What To Do If You Feel Traumatized By The Latest Mass Shooting
By Lindsay Holmes AND Nats.news Commentary
At least 19 children and two teachers were killed on Tuesday in a school shooting at an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas.
Natalie’s Commentary:
It’s time to start from a place of truth.
Mainstream and social media’s focus is to constantly cover these horrific events affecting people’s psyche. Their dereliction of duty as journalists has become recidivism being complicit and culpable in not exposing and protecting the recidivism of crime and corruption of political knaves in the White House, Illegitimate Biden, Nancy Pelosi and her posse in Congress, rogue law enforcement agencies FBI, CIA, DOJ, DHS, DoD, Joint Chiefs Of Staff, CDC, FDA, rich elites, CEOs of big tech insidiously involved with China, a genocidal Communist dictatorship, a diabolical philanthropist like George Soros through his Open Society Foundation contributing to the domestic terrorist organizations Antifa and BLM, and campaigns of candidates who do not follow the rule of law and therefore will not implement the rule of law.
All of these truths affect the minds of the young and mentally ill. They see with their own eyes that society has become an unsafe place of extreme crime and corruption including the murderous scandal of the Director of the National Institute of Allergies & Infectious Diseases, Dr. Anthony Fauci, who through gain of function research was involved with EcoHealth Alliance donating millions to the P4 Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) where the Pfizer company built another lab for 200 scientists to work closely and genetically engineer COVID-19.
Releasing a biowarfare viral weapon into the world’s atmosphere and then within a 6 month timeframe, Pfizer-BioNtech, Moderna and Johnson and Johnson involved with government leaders releasing experimental genetic altering shots/jabs deceptively called “vaccines” with hundreds of dangerous adverse events including death affecting millions.
Research is now showing that the COVID-19 Spike protein in these experimental shots does a tremendous amount of damage to the immune system and travels to every major organ including the blood stream, the spine, and the brain. It has caused rampant depression among the young, middle aged, and seniors. In other words, it has worsened and multiplied the depression and mentally ill by at least a factor of two; doubled the number of the mentally ill. Think about what this does to the hope and faith of an entire society; suddenly everyone feels terribly unsafe.
Please take tender care of yourselves and your loved ones. We all know social media is ruining the minds of the young. Tiktok, a Chinese Communist app, is known to show horrific violent events and insidious pornographic pictures where there are as young as 11-year-olds watching these evil and inappropriate demented images now circling through their minds. It’s really a form of brainwashing and the Chinese know this and so does all of social media.
There is no one to hold any of these billionaire social media companies accountable. Presently, all the companies have implemented their algorithms to stop people from posting freedom of speech posts that do not agree with the crimes they are very busy covering up for all federal government agencies and themselves.
Salvador Ramos was 18 years old and killed 21 people including 19 innocent children and 17 injured most still in the hospital recovering. He had posted on Facebook his evil intentions including pictures of his 2 AR-15’s and 300 rounds of ammunition and shared this information with several people on social media. There were also pictures of him dressing as a woman that the media did not show the public. This is not to say that all transgenders commit these kinds of crimes. If the social media companies were honest and ethical they could implement flags, warnings to the appropriate officials of these kinds of individuals who are planning to commit a mass murder shooting.
There’s a lot of blame to go around but certainly implementing strategic protections at schools is past due. This has to be done in every school nationally. Video cameras at doors, in front, back, sides, in the classrooms can be watched from a central console area run by someone trained to protect the children, teachers, principals, cooks, custodial workers in each school.
~ Natalie
A horrendous truth about our world right now is that there will likely be another news story about a horrific mass shooting.
It’s not hard to feel personally affected by something so devastating, regardless of your own involvement. In fact, it may be out of your control: So-called vicarious trauma can be a biological response to horrifying events.
“It is absolutely a normal humanity’s response to be affected by tragedies like this,” Dan Reidenberg, a mental health expert and executive director of Suicide Awareness Voices of Education. “Our minds and our bodies respond as if we were there and, for some, that vicarious trauma is deeply impactful.”
