It’s worse than unethical, it’s murdering children. These experimental altering DNA shots/jabs create the extremely dangerous SPIKE protein that will travel to every part of their small bodies and will start negatively affecting all their major organs, tissue, brain, spinal cord; especially their hearts with a diagnosis of myocarditis and pericarditis.
And there are hundreds of more extremely horrible bad adverse effects that will affect all young children. Children’s bodies and brains are more vulnerable.Their entire body’s organs are vulnerable and still growing. Parents have witnessed their child die in front of them. There was a 12-year-old boy in Brazil who went into convulsions and died on the floor and no one could save this innocent child.
Currently and from the beginning Pfizer-BioNtech, Moderna and Johnson and Johnson along with the CDC, FDA, WHO, Dr. Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, George Soros and Joe Biden have been lying to public that these sinister experimental shots/jabs were “vaccines” and meant to prevent an adult from catching COVID-19. In fact, what they do is completely the opposite. An adult who gets jabbed comes down with COVID-19 and they become contagious and spread COVID-19. Each time there is a round of jabs or boosters the number of COVID-19 cases goes up, therefore spreading the virus exponentially. The vaccines alone reduce a person’s immune system by up to 75%.
Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases worked with EcoHealth Alliance for gain of function research donating millions to the P4 Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) under the Obama administration. Two hundred scientists worked in a Pfizer lab built next to WIV genetically engineering COVID-19 and creating the experimental genetic altering DNA shots/jabs administered to over 200 million under the Biden administration in the US and billions throughout the world. It is suffice to say that the contributions of Bill Gates and George Soros were instrumental in this national security hit; with the bioweapon COVID-19.
The virus never originated from an animal therefore there was no transfer of this deadly virus from an animal to humans.
On May 25, 2022, the CDC released new data showing a total of 1,103,893 reports of adverse events following COVID vaccines administered between December 14, 2020, and February 4, 2022, to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). Historically, VAERS has been shown to report only 1% of actual vaccine adverse events. This fact changes the numbers associated with the COVID-19 virus significantly. The report on real adverse events would reflect 110,389,300. Deaths reported 23,615; the actual number would be 2,361,500 who the majority were mostly healthy PEOPLE now dead after the jab. It was reported 188,135 serious injuries. The actual number would be closer to 18,813,500 PEOPLE LIVING WITH SERIOUS INJURIES, disabled, living a nightmare compared to when they were healthy individuals going about their normal days.
Virologists, epidemiologists, pathologists, scientists, neurologists, cardiologists, doctors and nurses are clearly stating the one important fact; the spike protein is a toxin, no matter the delivery. Whether it was Pfizer, Moderna or Johnson and Johnson. There is absolutely no sugar coating what these experimental genetic altering shots have done to a large part of the populations in each country worldwide; disabling and murdering.
This is not a conspiracy theory. Just ask Dr. Malone who said, “Both the double & triple vaccination are not protecting you from Omicron“; Dr. Ryan Cole mRNA Vaccines Produce Persisting Spike Protein, Causing Clots, Heart Inflammations, and Cancers; Dr. Mike Yeadon Speaking the Complete Truth Regarding The “Vaccines“; Dr Peter McCullough, Cardiologist at Baylor Medical Center in Houston, Texas who appeared on the Joe Rogan Podcast, A Discussion with Renowned Dr. Peter McCullough Starting To Treat COVID-19.”
It is estimated 66% of the world population (5.3 billion people) have been fully vaccinated. It is the injured who are suffering and coping with unprecedented health challenges after being fully vaccinated and boosted. Suffering from very serious debilitating adverse effects from the COVID-19 jabs. Many that died from the jab were healthy individuals, living robust lives, tending to their families, socializing with friends, working full-time and are now dead. Gone from the ones who loved and appreciated them the most. Former Pfizer, Vice President Dr. Michael Yeadon said, “People who pushed the idea of universal vaccination are “guilty of crimes against humanity.”
