and the doctors all over LA, everyone of them, couldn’t give me a diagnosis. It took two years and the second visit to the Mayo Clinic to finally give me a definitive diagnosis. I assumed that there was a cure; but there wasn’t.
Everything on the internet looked very bleak and grim. One doctor said, I’d be dead in five years. That was in 2008 but this illness started in 2006, it’s now 2017. Well I didn’t die and then Cancer came and then I had a Sepsis infection. The actress Patty Duke didn’t survive a Sepsis infection; almost all don’t.
My point is that when I started on this dark full of despair journey, I learned hypnosis meditation and I willfully helped myself in addition to western medicine to live an almost normal life before the Cancer and Sepsis. I remember the day I stopped praying and someone took me to the book store and I bought a book “Miraculous Health” by Dr. Rick Levy. Of course I took it a step further and contacted him and asked him to work with me for six months. I started to have less pain, I became stronger, I started walking on the treadmill, then running outside and I didn’t worry about Carolis trying to kill me. I took proper pain medication called Tramadol. No Vicodin and Oxycontin for me, I was terribly allergic to both and each put me in the hospital. But I’m alive and I am extremely grateful for this extension of my life to grant me the most cherished moments with someone very special to me. ~ Natalie