“The Actors” We can just A little improvisation What part I’ll play the woman Now someone else’s. Where do want to meet? Well, yes For coffee The conversation And that’s where I’m sorry I got caught up How can anyone
by Natalie
Start from here.
And a
Lustrous imagination.
Shall you play?
You once loved
In your past.
There would only be
One place.
And a little lunch.
Was filled
With your eyes
Looking into mine.
I doing the same.
It started
And ended.
For being impetuous and
In the
Play Acting.
Pretend to know
Someone else
In just bits and pieces?
You played the part
Of a character actor.
And I was hoping for the main actor.
No official goodbyes.
I just decided to
Disappear one day.
How can anyone
Pretend to know
Someone else
In just bits and pieces?
The Beginning of the End. ~ Natalie