The COVID-19 jabs can damage our immune cells by taking a few different routes: 1) The spike protein enters the lungs by disabling protective interferons; 2) The spike protein damages the mitochondrial function and endothelium; 3)The spike protein triggers a cytokine storm; A cytokine storm is when an infection triggers your immune system to flood your bloodstream with inflammatory proteins called cytokines. 4) The spike protein cross-reacts with human tissue; 5) The spike protein leaves the injection site and accumulates in the liver, spleen, adrenal glands, and ovaries.
Dormant Viruses Reactivated: Why Hepatitis Cases Are Rising Among Children
Knowing the spike protein concentration in the liver and the shots are disabling the immune system and making the body susceptible to whatever dormant illness is waiting for the guards to fall asleep, it makes sense that hundreds of cases of acute hepatitis, or sudden onset liver disease, have been occurring across a dozen countries around the world. Many cases are in children. Some theories suggest vaccinated mothers are passing the spike to their babies through breast milk, and others say children are getting the spike from the jabs.
Dormant Viruses Reactivated: Why Polio Cases Are Rising
Polio is making an unwelcome comeback in Africa, the Middle East, and parts of Asia, after a large vaccination campaign by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to wipe out the virus. But in recent years, the oral polio vaccine’s inactivated virus component has actually accomplished the opposite of wiping out polio. Instead, the vaccine has caused an admitted shedding effect of the mutated virus, exposing others to vaccine-derived polio.
Vaccine-derived polio cases from 2019-2020 have nearly tripled. New efforts from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation are to implement a new and improved vaccine for the vaccine-derived strains, and their efforts have become the subject of great controversy, as highlighted on a recent episode of the Highwirewith Vanden Bossche appearing again to reiterate his warning that immunologists need to speak up as the human immune system may not recover from the targeted assault on its natural defenses.
President Biden mandated everyone had to get the experimental genetic DNA altering shots; however Emergency Use Authorization requires legal informed consent from each person understanding the true risks involved. Which would definitely exclude newborns and children from the ages one-year-old through 18. The dangerous adverse events were never disclosed to the public because there were no gold standard trials conducted by Pfizer-BioNtech, Moderna and Johnson and Johnson. This voided the Emergency Use Authorization and therefore no one should have been forced to take a shot/jab, not knowing the adverse event risks were far greater and dangerous and could severely disable or kill a person from 1-2 days up to a month.
Biden, Pfizer, Moderna & Johnson & Johnson did not have Emergency Use Authorization because people did not give consent to UNKNOWN dangerous adverse events including a high probability of death. A screenshot from Pfizer’s adverse event report from its clinical trials shows the many types of autoimmune diseases that may be caused by a Pfizer jab alone. They were not transparent and hid these serious autoimmune diseases from the public to trick them into thinking these experimental jabs were safe. This was a criminally insane crime against humanity.
Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) analyst and computational biologist, Jessica Rose, Ph.D, said “If you willingly withhold safety data from the public and know that there’s a problem with the safety profile and you continue to administer those products, you are guilty of malfeasance.” ~ Natalie
Doctors Say COVID Vaccinations for Children Is Criminal, Must Stop
Dr. Reni Moon has spent her entire career as an advocate for vaccines. A pediatrician who is double board certified in pediatric hospital medicine and pediatrics, Moon said she has counseled thousands of families and always encouraged them to vaccinate.
“I’ve trusted my governmental agencies to do the studies that needed to be done and the rigorous testing to make sure that what we are injecting into our kids is not going to harm them,” she said.
Until now.
Instead of unquestionably following the CDC’s recommendations without double checking, Moon has been tracking safety data about the mRNA injections herself.
She is so concerned about the safety signals she is seeing in the pediatric population, that, she said, giving COVID-19 vaccines for children is “the most appalling thing I’ve heard in medicine. The lack of regard for safety is highly unethical. I personally put it into the arena of crimes against humanity.”