How It Works
After widely covered events like mass shootings, vicarious trauma may cause anxiety or a general sense of helplessness even in those far from the actual tragedy. Watching and hearing about others in pain can also spark an empathetic response, because we all have some understanding of human suffering.
“The more we relate to a victim, the more intense the pain can be,” Reidenberg said. So if a victim was someone who was of your same religion or around your same age, for example, it can be even more difficult to process.
Vicarious trauma can lead to both physical and emotional symptoms, including stress, tension headaches, nausea, shortness of breath and restlessness, he said. Additionally, you may feel intense sadness and break into tears.
The unending news cycle can also contribute to these emotions. People are biased toward negativity ― in other words, although we say we like positive stories, many of us are more likely to tune in for horrific events. That’s true even though it’s not necessarily good for us: Studies have found that exposure to negative news can take a toll on a person’s mental health over time.
“Research shows that it’s stressful to watch people go through something like this,” David Kaplan, chief professional officer at the American Counseling Association. “Even if you’re far removed or living somewhere else, you can still feel traumatized.”
How To Take Care Of Yourself
It’s important to look after your mental health after tragic events, Reidenberg said. Here are a few recommendations for self-care in the coming days:
Don’t keep your feelings bottled up.
Talk about what you’re thinking with someone you trust, Reidenberg advised. “When we are distressed by something, the more we talk about it, the better off we are going to be,” he said. “There’s only so much ‘yuck’ we can handle before it begins to come out in unhealthy ways … so if you are feeling distress, say so.”
Keep to a normal routine.
“When tragic events like [mass shootings] in Las Vegas, Orlando, Colorado happen, we feel a loss of control in our lives and everything going on around us,” Reidenberg said. “The more we can stick to our normal routines, the more our brains and our bodies feel like we’re back in control.”
Try to follow the same sleeping and eating schedules. Go to work on time. Talk to your loved ones or exercise like you normally would.
Avoid unhealthy coping mechanisms.
That includes drinking alcohol, misusing drugs or any other risky behaviors that may put your health in jeopardy.
“Instead of relying on a ‘feel good’ drink, take a walk, listen to your favorite music, or get engulfed in a book that you’ve been putting off,” Reidenberg said.
Take a break from social media if you need to.
We live in a 24-hour information environment thanks to social media. Mental health experts often recommend signing off if the news is becoming too much. Find ways to distract your brain for a little while, like reading a book (which comes with its own health benefits).
Help other people if you can.
Research shows that extending kindness can help you feel better as well. Look into ways you can help victims and their families directly, or volunteer for a cause you care about.
Reach out if you need extra support.
“If your emotions feel out of control and they don’t seem to calm down within a day or two, make sure you talk with someone and get their support,” Reidenberg stressed. “If it continues longer than that ― or you find you are isolating, withdrawing from others, you’re more irritable and unable to sleep or eat ― it’s time to talk to a health care professional.”
This article was originally published in response to the Las Vegas shooting in October 2017, and it was updated after the Sutherland Springs, Texas, shooting in November 2017. And after Parkland, Florida, in February 2018. And after Santa Fe, Texas, in May 2018. And after Annapolis, Maryland, in June 2018. And after Pittsburgh in October 2018. And after Thousand Oaks, California, in November 2018. And after Virginia Beach in May 2019. And after El Paso, Texas in August 2019. And after Dayton, Ohio, in August 2019. And after Atlanta in March 2021. And after Boulder, Colorado, in March 2021. And after Brooklyn, New York in April 2022. And after Buffalo, New York in May 2022. And after Uvalde, Texas in May 2022. The advice provided here is applicable to any mass shooting (or traumatic news event).
If you or someone you know needs help, call 1-800-273-8255 for the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. You can also text HOME to 741-741 for free, 24-hour support from the Crisis Text Line. Outside of the U.S., please visit the International Association for Suicide Prevention for a database of resources.