©Natalie Keshing
An Illegal Criminal Immigrant Being Arrested by Border Patrol.
Just recently, in California an illegal criminal immigrant was arrested by border control agents while her daughters looked on. This video went viral and sparked outrage after it spread across social media but mainstream media didn’t tell the whole story. They purposely left out one very important detail. The video was getting a wide play from the left mainstream media but the woman in this video isn’t some random illegal criminal immigrant who was being arrested and taken into custody. Perla Morales Luna was 36 and was arrested for organizing a child human trafficking organization and if anybody knows where the hundreds and thousands of innocent children are being held against their will it would be Perla Morales Luna.
One of the thousands of people involved in child trafficking for the alt left deep state to pocket more money from these horrible crimes. Nancy Pelosi is worth $196,299,990 million. Dianne Feinstein’s net worth of $79,067,057 in 2015. Neither of these crooked politicians could have made that kind of money working for the government for as long as they have. You can see why these political criminals are doing everything in their power to protect illegal criminal immigrants involved in child trafficking and those at the very top of the echelon like Hillary, Obama and his entire administration, #Pizzagate John and Tony Podesta and James Alafantis aka JimmyComet on Instragam. Absolutely no respect or value for human life. Hundreds of thousands of innocent children chained and hidden in a dark room until a pedophile monster opens the door.
If you show that video and leave out why this woman was being taken away by Border Patrol agents, it totally changes the meaning of the image. This is by definition propaganda. This happened near the border about 10 miles away where there are many immigrants living in that area. The Border Patrol isn’t just randomly selecting any person to arrest. This was a specific arrest because they knew this woman was heavily involved in a smuggling ring for human child trafficking. This woman put herself in this situation by working with these criminal smuggling rings. She wasn’t some helpless victim on the street. She tried to flee by getting into another car. For more information search for Mark Krikorian, Head of Center for Immigration Studies.
And it is very sad to see Perla Morales Luna’s daughters very upset but this was their mother’s choice and we have to start protecting these children who are innocent when Ms Morales Luna took it upon herself to subject them to the crimes of torture, rape and even being killed. Ms. Luna still has her life; these children don’t have anyone and most will die within a two year period snared in these disgusting child trafficking rings. Please read for more information.
Title: Minority Leader of House of Representatives
Salary: $193,400
So how rich is Nancy Pelosi? According to the Center for Responsive Politics, the San Francisco democrat is the ninth wealthiest member of Congress and has a colossal net worth of $196,299,990. To quote Pelosi during a recent speech about economic inequality: “Something is wrong with this picture.”
There are no words for what these vile evil creatures do to these children. I would find it very hard to shed a tear for these creatures if they lite them on fire right in front of me .. No child deserves this kind of life, they are not helping these children they sell them to pedophiles to use anyway they want. These politicans get paid to look the other way and do nothing to stop this, I pray they hear the screams of the children they sell and help sell into this every second for eternity, awake and trying to sleep. They should pray they never die to what ever gods they have.