Children More Vulnerable
Children’s bodies and brains are more vulnerable than adults’ to environmental toxicants. (1)
Since children are smaller than adults, they are more heavily exposed to toxicants, in proportion to their body weight.
Given their unique vulnerabilities, the safety threshold to give children any medication, medical intervention, or medical recommendation must be high, higher than for adults.
Children are the future of humanity. Protecting children is the duty of society.
Mild For Kids
The SARS-CoV-2 virus has always been a threat mainly to the elderly and to adults who have underlying health issues, while younger and healthy people have generally have done well and children have hardly gotten sick at all.
In fact, COVID deaths in children are “incredibly rare,” according to an article in the peer-reviewed science journal Nature. (2)
“All of the kids I know here at my institution had comorbidities,” explained a retired Colorado-based medical doctor and professor of ophthalmology and pediatrics who has a master’s degree in epidemiologist who worked at the state’s largest children’s hospital, who asked not to be identified for fear of retribution from his medical colleagues.
But Dr. Kirk Milhoan, M.D./Ph.D., a pediatric cardiologist who has had a long and successful career helping children with heart problems in both America and around the world, is speaking up.
Milhoan is the medical director of the non-profit For Hearts and Souls, which helps children with heart defects around the world. Based in Maui, he also works one week a month at the Texas Methodist Children’s Hospital in San Antonio.
Milhoan pointed out that the disease itself is mild for most children.
He cited a recent Turkish study that examined how many children were admitted for COVID versus for the flu. (3)
“They found that kids admitted for the flu went to the ICU at rates and ended up needing breathing machines more often than children admitted for COVID,” Milhoan pointed out.
Though he, like other medical doctors we spoke with, is concerned about putting his livelihood in jeopardy by telling the truth, Milhoan feels he has a moral obligation to speak publicly about the lack of safety, efficacy, and necessity of the COVID-19 vaccines for children.
He told us, given the damage these vaccines are causing, that it is unethical for doctors to stay silent.
Vaccinating Kids Does Not Slow the Spread
“Let’s be honest,” Milhoan said. “It’s not stopping anything. Omicron is blowing through the vaccinated more so than the unvaccinated. After five months, for children, the vaccine has negative efficacy. It’s going to do more harm than good. What we’re seeing is that with those who are vaccinated they are more likely to get the infection than if they had nothing at all.”
Despite a concerted effort to massage the data to fit an orthodox narrative, high vaccination rates have not correlated in lowering COVID-19 cases or severity.
According to Milhoan, vaccinating children actually has the opposite effect: It encourages more—not less—viral spread.
But, despite this, there has been a push in the United States, Canada, and countries around the world to vaccinate even the youngest children. Even if the vaccine is not necessary or won’t protect them, parents are being told to get it for their infants, toddlers, small children, tweens, and teens for the sake of others.
Meanwhile, the country is saturated with the virus, which is quickly becoming endemic, as we have written about before. Testing reveals that COVID is everywhere, and that the vast majority of Americans and Canadians have already been exposed to it.
Vaccination rates among adults are high. The virus continues to behave like other endemic coronaviruses, mutating over time and continuing to cause milder illness and reinfections as few, if any, people are immunologically naïve to it.
The real irony is that the government had to roll back its early claim that the vaccine would prevent the spread of the virus after that was shown to be completely untrue. Yet the vaccine for kids is still being pushed for the sake of slowing the viral spread.
COVID-19 Vaccines Hurt Kids
We have spoken with over twenty-five medical doctors practicing in different states. They told us that COVID-19 vaccines side effects on children are real and very serious.
Their clinical experience is backed up by a growing body of peer-reviewed articles in the scientific literature that show that the vaccines can cause myocarditis (heart inflammation) and pericarditis (inflammation of the tissue surrounding the heart) in all age categories, but particularly in young men. There is also evidence that the vaccines can cause clotting disorders, facial paralysis, tinnitus, and other serious side effects. (4) (5) (6)
But what about long-term side effects? Children have a longer shelf life than adults, so to speak. They have many more years of life ahead of them than we do, so early exposure to pollution or endocrine disruptors or unsafe vaccines can result in longer-term ill effects.
Milhoan wrote his doctoral thesis on cardiac inflammation. “The vaccine is dangerous for adolescent males. Absolutely without a doubt, you’re more likely to go to the hospital with a vaccine injury than from COVID,” he said. “For many kids it’s all risk and no benefit. What are we doing?”
The race to vaccinate children has not been driven by the need to protect them. It is being pushed on parents in pursuit of the goal to vaccinate everyone. Parents, bombarded with messages of fear, have been duped. Many are eagerly vaccinating their children in the hope of protecting them, without realizing that the cure is by and far more dangerous than the disease.
This Crime Against Children Must Be Stopped
We cannot assume something is safe for children without proof. We invoke the precautionary principle here—the idea that a new product (like the vaccines against COVID-19) cannot simply be assumed safe in the absence of definitive proof that they are causing harm. The precautionary principle is a modern restatement of the Hippocratic oath that all doctors must adhere to” I will keep them from harm and injustice.”
Following the precautionary principle, the burden of proof is on the manufacturers of the COVID-19 vaccines. These companies have an ethical obligation to prove they are safe. But in violation of this ethical principle, the vaccines were rushed to the public without adequate testing. Now that we have ample proof that they are causing harm to children, it is time to stop using them.
Just this week Milhoan treated a 14-year-old who was perfectly healthy until getting a second COVID-19 vaccine. Now this young adolescent has a major scar on the left ventricle of the heart. Scarring like this, Milhoan said, can cause sudden death now or in the future in these children.
“I was in the military. I’ve gotten every vaccine,” Milhoan said. “I’ve had my second dose of smallpox, the whole series of anthrax. I am a scientist and a physician. I have seen the benefit that vaccines have had for children. This one has no benefit and all risk.”
(1). Carroquino MJ, Posada M, Landrigan PJ. Environmental Toxicology: Children at Risk. Environmental Toxicology. 2012;239-291. Published 2012 Dec 4. doi:10.1007/978-1-4614-5764-0_11
(2). Ledford, H. (2021). Deaths from covid‘incredibly rare’ among children. Nature, 595(7869), 639–639.
(3). Yılmaz K, Şen V, Aktar F, Onder C, Yılmaz ED, Yılmaz Z. Does Covid-19 in children have a milder course than Influenza? Int J Clin Pract. 2021 Sep;75(9):e14466. doi: 10.1111/ijcp.14466. Epub 2021 Jun 27. PMID: 34107134; PMCID: PMC8237020.
(4). Lee, Eun-Ju et al. “Thrombocytopenia following Pfizer and Moderna SARS-CoV-2 vaccination.” American journal of hematology vol. 96,5 (2021): 534-537. doi:10.1002/ajh.26132
(5). Wan EYF, Chui CSL, Lai FTT, Chan EWY, Li X, Yan VKC, Gao L, Yu Q, Lam ICH, Chun RKC, Cowling BJ, Fong WC, Lau AYL, Mok VCT, Chan FLF, Lee CK, Chan LST, Lo D, Lau KK, Hung IFN, Leung GM, Wong ICK. Bell’s palsy following vaccination with mRNA (BNT162b2) and inactivated (CoronaVac) SARS-CoV-2 vaccines: a case series and nested case-control study. Lancet Infect Dis. 2022 Jan;22(1):64-72. doi: 10.1016/S1473-3099(21)00451-5. Epub 2021 Aug 16. PMID: 34411532; PMCID: PMC8367195.
(6). “Vaccine Researcher Who Developed Tinnitus After COVID Calls for Further Study,” MedPage Today.